Author Commit
2022-01-13 Bruno Martinsaidl: Remove unused makefile
2022-01-13 Tim Zimmermannsamsung: add secril_config_svc
2022-01-13 Tim Zimmermannfingerprint: implement gestures
2022-01-13 Jesse Chanfingerprint: implement ss_fingerprint_request
2022-01-13 Tim Zimmermannaidl: vibrator: improve amplitude values
2022-01-13 Tim Zimmermannsamsung: vibrator: convert to AIDL implementation
2022-01-13 Tim Zimmermannsamsung: light: convert to AIDL implementation
2022-01-13 TheScarastichidl: fingerprint: Uprev to 2.3
2022-01-13 Haibo Huang[thermal] Use new jsoncpp API
2022-01-13 Michael Benedictaidl: power: Remove Lineage perf profiles remnants
2022-01-13 Jeongik ChaSpecify version for aidl_interface explicitly
2022-01-13 Wei Wangpower: add a property for config file
2022-01-13 Bruno Martinsaidl: power: Drop Lineage perf profiles support
2022-01-13 Wei WangPower: advertise power headers are deprecated
2022-01-13 Wei WangPower: add support for devices without display idle...
2022-01-13 ArianRevert "power-libperfmgr: simply wait if idle state...
2022-01-13 LuK1337hidl: power: Kill legacy and libperfmgr power implement...
2021-09-18 synt4x93hidl: LiveDisplay: init: correct config mkdir location...
2021-09-16 synt4x93hidl: LiveDisplay: DisplayModes: support system builds
2021-09-10 Danny Woodlibril: initialise RIL_CallForwardInfo to 0 when reques...
2021-08-08 ShevTtouch: Move device specfic defines to a header
2021-05-25 LuK1337aidl: power-libperfmgr: Make powerhint.json.template...
2021-05-04 Jan Altensensamsung: fastcharge: chown sysfs node on init
2021-04-24 Jan Altensensamsung: add nfc to gitignore
2021-03-22 David MarbleRevert "Revert "aidl: power-libperfmgr: Re-implement...
2021-03-20 Michael BenedictRevert "aidl: power-libperfmgr: Re-implement lineage...
2021-03-20 Michael Benedictaidl: power-libperfmgr: Re-implement lineage perf hint
2021-03-20 Michael Benedictaidl: power-libperfmgr: Sync powerhint template with...
2021-03-20 Michael Benedictaidl: power-libperfmgr: Re-implement interactive and...
2021-03-18 Michael Benedictaidl: power-libperfmgr: Squash some of previous hidl...
2021-03-14 Michael Benedictsamsung: aidl: Import Pixel Power HAL aidl impl
2021-02-08 Willi Yesensors: 2.1: Squash previous sensors commits
2021-02-08 josip-ksensors: 2.1: rename to samsung-multihal
2021-02-08 josip-ksensors: 2.1: import HalProxy* sources
2021-02-08 josip-ksamsung: hidl: import default sensors 2.1 multihal
2021-02-08 josip-ksamsung: sensors: move sensors HAL 1.0 impl to versione...
2021-02-05 Bruno Martinssamsung: doze: Use all shared resources from devicesettings
2021-02-04 Bruno Martinssamsung: AdvancedDisplay: Use all shared resources...
2021-02-04 Jan Altensensamsung: AdvancedDisplay: Migrate to androidx
2021-01-18 Bruno Martinsfastcharge: Make user setting persistent
2021-01-18 Jan Altensenfastcharge: drop libhwbinder/libhidltransport dependency
2021-01-18 Francescodario... samsung: hidl: add fastcharge implementation
2021-01-13 Ariansamsung: doze: Allow to wake the screen on gestures...
2021-01-13 Bruno Martinssamsung: doze: Drop unnecessary permissions
2021-01-13 Henrique Silvasamsung: doze: Fix AoD default pref
2021-01-13 Luca Stefanisamsung: doze: Move Utils.checkDozeService in an handler
2021-01-13 Luca Stefanisamsung: doze: Make AOD preference not persistent
2021-01-13 Bruno Martinssamsung: doze: Add AOD support to Ambient Display
2021-01-13 ezio84samsung: doze: use ExecutorService for listener registr...
