Author Commit
2023-09-05 Alexander EbertAdd the license page to the menu
2023-09-04 Alexander EbertHandle missing auth data and stale package lists
2023-09-04 Alexander EbertAdd a form to set up the license data
2023-09-04 Alexander EbertReplace the hard-wired data for the package server
2023-09-04 Alexander EbertImprove the visuals of the licensed products
2023-09-04 Alexander EbertAdd the install functionality
2023-09-04 Alexander EbertCheck which packages are installable
2023-09-04 Alexander EbertDetect already installed packages
2023-09-04 Alexander EbertAdd some reminders
2023-09-04 Alexander EbertBasic prototype for the license page
2023-09-04 Alexander EbertFix the handling of the individual SCSS for the dark...
2023-09-04 Tim DüsterhusUpdate composer dependencies
2023-09-04 Tim DüsterhusUpdate composer dependencies
2023-09-04 Alexander EbertMerge pull request #5641 from WoltLab/promise-mutex
2023-09-04 Alexander EbertImplement a helper to prevent the parallel execution...
2023-09-03 Alexander EbertImprove the scroll behavior when editing messages
2023-09-02 Alexander EbertFix the alignment of legacy dialog form buttons
2023-09-02 Alexander EbertInclude the extra information of AJAX exceptions
2023-09-02 Alexander EbertImprove the stack traces generated by AJAX errors
2023-09-01 Alexander EbertAdd the color scheme to the user editing form
2023-09-01 Tim DüsterhusApply `#[\Override]` to PHP DDL API where possible
2023-09-01 Tim DüsterhusMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2023-09-01 Tim DüsterhusUpdate CKEditor npm dependencies
2023-09-01 Tim DüsterhusUpdate npm dependencies
2023-09-01 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.5'
2023-09-01 Tim DüsterhusUpdate tslib
2023-09-01 Tim DüsterhusUpdate npm dependencies
2023-09-01 Olaf BraunFix UploadFormField::maximumImageHeight() (#5638)
2023-08-31 Marcel WerkUse "natural ordering" when sorting the ad locations
2023-08-30 Alexander EbertFix the visuals of the search type button
2023-08-30 Alexander EbertExpose the html of the WYSIWYG form field in the parameters
2023-08-30 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #5637 from WoltLab/templatelistener-xsd
2023-08-30 Tim DüsterhusInline the `woltlab_environment` type in XSDs
2023-08-30 Tim DüsterhusSoft-deprecate <permissions> and <options> in templateL...
2023-08-29 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.5'
2023-08-29 Olaf BraunFix validation in UploadFormField::maximumImageWidth()
2023-08-29 Olaf BraunFix validation in UploadFormField::maximumImageHeight()
2023-08-28 Marcel WerkFix error when scrolling multiple times via JS
2023-08-28 Alexander EbertFix the initial value for the color scheme
2023-08-28 Marcel WerkMerge pull request #5635 from WoltLab/acp-links-in...
2023-08-28 Marcel WerkFix links to the ACP in emails
2023-08-28 Marcel WerkUnify phrases
2023-08-28 Alexander EbertMerge pull request #5634 from WoltLab/stacktrace-withou...
2023-08-28 Tim DüsterhusStop suppressing errors for `ini_get()`
2023-08-28 Tim DüsterhusFix page title in test.php
2023-08-28 Alexander EbertAdd the entry and exit point of middlewares to the...
2023-08-28 Tim DüsterhusRevert "Remove check for `ini_parse_quantity`"
2023-08-28 Tim DüsterhusUse `FileUtil::getMemoryLimit()` in WCFSetup
2023-08-28 Tim DüsterhusRemove check for `ini_parse_quantity`
2023-08-28 Tim DüsterhusUpdate composer dependencies
2023-08-28 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #5633 from SoftCreatR/patch-1
2023-08-27 Alexander EbertFix the handling of `<section>` as the dialog content...
2023-08-26 Alexander EbertSuppress the border of boxes with `.boxBorderless`
2023-08-26 Alexander EbertPrevent dialogs to take up the full available height
2023-08-26 Alexander EbertInsert the editor stylesheet as the first style
2023-08-26 Alexander EbertReduce the `z-index` of the editor toolbar
2023-08-26 Alexander EbertFix the image sizing of the default avatar
2023-08-26 Alexander EbertFix the handling of a missing custom avatar
2023-08-26 Alexander EbertSuppress stack frames from the middleware
2023-08-26 Sascha GreuelUpdate WSC_SRT_VERSION in test.php
2023-08-25 Alexander EbertReintroduce the previous check for the option’s existence
2023-08-25 Alexander EbertSimplify the usage of options in template listeners
2023-08-25 Alexander EbertApply encoding to the formatted exception description
2023-08-25 Marcel WerkUnify phrases
2023-08-25 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #5631 from WoltLab/rewrite-test
2023-08-25 Alexander EbertMerge pull request #5629 from WoltLab/attachment-thumbn...
2023-08-25 Tim DüsterhusUpdate fileDelete.xml
2023-08-25 Tim DüsterhusUpdate composer dependencies
2023-08-25 Tim DüsterhusMigrate RewriteTest.ts to the fetch-based request API
2023-08-25 Tim DüsterhusDisable response caching in CoreRewriteTestAction
2023-08-25 Tim DüsterhusRemove the `uuidHash` check from CoreRewriteTestAction
2023-08-25 Tim DüsterhusRemove CORS headers in CoreRewriteTestAction
2023-08-25 Tim DüsterhusFix the test for the correct set-up of index.php-less...
2023-08-24 Alexander EbertPrevent attempts to generate thumbnails for underflowin...
2023-08-24 Alexander EbertReformat the condition to work around a formatter issue
2023-08-24 Marcel WerkMerge branch 'master' of
2023-08-24 Marcel WerkUnify phrases
2023-08-24 Tim DüsterhusAdd space after CLI prompt
2023-08-24 Tim DüsterhusAdd XSD location to .phpcs.xml
2023-08-24 Tim DüsterhusUse fixed `userID` for the admin user in WCFSetup
2023-08-23 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #5628 from WoltLab/esbuild-minify
2023-08-23 Tim DüsterhusMinify WebComponent.js when building with esbuild
2023-08-23 Tim DüsterhusExclude `@googlemaps/markerclusterer` from JS bundle
2023-08-23 Marcel WerkUnify information in content header
2023-08-23 Tim DüsterhusUpdate to FontAwesome 6.4.2
2023-08-23 Tim DüsterhusFix incorrect comparison in userGroupBooleanOptionType.tpl
2023-08-22 Alexander EbertFix the alignment of button groups below messages
2023-08-22 Alexander EbertFix the sizing of buttons in button groups
2023-08-22 Alexander EbertImprove the focus behavior of `InputItemList`
2023-08-22 Alexander EbertFix the alignment of buttons
2023-08-22 Alexander EbertRelease 6.0.0 Beta 3 6.0.0_Beta_3
2023-08-22 WoltLabUpdating minified JavaScript files
2023-08-22 Alexander EbertFix a capitalization mistake
2023-08-22 Tim DüsterhusAdd symfony/polyfill-php83 composer dependency
2023-08-22 Alexander EbertFix the changes to the `font-weight` of headlines
2023-08-22 Tim DüsterhusRebuild compiled JavaScript
2023-08-22 Tim DüsterhusUpdate prettier
2023-08-22 Alexander EbertRelease 6.0.0 Beta 2 6.0.0_Beta_2
2023-08-22 WoltLabUpdating minified JavaScript files
2023-08-22 Alexander EbertFix the contrast of the `.formError` color