universal7580: un-commonise the audio effects configuration
[GitHub/LineageOS/android_device_samsung_universal7580-common.git] / BoardConfigCommon.mk
2020-12-13 Dario Trombellouniversal7580: Remove WIFI_DRIVER_NVRAM_PATH and WIFI_D...
2020-07-01 Dario Trombellouniversal7580: BoardConfigCommon: Include AudioFX again
2020-06-19 LuK1337universal7580: Drop TARGET_EXFAT_DRIVER flag
2020-06-19 Dario Trombellouniversal7580: BoardConfig: Remove TARGET_CPU_CORTEX_A53
2020-05-16 Danny Wooduniversal7580: fix mediaserver libstagefright_shim...
2020-04-12 Jan Altensenuniversal7580: shim mediaserver
2020-04-10 Jan Altensenuniversal7580: remove libui shim
2020-03-20 Ethan Chenuniversal7580: Use Soong namespace to avoid device...
2020-03-10 Dan Willemsenuniversal7580: Mark as having overridden commands
2020-03-10 Bruno Martinsuniversal7580: Create root folders outside of vendor...
2020-03-10 Bruno Martinsuniversal7580: Use XML audio policy configuration file
2020-03-10 Luca Stefaniuniversal7580: Specify we have a cache partition
2019-09-03 Jan Altensenuniversal7580: exclude audiofx lineage-17.0
2019-08-16 Jan Altensenuniversal7580: remove unused lineagehw impls
2019-08-16 Bruno Martinsuniversal7580: Adapt for local LineageHW java overlays
2019-08-16 Stricteduniversal7580: Remove ANDROID_BUILD_TOP
2019-08-16 Stricteduniversal7580: correct TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT to armv8-a
2019-08-16 Stricteduniversal7580: update bsp config flags
2019-08-15 Stricteduniversal7580: set NUM_FRAMEBUFFER_SURFACE_BUFFERS...
2019-08-15 Danny Wooduniversal7580: sepolicy: Add initial universal7580...
2019-08-15 Stricteduniversal7580: load wifi firmware from /vendor
2019-08-15 Stricteduniversal7580: build power hal
2019-08-15 Stricteduniversal7580: copy seccomp filter to vendor
2019-08-15 Paul Keithuniversal7580: Use sdFAT for exFAT
2019-08-15 Stricteduniversal7580: exclude ril headers for gvwifi
2019-08-15 Stricteduniversal7580: add common bluetooth configuration
2019-08-15 Stricteduniversal7580: shim omx libs
2019-08-12 Stricteduniversal7580: set recovery fstab
2019-08-12 Stricteduniversal7580: add seccomp policys
2019-08-12 Stricteduniversal7580: set backlight path
2019-08-12 Stricteduniversal7580: import common lineagehw classes
2019-08-12 Stricteduniversal7580: add common wifi board flags
2019-08-12 Stricteduniversal7580: build hardware/samsung OSS Audio HAL
2019-08-12 Stricteduniversal7580: add common BSP flags
2019-08-12 Stricteduniversal7580: basic skeleton tree