2021-01-13 Bruno Martinssamsung: doze: Apply a major refactor
2021-01-13 Bruno Martinssamsung: doze: Kill proximity wake feature
2021-01-10 Ataberk Özenmacloader: Add 2 more semco mac ranges
2020-12-25 Francescodario... libsecril-client: add support for P
2020-12-22 TeYuan Wangthermal: add sensor logging in thermalWatcherCallbackFunc
2020-12-22 TeYuan Wangthermal: remove redundant cdev_to_watch registration
2020-12-22 Josh Gaothermal: Fix bugprone-use-after-move.
2020-12-22 TeYuan Wangthermal: Optimize uevent monitor timeout mechanism
2020-12-22 Wei Wangthermal: Add thermal logging daemon
2020-12-22 Daniel Normanthermal: Adds missing interface for vendor.thermal...
2020-11-01 Kevin F. Haggertylivedisplay: Set sysfs ownership/perms on init for... lineage-18.0
2020-10-17 Jan Altensensamsung: convert dtbhtoolExynos to blueprint
2020-09-21 Jan Altensensamsung: mkbootimg: remove generation
2020-09-21 Elliott Hugheslibril: Remove unused includes.
2020-09-21 Jan Altensenloki_tool: convert to blueprint
2020-09-14 Jan Altensensamsung: drop libhwbinder/libhidltransport dependency
2020-09-14 Jan Altensenpower-libperfmgr: import hardware/google/pixel namespace
2020-09-07 Tim Zimmermannpower-libperfmgr: move double tap to wake out of setInt...
2020-07-23 Francescodario... hidl:thermal: Add and template config
2020-07-23 Francescodario... hidl:thermal: Rebrand to Samsung
2020-07-23 Francescodario... hidl: Import pixel thermal HAL
2020-07-16 Andreas Schneiderhidl:sensors: Dump sensor information if verbose is...
2020-07-09 Andreas Schneiderpower-libperfmgr: Always wait after changing DOUBLE_TAP...
2020-07-07 Andreas Schneiderpower-libperfmgr: Fix dt2w after boot
2020-07-03 Jesse Chanfingerprint: inscreen: remove dimming on Press
2020-07-03 Jesse Chanfingerprint: inscreen: enable FOD in TSP in initialization
2020-07-03 Andreas Schneiderpower-libperfmgr: Correctly implement DT2W support
2020-07-02 Jesse Chanpower-libperfmgr: add a Power Hint template with common...
2020-07-02 Jesse Chanpower-libperfmgr: implement Lineage perf profiles
2020-07-02 Jesse Chanpower-libperfmgr: add a DOUBLE_TAP_TO_WAKE hint
2020-07-02 Jesse Chanpower-libperfmgr: add a NOT_INTERACTIVE hint for setInt...
2020-07-02 Jesse Chanpower-libperfmgr: add an updateHint function for simple...
2020-07-02 Jesse Chanpower-libperfmgr: declare override="true" in manifest
2020-07-02 Jesse Chanpower-libperfmgr: initialize powerHAL when boot is...
2020-07-02 Andreas Schneiderpower-libperfmgr: Give access to radio group
2020-07-01 Jesse Chanpower-libperfmgr: remove Google-specific camera and...
2020-07-01 Jesse Chanpower-libperfmgr: remove Google-specific display LPM...
2020-07-01 Jesse Chanpower-libperfmgr: simply wait if idle state node is...
2020-06-27 Jesse Chanpower-libperfmgr: adapt and rebrand for hardware/samsung
2020-06-27 Jesse Chansamsung: hidl: import Pixel libperfmgr Power HAL
2020-06-09 Andreas Schneiderhidl: Add standard timed_out vibrator service
2020-06-09 Linux4hidl: powershare: add vintf manifest fragment
2020-06-09 Jesse Chanfingerprint: inscreen: add vintf manifest fragment
2020-05-23 Michael BestasAutomatic translation import
2020-05-19 Jesse Chansensors: set max range of proximity sensor to 1
2020-05-16 Jesse Chanfingerprint: inscreen: allow to set_fod_rect at boot
2020-05-16 Jesse Chanfingerprint: inscreen: enable sensor on ShowFODView
2020-05-16 Andreas Schneidersensors: get the full list of sensors
2020-05-15 Willi Yesensors: map Samsung proximity sensor type to generic
2020-05-15 Willi Yesensors: get rid of
2020-05-15 Jesse Chansensors: adapt and rebrand for hardware/samsung