[GitHub/Stricted/Domain-Control-Panel.git] / templates / default / recordEdit.tpl
1 {include file="header.tpl"}
2 <div class="row">
3 <div class="col-lg-12">
4 <ol class="breadcrumb">
5 <li><a href="index.php?page=DomainList"><i class="fa fa-home"></i> Domain Control Panel</a></li>
6 <li class="active"><a href="index.php?page=RecordList&id={$soa['id']}">{$soa['origin']}</a></li>
7 </ol>
8 </div>
9 </div>
10 <div class="row">
11 <div class="col-lg-12">
12 <div class="page-header pull-right">
13 <a href="index.php?page=RecordList&id={$soa['id']}" class="btn btn-gr-gray"><i class="fa fa-list"></i> Einträge auflisten</a>
14 </div>
15 </div>
16 </div>
17 {if isset($success)}
18 <div class="alert alert-success">
19 Record erfolgreich bearbeitet.
20 </div>
21 {/if}
22 <form method="post" action="index.php?page=RecordEdit&id={$rr['id']}">
23 <div class="row">
24 <div class="col-lg-12">
25 <div class="panel panel-default">
26 <div class="panel-heading">Edit Record</div>
27 <div class="panel-body">
28 <div>
29 <fieldset>
30 <dl>
31 <dt>Host</dt>
32 <dd {if 'name'|in_array:$error}class="form-group has-error"{/if}>
33 <input type="text" id="name" name="name" value="{if isset($name)}{$name}{/if}" maxlength="255" class="form-control medium">
34 {if 'name'|in_array:$error}<span class="help-block">Please correct the error</span>{/if}
35 </dd>
36 </dl>
37 <dl>
38 <dt>TTL</dt>
39 <dd {if 'ttl'|in_array:$error}class="form-group has-error"{/if}>
40 <input type="number" id="ttl" name="ttl" value="{if isset($ttl)}{$ttl}{else}60{/if}" maxlength="255" class="form-control medium">
41 {if 'ttl'|in_array:$error}<span class="help-block">Please correct the error</span>{/if}
42 </dd>
43 </dl>
44 <dl>
45 <dt>Type</dt>
46 <dd {if 'type'|in_array:$error}class="form-group has-error"{/if}>
47 <select id="type" name="type" class="form-control medium">
48 <option label="A" value="A"{if isset($type) && $type == "A"} selected="selected"{/if}>A</option>
49 <option label="AAAA" value="AAAA"{if isset($type) && $type == "AAAA"} selected="selected"{/if}>AAAA</option>
50 <option label="CNAME" value="CNAME"{if isset($type) && $type == "CNAME"} selected="selected"{/if}>CNAME</option>
51 <option label="MX" value="MX"{if isset($type) && $type == "MX"} selected="selected"{/if}>MX</option>
52 <option label="PTR" value="PTR"{if isset($type) && $type == "PTR"} selected="selected"{/if}>PTR</option>
53 <option label="SRV" value="SRV"{if isset($type) && $type == "SRV"} selected="selected"{/if}>SRV</option>
54 <option label="TXT" value="TXT"{if isset($type) && $type == "TXT"} selected="selected"{/if}>TXT</option>
55 <!-- <option label="DNSKEY" value="DNSKEY"{if isset($type) && $type == "DNSKEY"} selected="selected"{/if}>DNSKEY</option> -->
56 <option label="DS" value="DS"{if isset($type) && $type == "DS"} selected="selected"{/if}>DS</option>
57 <option label="TLSA" value="TLSA"{if isset($type) && $type == "TLSA"} selected="selected"{/if}>TLSA</option>
58 <option label="NS" value="NS"{if isset($type) && $type == "NS"} selected="selected"{/if}>NS</option>
59 </select>
60 {if 'type'|in_array:$error}<span class="help-block">Please correct the error</span>{/if}
61 </dd>
62 </dl>
63 <dl id="aux"{if isset($type) && $type != "SRV" && $type != "DS" && $type != "TLSA" && $type != "MX"} style="display: none;"{/if}>
64 <dt>{if isset($type) && $type == "DS"}Key-ID{elseif isset($type) && $type == "TLSA"}Usage{else}Prio{/if}</dt>
65 <dd {if 'aux'|in_array:$error}class="form-group has-error"{/if}>
66 <input type="number" id="aux" name="aux" value="{if isset($aux)}{$aux}{else}0{/if}" maxlength="255" class="form-control medium">
67 {if 'aux'|in_array:$error}<span class="help-block">Please correct the error</span>{/if}
68 </dd>
69 </dl>
70 <dl id="weight"{if isset($type) && $type != "SRV" && $type != "DS" && $type != "TLSA"} style="display: none;"{/if}>
71 <dt>{if isset($type) && $type == "DS"}Algorithm{elseif isset($type) && $type == "TLSA"}Selector{else}weight{/if}</dt>
72 <dd {if 'weight'|in_array:$error}class="form-group has-error"{/if}>
73 <input type="number" id="weight" name="weight" value="{if isset($weight)}{$weight}{else}0{/if}" maxlength="255" class="form-control medium">
74 {if 'weight'|in_array:$error}<span class="help-block">Please correct the error</span>{/if}
75 </dd>
76 </dl>
77 <dl id="port"{if isset($type) && $type != "SRV" && $type != "DS" && $type != "TLSA"} style="display: none;"{/if}>
78 <dt>{if isset($type) && $type == "DS"}Digest Type{elseif isset($type) && $type == "TLSA"}Hash Type{else}port{/if}</dt>
79 <dd {if 'port'|in_array:$error}class="form-group has-error"{/if}>
80 <input type="number" id="port" name="port" value="{if isset($port)}{$port}{else}0{/if}" maxlength="255" class="form-control medium">
81 {if 'port'|in_array:$error}<span class="help-block">Please correct the error</span>{/if}
82 </dd>
83 </dl>
84 <dl id="data">
85 <dt>{if isset($type) && $type == "DS"}Digest{elseif isset($type) && $type == "TLSA"}Hash{else}Data{/if}</dt>
86 <dd {if 'data'|in_array:$error}class="form-group has-error"{/if}>
87 <input type="text" id="data" name="data" value="{if isset($data)}{$data}{/if}" maxlength="255" class="form-control medium">
88 {if 'data'|in_array:$error}<span class="help-block">Please correct the error</span>{/if}
89 </dd>
90 </dl>
91 </fieldset>
92 </div>
93 </div>
94 </div>
95 </div>
96 </div>
97 <div class="formSubmit" style="text-align: center;">
98 <input class="btn btn-gr-gray" name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" >
99 </div>
100 </form>
101 {include file="footer.tpl"}