Author Commit
2023-02-11 roynatech2544common: Fix neverallows of fastcharge rules
2022-12-11 Tim Zimmermannteegris: Label /dev/tziwshmem
2022-09-09 Tim Zimmermanncommon: Label AIDL memtrack HAL
2022-08-26 Tim Zimmermanncommon: Label AIDL health HAL
2022-08-26 Tim Zimmermanncommon: Label AIDL usb HAL
2022-08-26 Tim Zimmermanncommon: Label AIDL sensors multihal
2022-04-10 Tim Zimmermannfixup! common: label widevine/clearkey DRM hals
2022-04-10 Tim Zimmermanncommon: Label /data/vendor/display
2022-03-29 Josip Keleciccommon: label NFC HAL
2022-03-29 Josip Keleciccommon: label graphics files
2022-03-29 Josip Keleciccommon: label keymaster HAL
2022-03-29 Josip Keleciccommon: label widevine/clearkey DRM hals
2022-03-29 Tim Zimmermanncommon: label gpsd
2022-03-29 Tim Zimmermanncommon: label macloader
2022-03-29 Tim Zimmermanncommon: label samsung GNSS HAL
2022-03-29 Tim Zimmermanncommon: label partitions for older models
2022-03-29 Tim Zimmermanncommon: label lhd
2022-03-29 Tim Zimmermannmobicore: label mcDriverDaemon
2022-03-29 Tim Zimmermanncommon: Label USB HAL
2022-03-06 Michael Benedictcommon: Allow secril_config_svc to set radio_prop
2022-01-27 Tim Zimmermanncommon: remove FOD sepolicy lineage-19.0
2022-01-08 Tim Zimmermanncommon: label new AIDL vibrator HAL
2022-01-08 Tim Zimmermanncommon: label new AIDL light HAL
2022-01-08 programminghoch10common: drop properties with invalid vendor namespace
2022-01-08 Tim Zimmermanncommon: remove prop
2022-01-08 Francescodario... mobicore: legacy: do now allow tee to set system_prop
2022-01-08 Inseob KimAttach vendor_property_type to properties
2022-01-03 SamarV-121Revert "common: Label ro.gfx.driver.1 propertiy"
2022-01-03 SamarV-121common: Update radio prop context
2022-01-03 Michael Bestassepolicy: Switch to SYSTEM_EXT_{PUBLIC,PRIVATE}_SEPOLIC...
2021-08-23 Andreas Schneidercommon: Allow wifi HAL to read SAP interface prop for... lineage-18.1
2021-08-03 Andreas Schneiderteegris: Allow tzdaemon to write to /mnt/vendor/efs/tee
2021-07-18 SamarV-121mobicore: Add missing vendor_file_type attribute to...
2021-07-16 Andreas Schneiderteegris: Allow gatekeeper and keymaster HAL to use...
2021-07-16 Felixsepolicy: Use BOARD_VENDOR_SEPOLICY_DIRS
2021-07-16 SamarV-121mobicore: Add sepolicy for trustonic HALs
2021-07-16 SamarV-121mobicore: Lable /data/vendor/mcRegistry
2021-07-16 SamarV-121mobicore: Add sepolicy for /vendor/app/mcRegistry
2021-06-11 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label the touchscreen input enable node
2021-06-11 Arne Coucheroncommon: Resolve last_kmsg denials
2021-06-01 Andreas Schneidercommon: Allow macloader to set wifi props
2021-02-16 Tim Zimmermanncommon: label new AIDL power HAL
2021-02-08 josip-kcommon: label samsung sensors multihal
2021-02-03 Tim Zimmermanncommon: add policy for fastbootd
2021-01-22 Andreas Schneidervendor: Allow lineage fastcharge HAL to set prop and...
