Author Commit
2022-03-16 joshuarueswegCatch `ValueError` while convert encoding
2022-03-03 joshuarueswegMerge branch '5.3'
2022-03-03 joshuarueswegFix detection of ipv4 adresses for stopforumspam integr...
2022-03-03 joshuarueswegSurpress output of empty labeled url user option fields
2022-02-28 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2022-02-28 Tim DüsterhusValidate the messageObjectType in MessagePreviewAction...
2022-02-28 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2022-02-28 Tim DüsterhusValidate the object type definition in CommentAction...
2022-02-28 Tim DüsterhusFix success message in ApplicationManagementForm
2022-02-24 Tim DüsterhusIgnore non-HTTP schemes for URL unfurling
2022-02-21 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch 'mysql-search-query-parser' into 5.4
2022-02-21 Tim DüsterhusFix handling of queries ending in a lone quote in Mysql...
2022-02-21 Tim DüsterhusFix handling of quoted parentheses in MysqlSearchEngine...
2022-02-21 Tim DüsterhusFix typo in comment in MysqlSearchEngine::splitIntoTerms()
2022-02-21 Tim DüsterhusAdd `Vb5Argon2` password algorithm
2022-02-18 Alexander EbertReverted the implicit expansion of blocked content
2022-02-18 Tim DüsterhusThrow UserInputException for invalid className in AJAXI...
2022-02-16 Tim DüsterhusAdd trailing comma to maxItems in __userFormField
2022-02-15 Alexander EbertSuperfluous whitespace
2022-02-15 Alexander EbertImproper comparison of user groups containing non-ASCII...
2022-02-15 Alexander EbertMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2022-02-15 Alexander EbertRelease 5.3.20 5.3.20
2022-02-15 Alexander EbertRelease 5.4.14 5.4.14
2022-02-15 Tim DüsterhusAdd `trophyPoints` to User's `@property-read`
2022-02-14 Alexander EbertRelease 5.4.14 dev 2 5.4.14_dev_2
2022-02-14 WoltLabUpdating minified JavaScript files
2022-02-14 Alexander EbertWork-around for the inconsistent selection handling...
2022-02-14 Alexander EbertClamp the date value if it exceeds the `maxDate`
2022-02-14 Tim DüsterhusFix PHP 8.0/8.1 compatibility of phpline.phar
2022-02-13 Alexander EbertImplicitly expand messages from blocked users when...
2022-02-13 Marcel WerkIndividual settings for boxes were unintentionally...
2022-02-10 Alexander EbertRelease 5.4.14 dev 1 5.4.14_dev_1
2022-02-10 WoltLabUpdating minified JavaScript files
2022-02-08 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4664 from WoltLab/formbuilder-check...
2022-02-08 Tim DüsterhusAdd `CheckedVoid` form builder data handler for Checkbo...
2022-02-08 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2022-02-08 Tim DüsterhusIgnore `length` when diffing YearDatabaseTableColumn
2022-02-07 Tim DüsterhusFix template syntax error in wcf.user.notification...
2022-02-07 Tim DüsterhusWhitelist `array_key_exists` in enterprise mode
2022-02-05 Marcel WerkPermission 'canOnlyAccessOwnMedia' did not work as...
2022-02-05 Marcel WerkFile size was displayed twice when uploading media
2022-02-03 Marcel WerkEmail column in notification settings was too small
2022-02-02 Alexander Ebert`saveInstant()` yields an incorrect selection after...
2022-02-02 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4656 from WoltLab/dialog-alert
2022-02-02 Tim DüsterhusRemove obsolete inline CSS in removeUserContentDialog.tpl
2022-02-02 Tim DüsterhusFix rendering of alert boxes at the top of a dialog
2022-01-31 Alexander EbertRelease 5.4.13 5.4.13
2022-01-31 Alexander EbertMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2022-01-31 Alexander EbertRelease 5.3.19 5.3.19
2022-01-31 Alexander EbertMerge branch '5.2' into 5.3
2022-01-31 Alexander EbertRelease 5.2.19 5.2.19
2022-01-31 Alexander EbertMerge branch '3.1' into 5.2
2022-01-31 Alexander EbertRelease 3.1.27 3.1.27
2022-01-31 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2022-01-31 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.2' into 5.3
2022-01-31 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '3.1' into 5.2
2022-01-31 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch 'unknown-bbcode-xss' into 3.1
2022-01-31 Tim DüsterhusFix XSS vulnerability in HtmlBBCodeParser::buildBBCodeTag()
2022-01-31 Tim DüsterhusFix PHP 8.1.2 compatibility in DatabaseException
2022-01-27 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2022-01-27 Tim DüsterhusFix regular expression for the `atext` production in...
2022-01-25 joshuarueswegFix poll management within the form builder
2022-01-24 Joshua RüswegMerge pull request #4647 from WoltLab/5.4-devtools...
2022-01-24 joshuarueswegValidates whether the WCF was created as a requirement...
2022-01-24 Tim DüsterhusFix typo in de.xml
2022-01-21 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2022-01-21 Alexander EbertRelease 5.4.12 5.4.12
2022-01-21 Alexander EbertMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2022-01-21 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.2' into 5.3
2022-01-21 Tim DüsterhusRemove codestyle workflow for non-PSR-12 branches
2022-01-21 Alexander EbertRelease 5.3.18 5.3.18
2022-01-21 Alexander EbertMerge branch '5.2' into 5.3
2022-01-21 Alexander EbertRelease 5.2.18 5.2.18
2022-01-21 Tim DüsterhusStop using `|encodeJSON`
2022-01-21 Alexander EbertMerge branch '3.1' into 5.2
2022-01-21 Alexander EbertRelease 3.1.26 3.1.26
2022-01-21 Tim DüsterhusAdd missing JSON encoding of the PAGE_TITLE in `ampArti...
2022-01-21 Tim DüsterhusStop using `|encodeJSON`
2022-01-21 Tim DüsterhusAdd `|json` template modifier
2022-01-21 Tim DüsterhusMove `@types/*` npm dependencies into the non-dev section
2022-01-20 Alexander EbertRelease 5.4.12 dev 1 5.4.12_dev_1
2022-01-20 Tim DüsterhusAdd missing JSON encoding of the PAGE_TITLE in `ampArti...
2022-01-20 Tim DüsterhusStop using `|encodeJSON`
2022-01-20 Tim DüsterhusAdd `|json` template modifier
2022-01-19 Alexander EbertRelease 5.4.11 5.4.11
2022-01-19 Alexander EbertMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2022-01-19 Alexander EbertRelease 5.3.17 5.3.17
2022-01-19 Alexander EbertMerge branch '5.2' into 5.3
2022-01-19 Alexander EbertRelease 5.2.17 5.2.17
2022-01-19 Alexander EbertMerge branch '3.1' into 5.2
2022-01-19 Alexander EbertRelease 3.1.25 3.1.25
2022-01-19 Tim DüsterhusConsistently escape backslashes in StringUtil
2022-01-19 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2022-01-19 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.2' into 5.3
2022-01-19 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '3.1' into 5.2
2022-01-19 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch 'encode-js-quot' into 3.1
2022-01-19 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2022-01-19 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4642 from WoltLab/php-ddl-app-install
2022-01-18 Tim DüsterhusFix the replacing of WCF_N in PHP DDL during app instal...
2022-01-17 Marcel WerkWhen replacing media, the thumbnails were not reset