Author Commit
2021-07-03 Strictedamlogic: osd: Fix self assign warnings
2021-07-03 Strictedamlogic: osd: Fix comparsion checks
2021-07-03 Strictedamlogic: amvecm: Fix if check warnings
2021-07-03 Strictedamlogic: di_multi_v3: Fix enum conversion warning
2021-07-03 Strictedamlogic: di_multi: Remove extra parentheses
2021-07-03 Strictedamlogic: di_multi: Fix dolby_sys header guard
2021-07-03 Strictedamlogic: di_multi: Fix enum conversion warnings
2021-07-03 Strictedamlogic: film_mode_fmw: Fix self assign warning
2021-07-03 Strictedamlogic: deinterlace: Fix indentation
2021-07-03 Strictedamlogic: hifi4dsp: Fix null check
2021-07-03 Strictedamlogic: esm: Fix indentation
2021-07-03 Strictedamlogic: clk: Remove unused variables
2021-07-03 Strictedvmscan: Fix enum conversion warning
2021-07-03 Strictedtreewide: Remove unknown warning build flags
2021-06-21 Liang Jikernel: source code upgrade for adt3-R [1/1]
2020-04-15 Yong Qincec: pw down save phy addr [1/1]
2020-03-04 Pengcheng Chenosd: fix osd bootanimation shift [2/2]
2020-02-21 Cheng Wanghdr: hdr10+ color abnormal for androidQ [1/1]
2020-02-10 Liang Jidts: add new unifykey [2/2]
2020-02-05 Liang Jideadpool-y3: add oemkey [1/1]
2020-01-09 Qiufang Daisuspend: fix freeze abort hangup which caused by insmod...
2020-01-06 Xindong Xudeadpool: enable new mailbox routine for G12A [1/1]
2020-01-03 Tellen Yuuvm: add meson uvm driver [1/1]
2020-01-03 Xindong XuMerge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/trunk/bringup...
2020-01-01 Brian Zhudv: fix first frame garbage with dual dv [1/1]
2019-12-31 Qiufang DaiG12A: enable new mailbox routine for G12A [3/3]
2019-12-31 Qiufang DaiMailbox: fix mailbox rx_size issue.[2/3]
2019-12-30 Brian Zhuvpp: add vframe src_fmt struct and function [1/1]
2019-12-30 Ao Xuuvm: copy the vframe to dma_buf one time [1/1]
2019-12-26 Jian Wangcodec_mm: fix fastplay can not alloc twice [2/3]
2019-12-26 rongrong zhoudi: copy vframe pts_us64 to start_pts64 [1/1]
2019-12-26 renjiang.hanvideo_composer: window position is abnormal. [1/1]
2019-12-26 Brian Zhuvpp: check the vframe type for recycle buffer [1/1]
2019-12-25 shipeng.suncodec_mm: add protect secure memory in codec_mm [1/1]
2019-12-25 Pengguang Zhutee: add api tee_protect_tvp_mem [1/1]
2019-12-25 renjiang.hanv4lvideo: add support for multiple input formats. ...
2019-12-24 Brian Zhuvpp: add recycle buffer q after unreg [2/2]
2019-12-24 qianqian.caideintlace: add recycle buffer q after unreg [1/2]
2019-12-23 Wayling Chenmailbox: sm1: pass irdeto ifcp testing [1/2]
2019-12-23 Shunzhou Jiangdts: sm1: add dts parameters [1/1]
2019-12-23 Chao Liutsync: fix video not smooth in vmaster mode [1/1]
2019-12-23 Brian Zhuvpp: init the blackout_policy as 0 [1/2]
2019-12-23 Shunzhou Jiangmbox: sm1: add devnode and supoort duplex [1/1]
2019-12-23 Hong Guodvfs: update cpufreq tables for ac214 [1/1]
2019-12-20 renjiang.handts: add video_composer for tm2_t962e2_ab311. [1/1]
2019-12-18 Yong Qincec: no port out define in g12a, g12b dts [1/1]
2019-12-18 jintao xuvideo_composer: fix black when hdmi hou-plug [1/1]
2019-12-17 Hanjie LinRevert "ftrace: enable preempt and irqsoff tracer defau...
2019-12-17 Ao Xuuvm: add meson uvm driver [1/1]
2019-12-17 Zongdong Jiaohdmitx: Fix parsing of HDR10plus and Dovi VSVDBs [1/1]
2019-12-17 yao liudv: Coverity defect cleanup [1/1]
2019-12-17 jintao xuvideo_composer: fix 3 channel crop error [1/1]
2019-12-16 Tellen YuMerge "power: Disable unused modules [1/1]" into bringu...