2021-01-22 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label fastcharge property
2021-01-22 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label /sys/devices/virtual/sec/switch/afc_disable
2021-01-22 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label lineage fastcharge HAL
2020-12-22 Jan Altensenmobicore: define type gatekeeper_efs_file
2020-12-22 Jan Altensenmobicore: split into legacy and treble folders
2020-12-10 Tim Zimmermanncommon: drop duplicate declaration of exported_camera_prop
2020-12-10 Tim Zimmermanncommon: add policy for touch HAL
2020-10-18 Henrik Grimlertee: add mobicore sepolicy for exynos8895
2020-10-18 Henrik Grimlercommon: add definition of sysfs_bt_writable
2020-09-07 Andreas Schneidercommon: Allow rild to read vendor_radio_pro
2020-08-17 Andreas Schneidercommon: Allow wifi hal to read log dir
2020-08-12 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label thermal nodes and give thermal HAL access
2020-08-12 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label android.hardware.thermal@2.0-service...
2020-07-13 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label touchscreen power off node
2020-07-07 Andreas Schneidercommon: Fix power hal access to cpu_dma_device
2020-07-06 Andreas Schneidercommon: Allow power HAL to change configs
2020-07-06 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label android.hardware.power@1.3-service.samsun...
2020-05-25 Andreas Schneidercommon: Allow secril_config_svc to search /mnt/vendor
2020-05-25 Andreas Schneidercommon: Allow lhd to access bbd sysfs
2020-05-25 Andreas Schneidercommon: Allow keymaster HAL to search /mnt/vendor/efs
2020-05-02 derfelotcommon: Allow hostapd to read its config
2020-05-01 Linux4common: add policy for powershare HAL
2020-04-16 Andreas Schneidercommon: Add policy for inscreen fp HAL
2020-04-13 derfelotcommon: Label rtc_status sysfs node
2020-04-13 derfelotcommon: Label efs battery files
2020-04-11 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label efs cpk files
2020-04-11 Andreas Schneidercommon: Add policy for gnss HAL
2020-04-11 Andreas Schneidercommon: Add policy for bluetooth HAL
2020-04-11 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label /data/zram
2020-04-11 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label rtc sysfs nodes
2020-04-09 Andreas Schneidercommon: Add hw context for new fingerprint HIDL
2020-04-08 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label ro.gfx.driver.1 propertiy
2020-04-08 Andreas Schneidercommon: Add epicd
2020-04-08 Andreas Schneidercommon: Add argosd
2020-04-08 Andreas Schneidercommon: Add lhd
2020-04-08 Andreas Schneidercommon: Add gpsd
2020-04-08 Andreas Schneidercommon: Allow wpa supplicant to access /data/vendor...
2020-04-08 Andreas Schneidercommon: Allow macloader to access efs files
2020-04-08 Andreas Schneidercommon: Add rild
2020-04-08 Andreas Schneidercommon: Add secril_config_svc
2020-04-08 Andreas Schneidercommon: Add cbd service
2020-04-08 Andreas Schneidercommon: Allow keymaster to search /mnt/vendor
2020-04-02 Andreas Schneidercommon: Do not allow to write to read only fs types
2020-04-02 Andreas Schneidercommon: Add policy for sensors HAL
2020-04-02 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label block devices
2020-04-02 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label efs partion
2020-04-01 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label ro.simbased.changetype property
2020-04-01 Andreas Schneidercommon: Allow the power hal to access its sysfs nodes
2020-04-01 Andreas Schneidercommon: Allow fingerprint HAL to read fingerprint sysfs
2020-04-01 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label sysfs fingerping nodes
2020-04-01 Andreas Schneiderteegris: Allow fingerpint HAL to access teegris
2020-04-01 Andreas Schneidercommon: Allow fingerprint hal to create /data/vendor...
2020-04-01 Andreas Schneidercommon: Give fingerprint HAL access to fp_sensor_device
2020-04-01 Andreas Schneidercommon: Label biometrics fingerprint service
2020-04-01 Andreas Schneidercommon: Use property labels from system/sepolicy