# Linux # backup files *~ # Windows # thumbnails Thumbs.db # Mac OS X # metadata .DS_Store # thumbnails ._* # Visual Studio PHP *.sln *.phpproj *.puo *.suo *.cache # Netbeans nbproject/ catalog.xml nbactions.xml # Eclipse .settings/ .buildpath .classpath .project # SVN # svn folders .svn/ # PHPStorm .idea/ .nameencodings .xmlmisc .xmlmodules .xmlprojectCodeStyle .xmlvcs.xml *.imlworkspace .xml # Sublime Text 2 *.sublime-* # Textmate *.tmproj # Visual Studio Code .vscode/ # WoltLab Suite # Ignore packages build directly in the workspace. They can however be added manually via git add, if wanted. *.tar *.tar.gz # Node.js dist/* node_modules # Used for internal testing of the generated files. public/*