2019-12-16 henry.tsoupower: Disable unused modules [1/1]
2019-12-16 rongrong zhoucodec_mm: enlarge reserved_block_mm_M [1/1]
2019-12-16 rongrong zhouv4l2: drop frames [1/3]
2019-12-13 Brian Zhudv: do not use internal chip_id function by other modul...
2019-12-13 Pengcheng Chenvpp: set dv process after vd1_mif_correct [1/1]
2019-12-13 rongrong zhouv4l2: drop frames [1/3]
2019-12-13 rongrong zhoucodec_mm: enlarge reserved_block_mm_M [1/1]
2019-12-12 Pengcheng Chenvpp: fix vd1 afbc mif regs overwritten by vd2 [1/1]
2019-12-12 jintao xuamvideo: fix axis not update when video is paused ...
2019-12-12 jintao xudi: increase di_cma for two channel di [1/2]
2019-12-11 Jihong Suideinterlace: fix buf for multi-view [1/1]
2019-12-11 Ao Xusw_sync: fix video_composer fence timeout issue [1/1]
2019-12-11 Jihong Suideinterlace: for multi-view [1/1]
2019-12-10 Pengcheng Chenvpp: fix afbc mif setting error caused vd2 display...
2019-12-10 Pengcheng Chenvpp: fix afbc mif setting error caused video display...
2019-12-09 yao liuDV: display black at smpte mode [2/2]
2019-12-09 Pengcheng Chenosd: update osd freescaler reg every hwc cmd [1/1]
2019-12-09 Pengcheng Chenvpp: fix video afbc crop setting error [1/1]
2019-12-09 Cao Jianosd: add canvas alignment for line length [1/4]
2019-12-09 Pengcheng Chenvpp: vpp video path vframe support RGB mode [1/1]
2019-12-09 Pengcheng Chenvideo: fixed video coverity error [1/1]
2019-12-09 Pengcheng Chenosd: fixed osd coverity error [1/1]
2019-12-09 Cao Jiandts: modify display_size_default for recovery buffer...
2019-12-09 Cao Jiangdc: fix gdc coverity issue [1/1]
2019-12-09 henry.tsouEVT Thermal throttling control mechanism
2019-12-09 Cao Jiange2d: fix ge2d coverity issue [1/1]
2019-12-09 Brian Zhudv: improve the dv process flow [1/1]
2019-12-06 Brian Zhudv: add dv target output mode [1/1]
2019-12-06 Pengcheng Chenvpp: display frame_width/height info for video_composer...
2019-12-06 Zongdong Jiaohdmitx: correct the threshold value of rxsense [1/1]
2019-12-05 Zongdong Jiaohdmitx: revert original hpd_state mark [1/1]
2019-12-05 Xindong Xudeadpool: add dts for sm1_s905y3_deadpool [2/3]
2019-12-04 Zongdong Jiaohdmitx: Fix parsing of HDR10plus and Dovi VSVDBs [1/1]
2019-12-04 Zongdong Jiaohdmitx: add a fake hpd for system test [1/1]
2019-12-04 Zongdong Jiaohdmitx: update edid attach after reading once [1/1]
2019-12-04 Hang Chenghdmitx: optimize for power up flow [1/1]
2019-12-04 Zhengrong.Zhuhdmitx: Coverity(upgraded) defect cleanup: hdmitx ...
2019-12-04 Zhengrong.Zhuhdmitx: Playback HLG video color is abnormal during...
2019-12-03 Zongdong Jiaohdmitx: fix sda hold low issue [1/1]
2019-12-02 Yong Qincec: cec b ARB timing cause cec 9.6.1 fail [1/1]
2019-12-02 Brian Zhuamvideo: add dv support for video_receiver [1/2]
2019-12-01 Peng Yixinmedia_module: h264 playback crash [1/1]
2019-11-29 Zongdong Jiaohdmitx: update PHY parameters [2/2]
2019-11-29 Tellen YuMerge "osd: fix reboot quiescent caused screen blank...
2019-11-29 Hong Guocpufreq: close pdvfs function by dts [1/1]
2019-11-29 Hong Guocpufreq: according efuse info to use different tables...
2019-11-29 henry.tsouPDVFS: enable PDVFS feature [1/2]