Author Commit
2019-10-30 Pengcheng Chenosd: support 4K UI worked in 1080p output [1/1]
2019-10-30 Gongwei Chendts: sync w400_a form W400 [1/1]
2019-10-30 yicheng shenhdmirx: Optimize hdmirx power consumption [1/1]
2019-10-30 zhiwei.yuantvafe: garbage was seen when switch PAL to NTSC by...
2019-10-30 jintao xuvideosync: fix can not enter standby [1/1]
2019-10-29 Nanxin Qinmedia: add a member private for struct vb2_v4l2_buffer...
2019-10-29 Wenfeng Guoamvecm: add global motion information patch [2/2]
2019-10-29 Wenfeng Guodeinterlace: add patch for global motion information...
2019-10-29 yao liudv: graphic blend test failed on HDR TV [1/1]
2019-10-28 Cheng Wangamvecm: Coverity defect cleanup [1/1]
2019-10-28 yao liudv: graphic blend test failed on HDR TV [1/1]
2019-10-28 Gongwei Chenaudio: no_mclk for amp [1/1]
2019-10-28 shaochan.liulcd: add tcon_status debug interface [1/1]
2019-10-28 Evoke Zhanglcd: add prbs test support [2/2]
2019-10-28 zhiwei.yuanvdin: change "IS_ERR" invoking to "IS_ERR_OR_NULL"...
2019-10-28 Zongdong Jiaohdmitx: add missing 'product_desc' in SPD infoframe...
2019-10-28 Pengcheng Chenosd: set correct dummy data with window_axis control...
2019-10-28 Hong Guoreboot: add ffv_reboot mode [1/1]
2019-10-28 jintao xuvideosync: expire driven by vsync [1/1]
2019-10-28 Hong Guoreboot: add reboot reason sys infterface [1/1]
2019-10-28 yao liudv: osd display overexposure at 1080i [2/2]
2019-10-28 Hanjie Lindebug: improve ftrace_ramoops for io trace [1/1]
2019-10-28 Shuai Liaudio: coveriy fix [1/1]
2019-10-24 haiyuan xionggpu: for CtsDeviceLeanback case [1/3]
2019-10-22 Liang JiRevert "audio: auge: improve compatibility for eARC...
2019-10-21 Xihai Zhudi: fix pulldown 32 enter issue from vlsi-LiuYanling...
2019-10-21 Xing Wangaudio: auge: improve compatibility for eARC RX/TX conne...
2019-10-21 Qianggui Songirqchip: fix WARNNING of lockdep [1/1]
2019-10-21 zhiwei.yuanvdin: support afbce output for tm2 [1/1]
2019-10-21 qianqian.caideintlace: PQ the set of DI_MTN_CTRL [2/2]
2019-10-21 qianqian.caideintlace: PQ revert the set of di_belend_ctrl [1/2]
2019-10-21 Sunny Luospicc: fix the condition issue of dma [1/1]
2019-10-21 Gongwei Chentp: enble tp in w400 dts [2/2]
2019-10-21 Bencheng Jingvpp: dynamic adjust scaler path according to supsc0...
2019-10-21 zhiwei.yuanvdin: The picture received by the screenshot is the...
2019-10-21 junchao yuantuner: config cxd2856 tuner [4/6]
2019-10-18 Jiamin Mavts_bug: workaround for BpfRaceTest.testRaceWithoutBarr...
2019-10-18 Cheng Wangamvecm: control cm_en status [1/1]
2019-10-18 Xindong Xudalton: enable dynamic partition [1/7]
2019-10-17 jian.zhouaudio: fix spdif out no sound [1/1]
2019-10-17 Zhe Wangaudio: set audio path from frhdmirx through spdifin...
2019-10-17 Hong Guocpufreq: add different freqs variable for big&little...
2019-10-17 Evoke Zhangvdac: optimize the vdac controlling [1/1]
2019-10-17 Hong Guocpufreq: add different freqs variable for big&little...
2019-10-17 Yong Qincec: remove the delay time when get phy addr [1/1]
2019-10-17 Zhongfu Luoefuse: fix KASAN bug [1/1]
2019-10-17 yao liudv: display abnormal at 1080p24hz [1/1]
2019-10-17 Lei Yanghdmirx: keep SCDC_EN on [1/1]
2019-10-17 Nan Lisdio: optimize sdio tuning print [1/1]
2019-10-17 Xihai Zhuamvecm: have CMS setting applied in isr [1/1]
2019-10-17 MingLiang Donghdr: hdr tone mapping clip according to source max...
