Author Commit
2024-07-07 Bruno Martinsg12: Copy media firmware directly from the source
2024-07-07 Bruno Martinsg12: Properly build external kernel modules
2024-07-07 Bruno Martinsg12: Uncoditionally build dumpstate HAL dependency
2024-07-07 Aaron Klingg12: Remove software omx codec references
2024-06-21 Bruno Martinsg12: Patch libs for missing GraphicBufferMapper symbols
2024-06-21 Michael Bestasg12: Build missing libraries for 14 QPR3
2024-06-21 Bruno Martinsg12: Use common power-libperfmgr
2024-06-21 Mikhail Naganovg12: Switch to Audio HAL V6
2024-06-21 Tim Zimmermanng12: Set manifest target-level to 5
2024-06-11 Nolen Johnsong12: Update sm1 files from April sabrina build
2024-06-11 Nolen Johnsong12: Update vendor security patch level from wade
2024-06-10 Nolen Johnsong12: Fix firmware extraction with VENDOR_BRAND
2024-06-10 Nolen Johnsong12: Allow vendor and vendor_brand to diverge
2024-06-10 Nolen Johnsong12: Pull keymint to devices
2024-06-09 Nolen Johnsong12: Stop setting QCA wifi only property
2024-06-09 Nolen Johnsong12: Split g12a/sm1 proprietary files
2024-06-09 Nolen Johnsong12: Pull Netflix HAL / DroidLogic apps in
2024-06-09 Nolen Johnsong12: Mount factory partition and make /mnt/vendor/...
2024-05-23 Nolen Johnsong12: Fixup PQModule typo
2024-05-22 Nolen Johnsong12: Drop reserved sizes
2024-05-21 Nolen Johnsong12: Set console/baud rate conditionally
2024-05-20 Nolen Johnsong12: Move default BT MAC to common
2024-05-20 Nolen Johnsong12: Commonize a few things
2024-05-20 Nolen Johnsong12: Commonize ueventd.rc
2024-05-20 Nolen Johnsong12: init-files: ueventd: Add one node that gx uses
2024-05-08 Nolen Johnsong12: Allow including console support
2024-05-04 Nolen Johnsong12: Move non-overriding keylayouts/idc's to device...
2024-05-04 Nolen Johnsong12: Stop declaring/starting services that don't exist
2024-05-04 Nolen Johnsong12: Stop settings OEM key from ro.boot property
2024-05-03 Nolen Johnsong12: Copy cgroups configs from system/core where possible
2024-05-03 Nolen Johnsong12: Reclassify unsorted blobs
2024-05-02 Nolen Johnsong12: Decommonize ATV OEM key
2024-05-02 Nolen Johnsong12: Remove unused properties
2024-05-02 Nolen Johnsong12: Stop copying Generic.kl
2024-05-02 Nolen Johnsong12: Allow GPU to be overriden
2024-05-02 Nolen Johnsong12: Remove property duplicated in aml/common
2024-04-29 Nolen JohnsonRevert "g12: Ship full recovery image"
2024-04-23 Nolen Johnsong12: Allow some SOCs to fall back to gx tree
2024-03-27 Roger Liaog12-common: Update kernel target level
2024-03-19 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Declare vulkan lib as a symlink during...
2024-02-25 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Do not set BOARD_SYSTEM_EXTIMAGE_EXTFS_INOD...
2024-02-21 Nolen Johnsong12: Make reserved sizes fit on tablet builds
2024-02-15 Nolen Johnsong12: DFUService is in GMS now
2024-01-29 Nolen Johnsong12: Unconditionally build BT deps
2024-01-13 Jarl-Penguing12: Ship full recovery image
2024-01-13 Tim Zimmermanng12: Inherit
2024-01-03 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Allow extracting only firmware images
2024-01-03 Michael Bestasg12-common: Add firmware extraction support
2023-12-28 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Prefer 'cache' backing storage
2023-12-26 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Do not limit inodes on all partitions with...
