Author Commit
2016-05-20 Fabii547Replaces all click events with WCF_CLICK_EVENT
2016-05-19 Marcel WerkFixed html syntax issue
2016-05-19 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2016-05-19 Alexander EbertOverhauled search area
2016-05-19 Alexander EbertAdded getter function to retrieve active page object
2016-05-19 Marcel WerkFixed disabling of static cms pages
2016-05-19 Marcel WerkAdded 'position' column in menu list
2016-05-19 Matthias SchmidtAdd missing @throws tag in AJAXInvokeAction
2016-05-19 Marcel WerkRemoved obsolete/unused options
2016-05-18 Matthias SchmidtAdd AbstractMultiCategoryCondition
2016-05-18 Marcel WerkAdded 'most online users' to statistics box
2016-05-18 Marcel WerkChanged default icon color in footerBoxes
2016-05-17 Alexander EbertEnforced proper paragraphs and block nesting
2016-05-16 Marcel WerkFixed preview of box images
2016-05-16 Matthias SchmidtAdd @throws tag for IPermissionObject::checkPermissions()
2016-05-16 Matthias SchmidtFix return type of Category::getObjectType()
2016-05-16 Marcel WerkMinor box layout improvements
2016-05-16 Marcel WerkFixed default value reset
2016-05-16 Marcel WerkDecreased paddings in 'page footer copyright' section
2016-05-16 Marcel WerkFixed issue in box management
2016-05-16 Marcel WerkFixed removing of disabled menu items
2016-05-15 Matthias SchmidtRemove unused local variables
2016-05-15 Alexander EbertAdded visuals for spoilers
2016-05-15 Alexander EbertAdded `isBlockElement` for bbcodes
2016-05-15 Alexander EbertAdded proper support for bbcodes during output
2016-05-15 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2016-05-15 Matthias SchmidtReplace removed `$`
2016-05-15 Matthias SchmidtFix content header of captchaQuestionAdd template
2016-05-14 Alexander EbertSome cleanup
2016-05-14 Alexander EbertAdded prototype BBCode -> HTML parser
2016-05-13 Matthias SchmidtFix header of package installation confirm page
2016-05-12 Matthias SchmidtLet MenuItemNode and PageNode extend DatabaseObjectDeco...
2016-05-12 Matthias SchmidtFix import order
2016-05-12 Matthias SchmidtAdd missing @return tags
2016-05-12 Marcel WerkAdded icon size 64
2016-05-12 Marcel WerkAdded pageID as a data attribute to the body tag
2016-05-12 Marcel WerkFixed js issue in box / menu item management
2016-05-11 Matthias SchmidtAdd missing imports
2016-05-11 Matthias SchmidtAdd @mixin (and @method) elements for decorator classes
2016-05-10 Matthias SchmidtThrow PHP's \InvalidArgumentException
2016-05-10 Matthias SchmidtUpdate documentation of IHistorySavingObjectTypeProvide...
2016-05-10 Matthias SchmidtAdd @property documentation for DatabaseObjectList...
2016-05-10 Matthias SchmidtAdd @method documentation for IObjectTypeProvider imple...
2016-05-10 Matthias SchmidtAdd @method documentation for DatabaseObjectList implem...
2016-05-08 Matthias SchmidtFix import order
2016-05-08 Matthias SchmidtUse \PDO::fetchAll() instead of PreparedStatement:...
2016-05-07 Matthias SchmidtAdd PreparedStatement::fetchColumns()
2016-05-07 Matthias SchmidtAdd \PDOStatement methods as PHPDoc methods to Prepared...
2016-05-07 Matthias SchmidtFix parameter documentation
2016-05-07 Matthias SchmidtFix array property documentations
2016-05-07 Matthias SchmidtFix method return values
2016-05-07 Matthias SchmidtFix property type in Highlighter
2016-05-07 Matthias SchmidtRemove unused imports
2016-05-07 Matthias SchmidtAdd missing NOT NULL for wcf1_user_profile_visitor...
2016-05-06 Matthias SchmidtThrow InvalidArgumentException for invalid condition...
2016-05-06 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch 'master' into next
2016-05-06 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '2.0'
2016-05-06 Tim DüsterhusMake FileUtil::getMimeType() return application/octet...
2016-05-06 Tim DüsterhusAdd missing image check in StyleEditor::import()
2016-05-06 Tim DüsterhusFix error handling in StyleAction::upload()
2016-05-06 Matthias SchmidtFix creating/editing boxes without controller
2016-05-06 Matthias SchmidtAdd box identifier as data attribute to box
2016-05-05 Matthias SchmidtUse PHP 5 syntax
2016-05-04 Matthias SchmidtProperly handle AbstractSelectCondition without options
2016-05-04 Matthias SchmidtFix import order
2016-05-04 Matthias SchmidtAdd support for conditioned boxes and object list boxes
2016-05-04 Matthias SchmidtFix import order
2016-05-04 Matthias SchmidtMerge branch 'master' into next
2016-05-03 Marcel WerkFixed box edit issue
2016-05-03 Marcel WerkAdded box links
2016-05-03 Marcel WerkFixed issue in menu item handler
2016-05-03 Marcel WerkImproved tagging result page
2016-05-02 Alexander EbertPage controller is immutable
2016-05-02 Alexander EbertUse of `concat` instead of `{capture}`
2016-05-02 Alexander EbertFixed page editing
2016-05-02 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2016-05-02 Alexander EbertOverhauled 'Add Page' UI
2016-05-01 Marcel WerkRemoved deprecated css classes
2016-05-01 Marcel WerkUnified benchmark templates
2016-05-01 Alexander EbertOverhauled ACP user menu
2016-05-01 Alexander EbertFixed use-statement order
2016-05-01 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2016-05-01 Alexander EbertAdded missing button icon
2016-05-01 Alexander EbertUpdated edit history
2016-05-01 Alexander EbertFixed message inline editing
2016-05-01 Matthias SchmidtRemove obsolete content in English language item
2016-05-01 Alexander EbertAdded search keyword highlighting
2016-05-01 Alexander EbertFixed user profile visuals
2016-04-30 Alexander EbertMoved the "No-JS"-Warning
2016-04-30 Alexander EbertIncrease gap between sitemap item groups
2016-04-30 Matthias SchmidtAdd support for static boxes in PIP
2016-04-30 Alexander EbertAdded proper styling for `.formError`
2016-04-30 Alexander EbertUnified footer copyright appearance
2016-04-30 Alexander EbertFixed positioning of unread interactive dropdown items
2016-04-30 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2016-04-30 Alexander EbertAdded ACP-'To Top' link, increase ACP menu width
2016-04-29 Alexander EbertUpdated footer markup and styles
2016-04-29 Marcel WerkFixed error reporting in database setup
2016-04-29 Alexander EbertUpdated footer
2016-04-29 Marcel WerkSetup style overhaul