2019-10-17 shaochan.liulcd: 1.3.15 HS Exit compliance testing for 480p and...
2019-10-17 Mingyen Hungdts: keymaster4: Device ID attestation [2/2]
2019-10-16 Pengcheng Chenosd: fix osd source crop issue [1/1]
2019-10-16 Pengcheng Chenosd: set gxm afbc hardware reset correctly [1/1]
2019-10-16 xiancec: fix tv cec wake up select source issue [6/6]
2019-10-16 jian.zhouaudio: t9015 DACL_EN and DACR_EN only enable once ...
2019-10-16 fahui.fengaudio: add usb karaoke driver [1/1]
2019-10-16 Gongwei Chendts: A311D W400 add camera os08a10 [1/1]
2019-10-16 yao liudv: last frame display wrong [1/1]
2019-10-16 Hang Chenghdmirx: pinmux later so as to prevent abnormal hpd...
2019-10-16 Yong Qincec: Add Feature for freeze mode power on [2/2]
2019-10-16 Brian Zhuvpp: set the sr position reg correctly [1/1]
2019-10-16 Hong Guodvfs: update cpufreq table for sm1 corner [1/1]
2019-10-16 Brian Zhuamcsc: need force to send fake frame for matrix updatin...
2019-10-15 Nan Lisd: fix dts set err [1/1]
2019-10-15 Yong Qincec: Add Feature for freeze mode power on [1/2]
2019-10-15 Qiufang Daisuspend: fix freeze hangup which caused by insmod ...
2019-10-15 Nan Lisd: add sd power cycle for sd3.0 [1/1]
2019-10-15 Jiamin Mabacktrace: add validation checking for fp [1/1]
2019-10-14 Xindong Xunewton: sync ac214 to ac213 [2/2]
2019-10-12 Yong Qincec: Fix coverity error [1/1]
2019-10-12 Bencheng Jingamvecm: fix pc/game mode not close saturation [1/1]
2019-10-12 Gongwei Chendtsi: A311D w400 has only hdmi output by default, panel...
2019-10-12 Yong Qinvdin: Fix coverity error [1/1]
2019-10-12 MingLiang Donghdr: fix tl1 hdr no effect [1/1]
2019-10-12 Gongwei Chendts: add platform W200 [2/3]
2019-10-12 Pengcheng Chendv: fix one picture displayed playing mvc when dv is...
2019-10-12 MingLiang Dongamvecm: fix contrast adj without uv shift [1/1]
2019-10-12 yao liudv: screen highlighting when playing some videos [1/1]
2019-10-12 Evoke Zhangcvbsout: fix cgms bit mistake for NTSC [1/1]
2019-10-12 shaochan.liulcd: optimize ss_set in power_step [2/2]
2019-10-12 changqing.gaoramdump: support ramdump for tm2 [3/3]
2019-10-12 Pengcheng Chenosd: fix exit hdr play,screen flash for osd hdr matrix...
2019-10-12 Lei Yanghdmirx: modify recovery flow for aud_pll error [1/1]
2019-10-12 Evoke Zhangtvafe: reinit tvafe when atv demod rescan [1/1]
2019-10-12 zhiwei.yuanvdin: [side-effect]hdmi 4k,garbage is seen at the botto...
2019-10-12 robin zhudv: flash when start playing dv [1/1]
2019-10-12 Bencheng Jingamvecm: fix sat_hue_post ioctrl set error [1/1]
2019-10-12 Xingyu Chenwdt: add option to avoid the wdt is disabled casually...
2019-10-12 nengwen.chenatv_demod: fix atv non_std_en == 4 [1/1]
2019-10-12 Brian Zhudv: need update the right osd size for core2 [1/1]
2019-10-12 Xing Wangaudio: auge: toddr irq interrupt protection for freeze...
2019-10-12 Xihai Zhuamvecm: fix coverity issue detected [1/1]
2019-10-10 Pengfei ZhaoHID: core: move Usage Page concatenation to Main item...
2019-10-10 jie.yuanfib_rules: revert the fib_rules change for vts [1/1]
2019-10-09 Xihai Zhuamvecm: LC input matrix impovement [1/1]
2019-10-09 Chuangcheng... dvb: support two si2168(si2151/av2018) [2/3]
2019-10-09 zhiwei.yuanvdin: TvPlayer ANR when screen capture [1/1]
2019-10-09 zhiwei.yuanvdin: hdmi 4k,garbage is seen at the bottom [1/1]