Author Commit
2017-02-20 Abhisek DevkotaAutomatic translation import
2017-02-03 Abhisek DevkotaAutomatic translation import
2017-01-31 Zhao Wei LiewRevert "allow override of cabc file via property"
2017-01-31 Luca Stefanicmhw: Add reading mode
2017-01-30 Christopher... power: Directly compare chars
2017-01-30 Christopher... power: Add PROFILE_MAX to enum
2017-01-30 Christopher... power: Make boostpulse_warned static
2017-01-30 Christopher... power: Remove unused local variables
2017-01-30 Christopher... power: Consolidate verbose logging
2017-01-30 Christopher... power: Update module author
2017-01-30 Christopher... power: Remove outdated comments
2017-01-30 Christopher... liblights: Check for hardware support on HAL open
2017-01-30 Christopher... power: Get panel backlight brightness from lights helper
2017-01-30 Christopher... liblights: Expose panel brightness in helper lib
2017-01-30 Christopher... power: Allow devices to override node paths
2017-01-30 Christopher... liblights: Scale brightness if necessary
2017-01-30 Christopher... liblights: Allow devices to override node paths
2017-01-29 Christopher... power: Fix unused argument
2017-01-29 Christopher... power: Simplify read_panel_brightness()
2017-01-27 Abhisek DevkotaAutomatic translation import
2017-01-16 Paul Keithdtbhtool: Add LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
2017-01-08 Christopher... Allow targets to build dtbhtool
2017-01-08 Christopher... dtbhtool: Rename unpackbootimg to avoid conflicts
2017-01-08 Christopher... dtbhtool: Split out dtimg components
2017-01-08 Christopher... dtbhtool: Move target defs to header
2017-01-08 Christopher... dtbhtool: Fix missing PATH_MAX macro from limits.h
2017-01-08 Ketut Putu... Samsung Exynos DTBH device tree support
2017-01-08 Ketut Putu... Add signature support
2017-01-08 Ketut Putu... Initial commit, from CM's system/core
2016-12-23 RGIBmacloader : add murata MAC addresses
2016-12-22 blinky@build01Automatic translation import
2016-12-21 clyde@build01Automatic translation import
2016-12-11 RGIBmacloader : add n5120 murata MAC address
2016-12-10 RGIBmacloader : add n5110 murata MAC address
2016-11-29 inky@build01Automatic translation import
2016-11-23 ishantvivekpower: Update DT2W_PATH
2016-10-14 Cal Archermacloader: add another semco3rd OUI for klte (SM-G900F)
2016-08-29 pinky@build01Automatic translation import
2016-08-27 pinky@build01Automatic translation import
2016-07-30 Christopher... libril: Remove unused include stable/cm-13.0-ZNH5Y
2016-07-19 Kevin F. HaggertyDisplayModeControl: Add null check to setMode()
2016-07-15 Luca StefaniUnbreak AdvancedDisplay
2016-07-14 blinky@build01Automatic translation import
2016-07-13 pinky@build01Automatic translation import
2016-07-13 Christopher... power: Add double tap to wake support
2016-07-13 Arne CoucheronAdvancedDisplay: Fix build error
2016-07-13 Ethan Chenpower: Fix compilation failure
2016-07-13 Christopher... power: Fix I/O business parameter setting
2016-07-13 Christopher... power: Add support for auto power modes
2016-07-10 Zhao Wei Liewcmhw: Add DisplayModeControl support
2016-07-02 Zhao Wei Liewhardware: Clean up CMHW and AdvancedDisplay
2016-05-31 Dheeraj CVRexynos: multimedia: implement proper EOS signalling...
2016-05-09 Arnab Chaudhuriliblights: Add BLN support
2016-04-16 Michael BestasAutomatic translation import
2016-04-15 Simon Shieldsexynos4: gralloc: we have an ALIGN macro, use it
2016-04-15 Christopher... ril: Restore alphabetical order for modem barrier
2016-04-14 messi2050libril: add initial support for tss310 modem
2016-04-11 Andreas Schneiderlibril: Use a board flag for video call field
2016-04-05 Michael BestasAutomatic translation import
2016-03-29 Christopher... libril: Remove RIL_REQUEST_DIAL_EMERGENCY
2016-03-28 Andreas Blaesiusril: fix libril if we don't overwrite the header in...
2016-03-28 Christopher... libril: Move vendor commands header
2016-03-27 Michael BestasAutomatic translation import
2016-03-22 deadman96385Move Advanced Display so exynos5/7 can use it
2016-03-21 Javi Ferrerexynos4: squash opensource libUMP
2016-03-21 Simon Shieldsexynos4: commonize AdvancedDisplay [1/3]
2016-03-15 Christopher... modemloader: Use hw.revision instead of ro.revision
2016-03-11 RGIBmacloader: add n5100 murata wifi address stable/cm-13.0-ZNH0E
2016-03-08 Christopher... libsecril-client: Use the correct incall audio paths
2016-03-06 Christopher... libril: Make ST-E Thor M7450 and Intel XMM7260 next...
2016-03-06 Andreas Schneiderpowerhal: Add set_profile support
2016-03-01 Christopher... macloader: Add another SEMCO mac address half
2016-02-22 Pavel ZhamaitsiakFix memory leaks and use of uninitialized pointers.
2016-02-17 Simon Shieldsril: fix $(filter ...) derp
2016-02-15 Brandon McAnshril: Group next gen Samsung modem's in same CFLAG
2016-02-11 Simon Shieldscmhw: add SunlightEnhancement/MDNIE Outdoor mode support
2016-02-09 Saylibril: add initial support for ss333 modem
2016-02-01 Christopher... power: Ensure node_path is a string literal
2016-01-28 Christopher... Initial unified Samsung lights HAL
2016-01-25 Andreas Schneidermodemloader: Fix compilation warnings
2016-01-21 Christopher... Initial unified Samsung power HAL
2016-01-07 Android-Andilibsecril-client: spell AUDIO correctly
2016-01-04 Christopher... Allow all devices to build the modemloader
2016-01-03 Christopher... Initial modemloader service
2015-12-19 Andreas SchneiderAdd wifiloader
2015-12-12 Christopher... ril: Unify network elements property check
2015-12-08 Dheeraj CVRexynos: multimedia: speed up color conversion from...
2015-11-30 Caio Schnepperlibgralloc: Fix refresh rate calculation
2015-11-23 forkbomblibril: fix compilation with debugging enabled
2015-11-09 rogersb11samsung: Compilation fixes
2015-10-23 Andreas Schneiderril: Use debug log level and not error
2015-10-23 Andreas Schneiderril: Fix network operator search
2015-10-19 Caio Schnepperexynos4: Fix build of hwc and gralloc
2015-10-19 Nathan HaroldModify RIL Unsol Message Wakelock to 200ms
2015-10-19 Prerepa ViswanadhamModem activity info
2015-10-19 Chih-Hung HsiehAdd missing extern "C" declaration.
2015-10-19 Robert GreenwaltRemove verbose logs
2015-10-19 fengluLink Capacity Estimation - RIL support
2015-10-19 Vinit DeshpandeFix build issues after the merge
2015-10-19 Mark Salyzynlibril: tag RILC messages to radio log