Author Commit
2018-02-05 Alexander EbertAdded warning when using ReCAPTCHA w/o a key
2018-02-03 Matthias SchmidtFire event for Google Maps authentication error
2018-01-21 Matthias SchmidtReset user group priority after saving new user group
2017-11-19 Marcel WerkFixed PHP7.2 issue
2017-11-16 Alexander EbertPreparing release 2.1.19 2.1.19
2017-11-16 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2017-11-16 Alexander EbertAdded recognition of `<a>` and `text-decoration` variations
2017-11-06 Alexander EbertFixed option type of internal uuid
2017-11-06 Alexander EbertAlmost disabled browser caching for unsaved attachments
2017-10-23 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2017-10-23 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2017-10-16 Alexander EbertUpdate label preview on init
2017-09-08 Alexander EbertPreparing release 2.1.18 2.1.18
2017-09-08 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2017-09-01 Alexander EbertFixed return key inside nested lists
2017-08-20 Alexander EbertFixed newline handling for centered content inside...
2017-08-10 Alexander EbertForce reloading notifications when marking all as read
2017-08-04 Alexander EbertPreparing release 2.1.17 2.1.17
2017-07-31 Matthias SchmidtFix English comment response like user notification...
2017-07-23 jens1oFix parameter check in font/getFont.php
2017-07-06 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2017-07-06 Alexander EbertFixed mention handling
2017-07-04 Alexander EbertFixed a z-index issue on mobile
2017-07-04 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2017-07-04 Alexander EbertFixed newline handling after `</table>`
2017-07-04 Alexander EbertFixed newline handling inside of tables
2017-07-03 Alexander EbertFixed compatibility w/ ancient PHP versions
2017-06-28 Alexander EbertWork-around for a bug in Chrome's XSS auditor
2017-06-27 Alexander EbertFixed application check for favicon output
2017-06-22 Alexander EbertPreparing release 2.1.16 2.1.16
2017-06-21 Joshua RüswegMerge branch '2.0' into 2.1
2017-06-21 Joshua RüswegRevert "Execute cronjobs as a System user"
2017-06-21 Joshua RüswegExecute cronjobs as a System user
2017-06-18 Joshua RüswegUpdate userID attribute on userChange
2017-06-17 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2017-06-17 Alexander EbertFixed newline handling inside joined bbcode tags
2017-06-11 Matthias SchmidtFix import order in CategoryAction class
2017-06-11 Matthias SchmidtDelete group name language items after label group...
2017-06-11 Matthias SchmidtDelete title and description language items after categ...
2017-06-09 Alexander EbertHide paid subscription boxes for non-activated users
2017-06-06 Alexander EbertAllow only dates up to 2037-12-31 inside date picker
2017-06-06 Alexander EbertPoll were missing the button to show participants after...
2017-06-06 Alexander EbertFixed user suggestions inside Redactor
2017-06-06 Alexander EbertFixed an compatibility issue with PHP 7
2017-06-02 Matthias SchmidtReset subscription length after saving subscription
2017-06-01 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '2.0' into 2.1
2017-06-01 MarkusHandle timeout-or-duplicate in RecaptchaHandler
2017-05-31 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '2.0' into 2.1
2017-05-31 Tim DüsterhusAdd composer's global bin dir to path in Travis
2017-05-31 Tim DüsterhusUse absolute path to phpcs
2017-05-31 Tim DüsterhusInstall CodeSniffer using composer
2017-05-30 Matthias SchmidtFix typo in English future date interval language items
2017-05-15 Alexander EbertUpdating release date 2.1.15
2017-05-12 SmooeyA few corrections (#2275)
2017-05-11 Alexander EbertPreparing release 2.1.15
2017-05-11 SmooeyWCF 2.1 phrase adjustments 1st wave (#2260)
2017-05-07 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '2.0' into 2.1
2017-05-07 Tim DüsterhusForce CodeSniffer 2.9.0
2017-05-07 Tim DüsterhusRevert "Update CodeSniffs to be compatible with CodeSni...
2017-05-06 Tim DüsterhusMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.1' into 2.1
2017-05-06 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '2.0' into 2.1
2017-05-06 Tim DüsterhusUpdate CodeSniffs to be compatible with CodeSniffer 3.0
2017-05-05 Marcel WerkNon-activated users no longer can purchase paid subscri...
2017-05-02 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2017-05-02 Alexander EbertFixed selection handling in Chrome 58
2017-05-01 Alexander EbertWork-around an issue with Chrome 58
2017-04-23 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '2.0' into 2.1
2017-04-23 Tim DüsterhusFix `Range` handling in \wcf\util\FileReader
2017-04-08 Marcel WerkMerge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/2...
2017-04-08 Marcel WerkFixed js issue in username validation
2017-04-06 Alexander EbertPreparing release 2.1.14 2.1.14
2017-04-06 Alexander EbertMerge branch '2.0' into 2.1
2017-04-06 Alexander EbertPreparing release 2.0.15 pl 1 2.0.15_pl_1
2017-03-29 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '2.0' into 2.1
2017-03-29 Tim DüsterhusFix FacebookAuthAction
2017-02-28 Matthias SchmidtFix deleting all activity events for likes/follows...
2017-02-28 Alexander EbertUpdating release date 2.1.13
2017-02-28 Alexander EbertMerge branch '2.0' into 2.1
2017-02-28 Alexander EbertUpdating release date 2.0.15
2017-02-24 Alexander EbertPreparing release 2.1.13
2017-02-24 Alexander EbertMerge branch '2.0' into 2.1
2017-02-24 Alexander EbertFixed encoding issue
2017-02-21 Alexander EbertFixed detection of content pasted from Microsoft Word
2017-01-24 woltlab.comUpdating minified JavaScript files
2017-01-24 Alexander EbertFixed safari focusing without providing a range
2017-01-23 Alexander EbertFixed empty lines in code boxes being removed
2017-01-23 Alexander EbertDisabled share counter for Facebook
2017-01-23 Alexander EbertFixed detection of relative caret position
2017-01-23 Alexander EbertFixed full quote when text is manually selected
2017-01-20 Marcel WerkFixed broken captcha bypass
2017-01-18 Marcel WerkFixed wrong option type name
2017-01-17 Marcel WerkFixed wrong option type name
2017-01-13 Alexander EbertFixed check for cached downloads
2016-12-27 Marcel WerkFixed php5.3 compatibility
2016-12-27 Marcel WerkFixed deletion of user notification events
2016-12-27 Matthias SchmidtFix MultiSelectOptionType::checkUser()
2016-11-27 Matthias SchmidtFix text transparency in ImagickImageAdapter::drawText()
2016-11-27 Matthias SchmidtImprove upload file handling for file option type
2016-11-06 Matthias SchmidtFix transparency handling in `GDImageAdapter::overlayIm...
2016-11-05 Matthias SchmidtFix opacity issue when writing images with GD