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Data Structures - JavaScript API#


JavaScript offers only limited types of collections to hold and iterate over data. Despite the ongoing efforts in ES6 and newer, these new data structures and access methods, such as for … of, are not available in the still supported Internet Explorer 11.


Represents a simple key-value map, but unlike the use of plain objects, will always to guarantee to iterate over directly set values only.

In supported browsers this will use a native Map internally, otherwise a plain object.

set(key: string, value: any)#

Adds or updates an item using the provided key. Numeric keys will be converted into strings.

delete(key: string)#

Removes an item from the collection.

has(key: string): boolean#

Returns true if the key is contained in the collection.

get(key: string): any#

Returns the value for the provided key, or undefined if the key was not found. Use .has() to check for key existence.

forEach(callback: (value: any, key: string) => void)#

Iterates over all items in the collection in an arbitrary order and invokes the supplied callback with the value and the key.

size: number#

This read-only property counts the number of items in the collection.


Represents a list of unique values.

In supported browsers this will use a native Set internally, otherwise an array.

add(value: any)#

Adds a value to the list. If the value is already part of the list, this method will silently abort.


Resets the collection.

delete(value: any): boolean#

Attempts to remove a value from the list, it returns true if the value has been part of the list.

forEach(callback: (value: any) => void)#

Iterates over all values in the list in an arbitrary order and invokes the supplied callback for each value.

has(value: any): boolean#

Returns true if the provided value is part of this list.

size: number#

This read-only property counts the number of items in the list.


This class uses a WeakMap internally, the keys are only weakly referenced and do not prevent garbage collection.

Represents a collection where any kind of objects, such as class instances or DOM elements, can be used as key. These keys are weakly referenced and will not prevent garbage collection from happening, but this also means that it is not possible to enumerate or iterate over the stored keys and values.

This class is especially useful when you want to store additional data for objects that may get disposed on runtime, such as DOM elements. Using any regular data collections will cause the object to be referenced indefinitely, preventing the garbage collection from removing orphaned objects.

set(key: Object, value: Object)#

Adds the key with the provided value to the map, if the key was already part of the collection, its value is overwritten.

delete(key: Object)#

Attempts to remove a key from the collection. The method will abort silently if the key is not part of the collection.

has(key: Object): boolean#

Returns true if there is a value for the provided key in this collection.

get(key: Object): Object | undefined#

Retrieves the value of the provided key, or undefined if the key was not found.

Last update: 2021-01-08