Document the use of the SensitiveArgument attribute (#173)
[GitHub/WoltLab/] /
1 import materialx.emoji
2 from markdown import markdown
4 def define_env(env):
5 @env.macro
6 def codebox(title = None, language = "", filepath = None, contents = ""):
7 if title is not None:
8 if filepath is not None:
9 editLink = f"""{env.variables['config']['repo_url']}tree/{env.variables['config']['edit_uri'].split("/")[1]}/snippets/{filepath}"""
10 icon = markdown(':material-link:',
11 extensions=['pymdownx.emoji'],
12 extension_configs={
13 'pymdownx.emoji': {
14 'emoji_index': materialx.emoji.twemoji,
15 'emoji_generator': materialx.emoji.to_svg
16 }
17 }
18 ).replace('<p>', '').replace('</p>', '')
20 return f"""
21 <div class="titledCodeBox">
22 <div class="codeBoxTitle">
23 <code>{title}</code>
24 <a class="codeBoxTitleGitHubLink" href="{editLink}" title="View on GitHub">{icon}</a>
25 </div>
26 ```{language}
27 --8<-- "{filepath}"
28 ```
29 </div>
30 """
31 else:
32 return f"""
33 <div class="titledCodeBox">
34 <div class="codeBoxTitle"><code>{title}</code></div>
35 ```{language}
36 {contents}
37 ```
38 </div>
39 """
40 else:
41 if filepath is not None:
42 return f"""
43 ```{language}
44 --8<-- "{filepath}"
45 ```
46 """
47 else:
48 return f"""
49 ```{language}
50 {contents}
51 ```
52 """