Author Commit
2018-08-02 Joshua RüswegAdd reaction copy action
2018-08-02 Joshua RüswegDetermine legacy reaction types for likes
2018-08-02 Joshua RüswegRebuild cached reactions on like rebuild
2018-08-02 Joshua RüswegDeprecate the LikeUserRebuildDataWorker class
2018-08-02 Joshua RüswegRemove like user rebuild worker
2018-08-02 Joshua RüswegRename option like_allow_for_own_content to fit to...
2018-08-02 Joshua RüswegAlways enable option like_show_summary, to avoid issues...
2018-08-02 Joshua RüswegDisable like_enable_dislike option
2018-08-02 Joshua RüswegRemove and disable like_show_summary option
2018-08-01 Joshua RüswegAdd mobile react buttons for mobileNavigation
2018-08-01 Joshua RüswegFix cleanup issue
2018-08-01 Joshua RüswegIgnore react buttons in mobile navigation
2018-08-01 Joshua RüswegAdd ability to exclude items from mobile navigation
2018-08-01 Joshua RüswegAdd missing react language var
2018-08-01 Joshua RüswegRemove thumbs for article items
2018-08-01 Joshua RüswegFix superfluous empty line
2018-08-01 Joshua RüswegRebuild reaction stats on user rebuilding
2018-08-01 Joshua RüswegAdd ReactionType(Add|Edit)Form
2018-08-01 Joshua RüswegAdd language variables for reaction conditions
2018-08-01 Joshua RüswegAdd conditions for reactions
2018-07-31 Joshua RüswegAdd missign permission checks for reactions
2018-07-30 Joshua RüswegAdd reputation for user profiles
2018-07-28 Joshua RüswegCorrect reaction on sorted react buttons
2018-07-28 Joshua RüswegSort reactions by showOrder in frontend
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtMerge branch 'formBuilder' into reactions
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtMerge branch 'next' into formBuilder
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtRemove scalar type hints for parameters
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtRemove explicit return types
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtMerge branch 'formBuilder' into reactions
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtMerge branch 'next' into formBuilder
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtRemove explicit return types
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtRemove remaining `declare(strict_types=1);`
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtMerge branch 'formBuilder' into reactions
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtMerge branch 'next' into reactions
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtRemove remaining `declare(strict_types=1);`
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtMerge branch 'next' into formBuilder
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtRemove remaining `declare(strict_types=1);`
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtRevert "Add `declare(strict_types=1);`"
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtFix nested option support for non-filterable single...
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtMerge branch 'next' into formBuilder
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtAdd `ISelectOptionOptionType` interface
2018-07-27 Matthias SchmidtAdd `II18nOptionType` interface
2018-07-25 Joshua RüswegFix phpDoc comment
2018-07-25 Joshua RüswegRename likes to reactions in user profile menu
2018-07-25 Joshua RüswegAdd user profile reaction list
2018-07-25 Joshua RüswegAdd only reaction activity event if the object support...
2018-07-24 Marcel WerkChanged the searchaction metadata into json-ld
2018-07-22 Joshua RüswegClose reactionPopover on clicking somewhere in the...
2018-07-22 Joshua RüswegRemove superfluous empty line
2018-07-22 Joshua RüswegFix wrong summaryListSelector
2018-07-22 Joshua RüswegAdapt the old like system to the new reaction system
2018-07-22 Joshua RüswegAdd missing module check for reaction buttons
2018-07-22 Joshua RüswegFix summary selector for singleItems
2018-07-21 Matthias SchmidtRemove scalar type hints from form builder API
2018-07-21 Matthias SchmidtRemove strict types declaration from form builder API
2018-07-21 Matthias SchmidtRemove return types from form builder API
2018-07-19 Joshua RüswegAdd ReactionHandler::removeReacts method
2018-07-19 Joshua RüswegAdd reaction notification support for profile comment...
2018-07-19 Joshua RüswegAdd reaction notification support for profile comments
2018-07-18 Matthias SchmidtFix issues with ItemListFormField
2018-07-17 Marcel WerkAdded missing tooltip for box edit button
2018-07-17 Marcel WerkExplicit type-casting for subject
2018-07-13 Matthias SchmidtFix outdated implementation of ShowOrderFormField:...
2018-07-13 Matthias SchmidtAdd missing documentation
2018-07-13 Matthias SchmidtAdd missing strict types declarations
2018-07-13 Matthias SchmidtFix variable name in TMultipleFormField::maximumMultiples()
2018-07-13 Matthias SchmidtAdd missing import (for documentation)
2018-07-13 Matthias SchmidtRemove unused imports
2018-07-13 Matthias SchmidtUnify method names in ClassNameFormField
2018-07-12 Matthias SchmidtMerge branch 'next' into formBuilder
2018-07-12 Matthias SchmidtMerge branch 'master' into next
2018-07-12 Matthias SchmidtAdd radioButton support for WoltLabSuite/Core/Ui/ItemLi...
2018-07-12 Matthias SchmidtFix value and validation-related issues in TI18nFormField
2018-07-12 Matthias SchmidtUpdate custom form field data processors
2018-07-12 Matthias SchmidtAdd support for floated (radiobutton) form field
2018-07-12 Marcel WerkImproved mobile support for dailymotion videos
2018-07-12 Alexander EbertGlobal modification log list
2018-07-10 Alexander EbertMerge branch '3.0'
2018-07-10 Alexander EbertRecognition of unicode mentions, guard against invalid...
2018-07-10 Alexander EbertLookup dialog for WYSIWYG editor icons
2018-07-10 Alexander EbertOptional share buttons for CMS pages
2018-07-10 Alexander EbertInclude the item count on the following/blocked users...
2018-07-10 Alexander EbertPlaceholder for counter badges in the content title
2018-07-10 Alexander EbertNew option to disable the image proxy's auto-pruning
2018-07-09 Alexander EbertSupport for random order in article list boxes
2018-07-09 Alexander EbertCustom sort order for articles per category
2018-07-09 Marcel WerkMerge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/3.0'
2018-07-09 Marcel WerkImproved detection of internal URLs (IMG bbcode)
2018-07-09 Marcel WerkMerge branch '2.1' into 3.0
2018-07-09 Alexander EbertSearch for users by their user id
2018-07-09 Marcel WerkImproved detection of internal URLs (IMG bbcode)
2018-07-09 Alexander EbertBox controller for the latest profile comments
2018-07-07 Matthias SchmidtProperly set properties for option-less selection form...
2018-07-07 Matthias SchmidtFix `SingleSelectionFormField::validate()`
2018-07-07 Matthias SchmidtAdd missing method in `RadioButtonFormField`
2018-07-07 Matthias SchmidtFix check for form field validation
2018-07-05 Joshua RüswegFix trophies could not be awarded correctly under certa...
2018-07-04 Alexander EbertUpdating the release date 3.1.4
2018-07-02 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2018-07-02 Alexander EbertAdded support for the `steam://` protocol, unified...