Author Commit
2019-10-16 Hong Guodvfs: update cpufreq table for sm1 corner [1/1]
2019-10-16 Brian Zhuamcsc: need force to send fake frame for matrix updatin...
2019-10-15 Nan Lisd: fix dts set err [1/1]
2019-10-15 Yong Qincec: Add Feature for freeze mode power on [1/2]
2019-10-15 Qiufang Daisuspend: fix freeze hangup which caused by insmod ...
2019-10-15 Nan Lisd: add sd power cycle for sd3.0 [1/1]
2019-10-15 Jiamin Mabacktrace: add validation checking for fp [1/1]
2019-10-14 Xindong Xunewton: sync ac214 to ac213 [2/2]
2019-10-12 Yong Qincec: Fix coverity error [1/1]
2019-10-12 Bencheng Jingamvecm: fix pc/game mode not close saturation [1/1]
2019-10-12 Gongwei Chendtsi: A311D w400 has only hdmi output by default, panel...
2019-10-12 Yong Qinvdin: Fix coverity error [1/1]
2019-10-12 MingLiang Donghdr: fix tl1 hdr no effect [1/1]
2019-10-12 Gongwei Chendts: add platform W200 [2/3]
2019-10-12 Pengcheng Chendv: fix one picture displayed playing mvc when dv is...
2019-10-12 MingLiang Dongamvecm: fix contrast adj without uv shift [1/1]
2019-10-12 yao liudv: screen highlighting when playing some videos [1/1]
2019-10-12 Evoke Zhangcvbsout: fix cgms bit mistake for NTSC [1/1]
2019-10-12 shaochan.liulcd: optimize ss_set in power_step [2/2]
2019-10-12 changqing.gaoramdump: support ramdump for tm2 [3/3]
2019-10-12 Pengcheng Chenosd: fix exit hdr play,screen flash for osd hdr matrix...
2019-10-12 Lei Yanghdmirx: modify recovery flow for aud_pll error [1/1]
2019-10-12 Evoke Zhangtvafe: reinit tvafe when atv demod rescan [1/1]
2019-10-12 zhiwei.yuanvdin: [side-effect]hdmi 4k,garbage is seen at the botto...
2019-10-12 robin zhudv: flash when start playing dv [1/1]
2019-10-12 Bencheng Jingamvecm: fix sat_hue_post ioctrl set error [1/1]
2019-10-12 Xingyu Chenwdt: add option to avoid the wdt is disabled casually...
2019-10-12 nengwen.chenatv_demod: fix atv non_std_en == 4 [1/1]
2019-10-12 Brian Zhudv: need update the right osd size for core2 [1/1]
2019-10-12 Xing Wangaudio: auge: toddr irq interrupt protection for freeze...
2019-10-12 Xihai Zhuamvecm: fix coverity issue detected [1/1]
2019-10-10 Pengfei ZhaoHID: core: move Usage Page concatenation to Main item...
2019-10-10 jie.yuanfib_rules: revert the fib_rules change for vts [1/1]
2019-10-09 Xihai Zhuamvecm: LC input matrix impovement [1/1]
2019-10-09 Chuangcheng... dvb: support two si2168(si2151/av2018) [2/3]
2019-10-09 zhiwei.yuanvdin: TvPlayer ANR when screen capture [1/1]
2019-10-09 zhiwei.yuanvdin: hdmi 4k,garbage is seen at the bottom [1/1]
2019-10-09 Lei Yanghdmirx: revert commit 86761 [1/1]
2019-10-09 Jiamin Mapage_trace: fix compile error [1/1]
2019-10-09 Qianggui Songir: cannot wakeup system when keep pressing power key...
2019-10-09 Zongdong Jiaohdmitx: reduce the delay time of plugout [1/1]
2019-10-09 Xingyu Chenkey: fix wakeup issues of gpiokey and adckey in freeze...
2019-10-09 nengwen.chenatv_demod: adds check exit status when scanning [2/2]
2019-10-09 Zhizhong ZhangAudio: Intermittently sluggish video observed on few...
2019-10-09 Tao Zengslab: trace for each slab object [1/1]
2019-10-09 yao liudv: osd icon display colored dots at 720p50hz [1/2]
2019-10-09 Evoke Zhangamvecm: add viu2 vsync support for gamma [1/1]
2019-10-09 Brian Zhuvpp: use the correct sr0 max width [1/1]
2019-10-09 Brian Zhuvpp: improve the csc and dv switch flow and policy...
2019-10-09 Bichao Zhengirblaster: meson: fix Coverity errors [1/2]
2019-10-09 baocheng sunion: ion_sync_for_device use swiotlb_dma_ops not dummy_...
