Author Commit
2024-02-16 WoltLab GmbHDeployed c9ba89a9 to 6.1 with MkDocs 1.5.3 and mike...
2024-02-16 Marcel WerkUpdate deprecations and removals
2024-02-08 WoltLab GmbHDeployed e5a7fdd9 to 6.1 with MkDocs 1.5.3 and mike...
2024-02-08 Marcel WerkUpdate deprecations and removals
2024-01-13 dependabot... Bump mkdocs-material from 9.4.2 to 9.5.3
2024-01-13 WoltLab GmbHDeployed dedd0496 to 6.1 with MkDocs 1.5.3 and mike...
2024-01-13 Alexander EbertMerge branch '6.0' into 6.1
2024-01-13 WoltLab GmbHDeployed c3bca707 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2024-01-13 Alexander EbertExplicitly run `pip install setuptools`
2024-01-13 Marcel WerkDocument `LanguageItemFormNode`
2024-01-10 Marcel WerkFix outdated usage of icons
2024-01-09 Marcel WerkDocument the deprecation of `WCF.User.Action.Follow`
2024-01-01 dependabot... Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5
2023-11-22 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 50c91a1c to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-11-22 Marcel WerkFix wrong icon name in acp menu example
2023-11-01 dependabot... Bump markdown from 3.4.4 to 3.5.1
2023-10-13 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 460b4294 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-10-13 Alexander EbertDocument the removal of `AttachmentBBCode::setAttachmen...
2023-10-02 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 14e95f32 to 6.1 with MkDocs 1.5.3 and mike...
2023-10-02 dependabot... Bump mkdocs-material from 9.3.1 to 9.4.2 (#399)
2023-10-02 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 888ee5f4 to 6.1 with MkDocs 1.5.3 and mike...
2023-10-02 dependabot... Bump mkdocs from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 (#400)
2023-09-18 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 2f6423f2 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-18 Alexander EbertDocument the icon usage for `userMenu.xml`
2023-09-15 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 92316132 to 6.1 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-15 dependabot... Bump mkdocs-material from 9.2.8 to 9.3.1 (#397)
2023-09-15 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 86388dbf to 6.1 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-15 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 9edf9b86 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-15 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '6.0' into 6.1
2023-09-15 WoltLab GmbHDeployed abd18a1f to 6.1 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-15 Tim DüsterhusUpdate the excludedpackage version in
2023-09-15 Tim DüsterhusAdjust version references from 6.0 to 6.1
2023-09-15 Tim DüsterhusSet title of 6.1 to WoltLab Suite 6.1 with mike 1.1.2
2023-09-15 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 4c393721 to 6.1 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-15 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 4c393721 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-15 Tim DüsterhusAdd 6.1 to deploy.yml
2023-09-15 Tim DüsterhusCopied 6.0 to latest with mike 1.1.2
2023-09-14 WoltLab GmbHDeployed fa32f8de to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-14 Alexander EbertAdd the documentation for CKEditor5 plugins
2023-09-13 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 7bf7204a to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-13 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 479c98b5 to 5.5 with MkDocs 1.4.2 and mike...
2023-09-13 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.5' into 6.0
2023-09-13 Tim DüsterhusSync the remaining TypeScript configuration files 5.5
2023-09-13 WoltLab GmbHDeployed d5a9b2bd to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-13 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.5' into 6.0
2023-09-13 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 473f0af8 to 5.5 with MkDocs 1.4.2 and mike...
2023-09-13 Tim DüsterhusMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/6.0' into 6.0
2023-09-13 Tim DüsterhusUpdate .eslintrc.js based on com.woltlab.wcf.conversation
2023-09-11 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 7c899cc0 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-11 Marcel WerkUpdate deprecations and removals
2023-09-09 WoltLab GmbHDeployed fcf30f66 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-09 Alexander EbertAdd the import statement to the dialog examples
2023-09-06 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 67a84feb to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-06 dependabot... Bump mkdocs-material from 9.2.6 to 9.2.8 (#396)
2023-09-05 WoltLab GmbHDeployed d72e2f22 to 5.5 with MkDocs 1.4.2 and mike...
2023-09-05 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.5' into 6.0
2023-09-05 Tim DüsterhusUpgrade to `actions/checkout@v4`
2023-09-05 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 2ed6a0b3 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-05 dependabot... Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#395)
2023-09-01 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 4da905bb to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-09-01 dependabot... Bump mkdocs-material from 9.2.1 to 9.2.6 (#394)
2023-08-25 WoltLab GmbHDeployed b2690139 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-08-25 Alexander EbertDocument the deprecation of `<options>` and `<permissions>`
2023-08-25 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 3f2b5580 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-08-25 Tim DüsterhusUpdate Valinor version
2023-08-22 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 77a6a1a0 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-08-22 Tim DüsterhusUpdate Valinor version
2023-08-22 WoltLab GmbHDeployed c43a21b7 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-08-22 Tim DüsterhusAdd PHP 8.3 polyfill to wsc55/libraries
2023-08-22 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 15ca69bd to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-08-22 dependabot... Bump mkdocs-material from 9.1.21 to 9.2.1 (#391)
2023-08-22 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 32f4e0af to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-08-22 dependabot... Bump markdown from 3.3.7 to 3.4.4 (#387)
2023-08-22 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 10e50fd9 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.2 and mike...
2023-08-22 dependabot... Bump mkdocs from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 (#392)
2023-08-22 WoltLab GmbHDeployed ac1f3c7e to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.1 and mike...
2023-08-22 dependabot... Bump mkdocs-macros-plugin from 1.0.2 to 1.0.4 (#390)
2023-08-11 WoltLab GmbHDeployed eee4f3ef to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.1 and mike...
2023-08-11 Alexander EbertAdd CKEditor 5 to the main menu
2023-08-11 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 096f3165 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.1 and mike...
2023-08-11 Alexander EbertAdd the documentation for the CKEditor 5 API
2023-08-01 WoltLab GmbHDeployed afc129e0 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.1 and mike...
2023-08-01 dependabot... Bump mkdocs-material from 9.1.17 to 9.1.21 (#389)
2023-08-01 WoltLab GmbHDeployed ee92fc8e to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.5.1 and mike...
2023-08-01 dependabot... Bump mkdocs from 1.4.3 to 1.5.1 (#388)
2023-08-01 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 44b110b0 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.4.3 and mike...
2023-08-01 dependabot... Bump mkdocs-macros-plugin from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 (#386)
2023-07-05 WoltLab GmbHDeployed fba95917 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.4.3 and mike...
2023-07-05 Marcel WerkAdd documentation for the `SelectFormField`
2023-07-05 WoltLab GmbHDeployed a93cfb70 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.4.3 and mike...
2023-07-05 Marcel WerkRemove outdated phrasing
2023-07-05 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 66b2d1d2 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.4.3 and mike...
2023-07-05 Tim DüsterhusUpdate minimum MySQL version
2023-07-03 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 027085e9 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.4.3 and mike...
2023-07-03 dependabot... Bump mkdocs-material from 9.1.16 to 9.1.17 (#384)
2023-06-26 WoltLab GmbHDeployed c4f867f1 to 6.0 with MkDocs 1.4.3 and mike...
2023-06-26 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 1f49dbf5 to 5.5 with MkDocs 1.4.2 and mike...
2023-06-26 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.5' into 6.0
2023-06-26 WoltLab GmbHDeployed 987a09e2 to 5.4 with MkDocs 1.2.3 and mike...
2023-06-26 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.4' into 5.5