# MTK project .rc configure on post-fs-data # # Connectivity related device nodes & configuration (begin) # #/dev/ttyMT2 for Connectivity BT/FM/GPS usage chmod 0660 /dev/ttyMT2 chown system system /dev/ttyMT2 # STP, WMT, GPS, FM and BT Driver # insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_hif_sdio.ko # insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_stp_wmt.ko # insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_stp_uart.ko # insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_stp_gps.ko # insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_stp_bt.ko # insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_fm_drv.ko # insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_wmt_wifi.ko insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_wmt_detect.ko # Create char device file for WMT, GPS, BT, FM, WIFI # mknod /dev/stpwmt c 190 0; # mknod /dev/stpgps c 191 0; # mknod /dev/stpbt c 192 0; # chmod 0660 /dev/stpwmt # chown system system /dev/stpwmt # # chmod 0660 /dev/wmtdetect # chown system system /dev/wmtdetect mknod /dev/wmtWifi c 153 0 chmod 0660 /dev/wmtWifi chown system system /dev/wmtWifi # BT # chmod 0660 /dev/stpbt # chown bluetooth radio /dev/stpbt # GPS # chown gps gps /dev/stpgps chown gps gps /sys/class/gpsdrv/gps/pwrctl chown gps gps /sys/class/gpsdrv/gps/suspend chown gps gps /sys/class/gpsdrv/gps/state chown gps gps /sys/class/gpsdrv/gps/pwrsave chown gps gps /sys/class/gpsdrv/gps/status chmod 0660 /dev/stpgps # WiFi mkdir /data/misc/wifi 0770 wifi wifi mkdir /data/misc/wifi/sockets 0770 wifi wifi mkdir /data/misc/wpa_supplicant 0770 wifi wifi chown wifi wifi /data/misc/wifi # FM Radio device node chmod 0660 /dev/fm chown system media /dev/fm #Disable for one Single loader # Load WiFi Driver # insmod /system/lib/modules/wlan.ko # Char device for BT 3.0 HS mknod /dev/ampc0 c 151 0 chown bluetooth bluetooth /dev/ampc0 chmod 0660 /dev/ampc0 # # Connectivity related device nodes & configuration (end) on boot # Refer to http://source.android.com/devices/tech/storage/index.html # It said, "Starting in Android 4.4, multiple external storage devices are surfaced to developers through # Context.getExternalFilesDirs(), Context.getExternalCacheDirs(), and Context.getObbDirs(). # External storage devices surfaced through these APIs must be a semi-permanent part of the device (such as an SD card slot in a battery compartment). # Developers expect data stored in these locations to be available over long periods of time." # Therefore, if the target has the SD card slot in a battery compartment, we need to specify SECONDARY_STORAGE (*** UN-Comment the following command ***) # # export SECONDARY_STORAGE /storage/sdcard1 service fuse_usbotg /system/bin/sdcard -u 1023 -g 1023 -w 1023 -d /mnt/media_rw/usbotg /storage/usbotg class late_start disabled # # Connectivity related services (Begin) # service wmtLoader /system/bin/wmt_loader user root group root class main oneshot service conn_launcher /system/bin/6620_launcher -p /system/etc/firmware/ user system group system class core # # Connectivity related services (End) # #[FEATURE]-Add-BEGIN by SCDTABLET.(meiqin),03/27/2015,928381,show version service getver /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/getver class late_start user root group root oneshot on property:sys.tct.curef=* setprop ro.tct.curef ${sys.tct.curef} #[FEATURE]-Add-END by SCDTABLET.(meiqin)