Author Commit
2019-06-10 zhaoxp3Defenderconfig: disable crash key
2019-06-10 Wen Xiearm64/dts: Update Capsensor parameters
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: fix wrong refer TDNR parameters
2019-06-10 xff[COMMON]fimc-is2: fix rear3 camera level selection...
2019-06-10 xffarm64/dts: camera: Troika : add rear3 dvfs scenario
2019-06-10 dengwei1arch/arm: sync with samsung to remove erase on sdcard
2019-06-10 zhaoxp3arm/dts: update carrier id map
2019-06-10 libm1[COMMON] fimc-is2: fix ois bu24218 read ois cal data...
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: change 2X5SP setting (shading power...
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: fix GM1SP wrong settings
2019-06-10 wangdw10Defenderconfig: Troika : add eeprom support
2019-06-10 xffDefenderconfig: Troika : Add eeprom support
2019-06-10 xff[COMMON] fimc-is2: Add dual sync settings for 5E9 ...
2019-06-10 xffarm/dts: camera: Troika : add dual sync mode for 5E9...
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[9610][Troika ] dtsi: camera: add OTP use option for 5E9
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: add OTP cal read for 5E9
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: code clean about CIS OTP
2019-06-10 xff[COMMON] fimc-is2: support get actual af position of...
2019-06-10 xff[COMMON]fimc-is2: fix mode change error
2019-06-10 xff[COMMON]fimc-is2: add OV12A10/OV12A10FF/OV16885C eeprom...
2019-06-10 xffarm64: dts: Troika : add eeprom support
2019-06-10 a17671usbpd:Pickup the missing USBPD change
2019-06-10 Wen Xiepower: Add CHARGE_NOW function
2019-06-10 Wen Xiepower: Add CHARGE_FULL function
2019-06-10 a17671debug-snapshot:Increase the pstore mem size
2019-06-10 a17671usbpd:Add the missing changes back
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: fix wrong addr setting for Rear2 cal
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[9610] fimc-is2: enable option for TDNR YIC always...
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: add option for always use TDNR YIC...
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: move flash control timing with strea...
2019-06-10 Dohyun Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: set init low state for mclk of 5e9...
2019-06-10 xffarm64: dts: Troika : update camera dtsi to use 900KHz...
2019-06-10 xuwei9dtsi: PD charger current support
2019-06-10 xuwei9kernel: PD charger support
2019-06-10 xingbin[Kane]:[user]: modify frame rate to 55fps for hix8311...
2019-06-10 Taekki Kim[Kane][9610] arm64: dts: disable bcm ip for G2D
2019-06-10 zhaoxp3Defenderconfig: disable CONFIG_DEBUG_SNAPSHOT_CRASH_KEY
2019-06-10 xingbin[Kane]:[user]modify backligt chipset(lm36923) config...
2019-06-10 xuwei9dtsi:oppo ta support config
2019-06-10 guoyc1chub: fix sendCmd error
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[9610] fimc-is2: unDefender CSIS OVERFLOW panic option
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: update GM1SP setfiles
2019-06-10 Wooyeon KimRevert "[COMMON] fimc-is2: distinguished GM1 setting...
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[HACK][9610] fimc-is2: force panic when camera launchin...
2019-06-10 Jeongtae Park[COMMON] fimc-is2: discriminate actual DTP and force...
2019-06-10 Jeongtae Park[COMMON] fimc-is2: remove meaningless blanks
2019-06-10 Jeongtae Park[COMMON] fimc-is2: the dtp_timer should be activated...
2019-06-10 Jeongtae Park[COMMON] fimc-is2: delete pending dtp_timer
2019-06-10 Jeongtae Park[COMMON] fimc-is2: add 'SENSOR_MODULE_GOT_INTO_TROUBLE'
2019-06-10 Jeongtae Park[COMMON] fimc-is2: use memset to clear all states of...