2019-10-09 shuanglong... video: clear omx_pts_set_index when session switch...
2019-10-09 wenbiao zhangvad: enable tm2 vad wakeup [2/2]
2019-10-09 yao liudv: dolby tv core need bitmatch [1/1]
2019-10-08 Lei Yanghdmirx: add repeater22 [1/1]
2019-10-08 Bencheng Jingamvecm: add lc enable/disable in pc mode [1/1]
2019-10-08 yao liudv: osd icon display colored dots at 720p [1/1]
2019-10-08 yicheng shenhdmirx: fix hdcp2.2 request_mem_region fail issue ...
2019-10-08 Xindong Xumarconi: enable dynamic in Q [1/7]
2019-09-30 junchao yuandts: support many tuners with dtbo [3/4]
2019-09-25 changqing.gaoiomap: fix coverity errors [1/1]
2019-09-25 Jihong Suideinterlace: pq: fix combing_fix_en can not change...
2019-09-25 Hang Chenghdmitx: force to update glitch time after hdcp22 unmux...
2019-09-25 robin zhuvideo: dv: DV SDK, DRM infoframe in GBR order [1/1]
2019-09-25 jinrong.liaodts: add county and langurage prop for gva [1/1]
2019-09-25 Evoke Zhangtvafe: update 0x125 setting for tl1 av ntsc-m/pali...
2019-09-25 Qiufang Daifreeze: add IRQF_NO_SUSPEND for ir irq flag for avoid...
2019-09-25 Tao Zengramdump: not set sticky register if ramdump disabled...
2019-09-25 shaochan.liulcd: add lcd_init_level to control lcd display [2/2]
2019-09-25 Cao Jianpicdec: fix no scale mode, frame stretch [1/1]
2019-09-25 he.heusb: xHCI host not responding to stop endpoint command...
2019-09-25 Xingyu Cheniio: adc: coverity defect cleanup [1/1]
2019-09-25 Jihong Suideinterlace: fix suspend di cause undefined instruction...
2019-09-25 Rui Wangvideo: fix video axis no changes when enable hold video...
2019-09-25 yao liudv: display abnormal when seeking [1/1]
2019-09-23 Jianxin PanMerge branch 'amlogic-4.9-dev' into bringup/amlogic...
2019-09-20 Bencheng Jingamvecm: fix pure black scene adjust contrast affected...
2019-09-20 nengwen.chenatv_demod: fix first sound carrier output in nicam...
2019-09-20 Jihong Suideinterlace: vpp: change mc update flow [1/1]
2019-09-20 Jihong Suideinterlace: optimize reset/light unreg flow [1/1]
2019-09-20 Jihong Suideinterlace: delete reg_req_flag_irq to avoid failed...
2019-09-20 yao liudv: display green when hotplug hdmi after boot [1/1]
2019-09-20 Tao Zengvmap: fix wrong mmu setting in check sp funciton [1/1]
2019-09-20 Tao Zengevent: restore watch point after cpu pm event [1/1]
2019-09-19 Xing Wangaudio: auge: fix kcontrol chip info [1/1]
2019-09-19 Cao Jianosd: modify VPP_OSD_SC_DUMMY_DATA alpha conditions...
2019-09-19 nengwen.chenatv_demod: remove 44.25 repeat try signal [1/1]
2019-09-19 Xihai Zhuamvecm: add addr protect for register program [1/1]
2019-09-18 Qianggui Songir: fix coverity unchecked return value issue [1/1]
2019-09-18 Xing Wangaudio: auge: add eARC_TX/ARC_TX driver for tm2 [1/1]
2019-09-18 Xing Wangaudio: update eARC_RX/ARC_RX driver [1/1]
2019-09-18 Wenfeng Guodeinterlace: fix bright edge at the top when beans...
2019-09-18 Jihong Suideinterlace: fix blend setting err [1/1]
2019-09-18 Todd KjosRAVENPLAT 2652: RAVEN - Android Security Bulletin ...
2019-09-18 Mathias PayerRAVENPLAT 2390:OSS vulnerability found in [boot.img...
2019-09-18 Hanjie LinRAVENPLAT 2387:OSS vulnerability found in [boot.img...
2019-09-18 Hanjie LinRAVENPLAT 2381:OSS vulnerability found in [boot.img...
2019-09-18 Hanjie LinRAVENPLAT 2378:OSS vulnerability found in [boot.img...
2019-09-18 Hanjie LinRAVENPLAT-2379:OSS vulnerability found in [boot.img...
2019-09-18 Rico Yangamvideo: omx consecutive drop should happen only after...