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Migrating from WSC 5.2 - PHP#


The ICommentManager::isContentAuthor(Comment|CommentResponse): bool method was added. A default implementation that always returns false is available when inheriting from AbstractCommentManager.

It is strongly recommended to implement isContentAuthor within your custom comment manager. An example implementation can be found in ArticleCommentManager.

Event Listeners#

The AbstractEventListener class was added. AbstractEventListener contains an implementation of execute() that will dispatch the event handling to dedicated methods based on the $eventName and, in case of the event object being an AbstractDatabaseObjectAction, the action name.

Find the details of the dispatch behavior within the class comment of AbstractEventListener.

Email Activation#

Starting with WoltLab Suite 5.3 the user activation status is independent of the email activation status. A user can be activated even though their email address has not been confirmed, preventing emails being sent to these users. Going forward the new User::isEmailConfirmed() method should be used to check whether sending automated emails to this user is acceptable. If you need to check the user's activation status you should use the new method User::pendingActivation() instead of relying on activationCode. To check, which type of activation is missing, you can use the new methods User::requiresEmailActivation() and User::requiresAdminActivation().


WoltLab Suite 5.3 provides a new framework to allow the administrator to easily edit newly created objects by adding an edit link to the success message. To support this edit link two small changes are required within your *AddForm.

  1. Update the template.


    {include file='formError'}
    {if $success|isset}
        <p class="success">{lang}{$action}{/lang}</p>


    {include file='formNotice'}

  2. Expose objectEditLink to the template.

    Example ($object being the newly created object):

        'success' => true,
        'objectEditLink' => LinkHandler::getInstance()->getControllerLink(ObjectEditForm::class, ['id' => $object->objectID]),

It is recommended by search engines to mark up links within user generated content using the rel="ugc" attribute to indicate that they might be less trustworthy or spammy.

WoltLab Suite 5.3 will automatically sets that attribute on external links during message output processing. Set the new HtmlOutputProcessor::$enableUgc property to false if the type of message is not user-generated content, but restricted to a set of trustworthy users. An example of such a type of message would be official news articles.

If you manually generate links based off user input you need to specify the attribute yourself. The $isUgc attribute was added to StringUtil::getAnchorTag(string, string, bool, bool): string, allowing you to easily generate a correct anchor tag.

If you need to specify additional HTML attributes for the anchor tag you can use the new StringUtil::getAnchorTagAttributes(string, bool): string method to generate the anchor attributes that are dependent on the target URL. Specifically the attributes returned are the class="externalURL" attribute, the rel="…" attribute and the target="…" attribute.

Within the template the {anchorAttributes} template plugin is newly available.

Resource Management When Scaling Images#

It was discovered that the code holds references to scaled image resources for an unnecessarily long time, taking up memory. This becomes especially apparent when multiple images are scaled within a loop, reusing the same variable name for consecutive images. Unless the destination variable is explicitely cleared before processing the next image up to two images will be stored in memory concurrently. This possibly causes the request to exceed the memory limit or ImageMagick's internal resource limits, even if sufficient resources would have been available to scale the current image.

Starting with WoltLab Suite 5.3 it is recommended to clear image handles as early as possible. The usual pattern of creating a thumbnail for an existing image would then look like this:

foreach ([ 200, 500 ] as $size) {
    $adapter = ImageHandler::getInstance()->getAdapter();
    $thumbnail = $adapter->createThumbnail(
    $adapter->writeImage($thumbnail, $destination);
    // New: Clear thumbnail as soon as possible to free up the memory.
    $thumbnail = null;

Refer to WoltLab/WCF#3505 for additional details.

Toggle for Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)#

Controllers delivering AMP versions of pages have to check for the new option MODULE_AMP and the templates of the non-AMP versions have to also check if the option is enabled before outputting the <link rel="amphtml" /> element.

Last update: 2021-01-08