2019-06-10 Wooki Min[COMMON] fimc-is2: add checking stream on state
2019-06-10 Wooki Min[COMMON] fimc-is2: remove del_timer
2019-06-10 xff[COMMON]fimc-is2: update sensor setting according to...
2019-06-10 xff[COMMON] fimc-is2: Troika : fix ov sensor again error
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[HACK][9610] fimc-is2: operate c2 disable to nonblockin...
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: do not duplicate dw9839 actuator...
2019-06-10 Junhan Bae[LV][RAMEN9610-12412][Robusta2][9610] usbpd : update...
2019-06-10 zhangh12secure: tee log will be enabled via debug token
2019-06-10 xuwei9dts:turbo charger support
2019-06-10 xuwei9kernel:turbo charger support
2019-06-10 dengwei1arch/arm: sdcard enable uhs mode
2019-06-10 yaozm1asoc:add support for in-call music
2019-06-10 yaozm1arm/dts:Add support for in-call music play
2019-06-10 Dohyun Kim[9610] fimc-is2: set exposure val to 4 times when 24M...
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[9610][Robusta2] dtsi: camera: set internal vc offset
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: adjust internal vc dma offset by...
2019-06-10 Wooyeon KimRevert "[COMMON] fimc-is2: add condition for flash...
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: fix wrong setting for pre_flash...
2019-06-10 Dohyun Kim[9610] fimc-is2: fix coarse integration standard at...
2019-06-10 Dohyun KimRevert "[9610] fimc-is2: Reduce coarse_int time from...
2019-06-10 Dohyun Kim[9610] fimc-is2: remove unpair release_lock at gm1sp cis
2019-06-10 Dohyun Kim[9610] fimc-is2: modify sysreg Defenderault value that...
2019-06-10 Dohyun Kim[9610] fimc-is2: add camif_mux_val for set Defenderault...
2019-06-10 Dohyun Kim[9610] arm64: dtsi: Fix fimc_is_sensor2 use only dma2 ch
2019-06-10 lingsen1rebase samsung Feb17
2019-06-10 sunyue5Troika : Defenderconfig: change platform configs for...
2019-06-10 Wen Xiechub: ipc: fix kernel panic by runtime error
2019-06-10 Dohyun Kim[9610] fimc-is2: provice ddk/setfile version by meta...
2019-06-10 xuwei9kernel:thermal bat thermistor change
2019-06-10 sunyue5wlbt: Enabling GSCAN in SLSI Wifi Driver.
2019-06-10 xff[Troika ][Camera]Bug fix - solve the problem that ov...
2019-06-10 Dohyun Kim[9610] fimc-is2: set init low state for mclk of 5e9
2019-06-10 wangdw10[COMMON] fimc-is2: update actuator init settings and...
2019-06-10 wangdw10kane: arm/dts: camera: update camera dtsi to fix AF...
2019-06-10 Dohyun Kim[9610][HACK] fimc-is2: adjust a frequency of log at...
2019-06-10 xuwei9dtsi:turbo charger 3A current
2019-06-10 Wen Xiesensor: According to datasheet modify Sar Sensor Power
2019-06-10 sunyue5Revert "wlbt: Enabling GSCAN in SLSI Wifi Driver."
2019-06-10 dengwei1kane: input add ic_ver file for himax touch
2019-06-10 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: set frame_count in VRA_shot
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[9610] fimc-is2: add 5e9 throttling mode
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[9610] fimc-is2: add 2x5sp throttling mode
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[9610] fimc-is2: add gm1 throttling mode
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: add thermal throttling cis mode...
2019-06-10 Dohyun Kim[9610] fimc-is2: Reduce coarse_int time from 15 to 2
2019-06-10 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: get exposure value always from RTA
2019-06-10 libm1[COMMON] fimc-is2: update ois bu24218gwl settings
2019-06-10 tanhua1modify backlight chip configration for black screen
2019-06-10 xuwei9dtsi: Troika 2A DCP support
2019-06-10 guoyc1chub: ipc: fix ipc loss issue with ipc_read timeout