2023-12-26 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Drop space reservation for GMS in vendor...
2023-12-18 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Put oemlock support behind TEE flag
2023-12-16 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Only build optee kernel module on targets...
2023-12-11 Nolen Johnsong12-common: Include device specific rc
2023-11-28 Nolen Johnsong12-common: sort-blobs-list
2023-11-28 Nolen Johnsong12-common: Fix sort-blobs-list
2023-11-21 Nolen Johnsong12-common: Add a readme detailing SOC support
2023-11-14 Nolen Johnsong12-common: Copy ramdisk to first_stage_ramdisk as...
2023-10-31 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Run systemcontrol_static in recovery mode
2023-10-28 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Remove no longer existing module
2023-10-28 LuK1337g12-common: Build libprotobuf-cpp-lite-3.9.1-vendorcompat
2023-10-27 Sal Savageg12-common: Use the ?= operator so BT properties can...
2023-10-25 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Build Widevine DRM HAL dependencies
2023-10-23 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Properly support AVB and non-AVB targets
2023-10-23 Michael Bestasg12-common: init-files: Mark boot as recoveryonly
2023-10-22 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Undeclare duplicated Widevine DRM HAL inter...
2023-10-04 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Update from TTT1.230205.001
2023-10-04 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Invert keymaster deps inclusion logic
2023-10-04 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Remove default keymaster service
2023-10-04 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Skip keymaster vendor deps unless target...
2023-10-04 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Only copy HW keystore permission on support...
2023-09-29 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Skip ATV specific blobs on non-ATV targets
2023-09-29 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Fix Vulkan support
2023-09-29 Michael Bestasg12-common: Automatically add apk/jar/vintf fragments...
2023-07-19 Bruno Martinsg12-common: Allow targets to include additional manifests
2023-07-11 Nolen Johnsong12-common: Decommonize super partition size
2023-05-17 Nolen Johnsong12-common: Align extractors with templates
2023-04-10 Christian Hoffmanng12: Also put fstab to first_stage_ramdisk
2023-03-11 Nolen Johnsong12: Categorize permissions
2023-03-11 Nolen Johnsong12: Deduplicate gamepad permission
2023-01-22 razorlovesg12: Don't limit inodes on /product
2022-12-20 Christian Hoffmanng12: Adjust partition reservations
2022-12-10 Christian Hoffmanng12: Decommonize libsecmem
2022-12-10 Nolen Johnsong12: Build necessary ndk_platform shims needed by blobs
2022-12-10 Bruno Martinsg12: Remove conflicting blur_sysprop_notifier prebuilt
2022-12-10 Nolen Johnsong12: treewide: TTT1.220909.001.B7-9305992
2022-09-26 Nolen Johnsong12: Temporarily disable sdr2hdr
2022-08-30 Timi Rautamäkig12: adjust reserved space for 12 gapps
2022-07-05 Nolen Johnsong12: Move the common stuff to amlogic/common
2022-07-04 Sebastiano... g12: Refactor partition flags
2022-07-04 Bruno Martinsg12: overlay: Remove config_enableMultiUserUI
2022-07-04 Wang Hang12: Remove config_tether_upstream_types overlay
2022-07-04 Bruno Martinsg12: Change proprietary makefiles inheritance order
2022-07-03 Nolen Johnsonfixup! "g12: Drop duplicated property"
2022-07-03 Nolen Johnsong12: Drop duplicated property
2022-07-03 Bruno Martinsg12: Guard bluetooth support properly
2022-06-18 Jan AltensenRevert "g12: Remove androidboot.dynamic_partitions...
2022-06-11 Nolen Johnsong12: Inherit from basic amlogic/common tree
2022-06-11 Bruno Martinsg12: Unset BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
2022-06-10 Roman Kiryanovg12: Replace audio@2.0-service with audio.service