Author Commit
2018-06-22 scsc_gerrit[9610] wlbt: increment scsc_release to 6.34.1
2018-06-22 Ivan Priest[9610] wlbt: remove tcp_get_info() in ack suppression...
2018-06-22 Roman Geller[9610] wlbt: Introduced halt confirmation (normal shutdown)
2018-06-22 Srishti Piplani[9610][7885][7872][7570] wlbt: Fixing checkpatch issue.
2018-06-22 Srishti Piplani[7872] wlbt: [Katmai O]Soft AP should not start on...
2018-06-22 Himani Gupta[9610][7885][7872][7570] wlbt: Kernel Panic in slsi_lls...
2018-06-22 Ivan Priest[9610][7885][7570] wlbt: module param override for...
2018-06-22 Himani Gupta[7570][7872][7885][9610] wlbt:2.4GHz softAP RX throughp...
2018-06-22 Ivan Priest[9610] wlbt: fix CTRL_NS ownership and whitespace
2018-06-21 ChiHun Won[9610] arm64: dts: chagend fb rmem base address
2018-06-21 ChiHun WonRevert "[HACK][9610][ERD] chub rmem move to avoid overl...
2018-06-21 hwangjae leefbdev: dpu: shadow register update request method is...
2018-06-21 hwangjae leefbdev: dpu: decon_reg_all_win_shadow_update_req() is...
2018-06-21 hwangjae lee[9610] arm64: dtsi: s6e3fa0 panel video configuration...
2018-06-21 Ivan Priest[9610] wlbt: disable TCP ack suppression.
2018-06-21 Yunsu Kim[9610] media: radio: Remove pm runtime while suspend...
2018-06-21 Jang JeongHoon[9610] soc: samsung: cal-if: Added cal_dll_get[set...
2018-06-20 Boojin Kim[HACK][9610][ERD] chub rmem move to avoid overlabing...
2018-06-20 Sukwon Ryoo[9610][ERD] defconfig: enable contexthub
2018-06-20 Boojin Kim[9610] dtsi: add contexthub
2018-06-20 Boojin Kim[COMMON] nanohub: add contexthub driver
2018-06-20 Sukwon Ryoo[COMMON] nanohub base from CHRE p-version
2018-06-20 ShinHyung[9610] arm64: dts: enable abox bt driver
2018-06-20 Yunsu Kim[9610] arm64: dtsi: Enable FM
2018-06-20 Yunsu Kim[9610] media: radio: Add call abox_request_cpu_gear()
2018-06-20 JaeHun Jung[COMMON] scsi: ufs: Remove comment at pm_qos
2018-06-20 JaeHun Jung[COMMON] mmc: dw_mmc: dw_mmc caps bug fix
2018-06-20 JaeHun Jung[9610] arm64: dts: Enable SD card for erd9610
2018-06-20 JaeHun Jung[9610] arm64: configs: Enable dw_mci driver for SD...
2018-06-20 JaeHun Jung[COMMON] mmc: fmp: Add fmp. smu, srpmb
2018-06-20 JaeHun Jung[COMMON] mmc: dw_mmc: Driver migration
2018-06-20 duk hyun.kwon[COMOON] mmc: dw_mmc: enhanched strobe support
2018-06-20 ChiHun Won[9610] arm64: config: disabled dpu features for video...
2018-06-20 ChiHun Won[9610] arm64: dts: enabled 3FA0 video mode
2018-06-20 ChiHun Won[9610] arm64: dts: reserved bootloader fb memory
2018-06-20 ChiHun Won[9610] fbdev: dpu20: increased pll stable time for...
2018-06-20 ChiHun Wonfbdev: dpu20: removed unnecessary dsim dump area
2018-06-20 ChiHun Wonfbdev: dpu20: added event log for video mode
2018-06-20 ChiHun Wonfbdev: dpu20: moved iovmm active positon for video...
2018-06-20 ChiHun Wonfbdev: dpu20: reserved frame buffer memory area
2018-06-20 Janghyuck Kim[9610] dtsi: add hold-rpm-on-boot property for sysmmu_dpu
2018-06-20 Janghyuck Kim[HACK] iommu/exynos: hold runtime pm during boot time
2018-06-20 Janghyuck Kim[COMMON] iommu/exynos: move pm_runtime_enable() in...
2018-06-20 Janghyuck Kim[9610] dtsi: increase DVA range for DPU
2018-06-20 Janghyuck Kimiommu/exynos: zero initialization for region structure
2018-06-20 Janghyuck Kimiommu/exynos: support 1:1 mapping between DVA and PA
2018-06-19 Jaehyoung Choi[9610][ERD] arm64: config: Change Stack frame
2018-06-19 Seungchul Kim[9610] arm64: dtsi: change smfc compatible name
2018-06-19 Sanghoon Lee[COMMON] arm64: fpsimd: Restore FPSIMD state for user...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: fixed image dump error in kernel...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: removed unused code
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: Changed buf_init function as common...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: Changed buf_init function as common...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: fix a bug buf_kva for meta plane
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: fix a bug in updating kvaddr_buffer
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: always enabled the kvaddr in kernel...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: removed DBG_IMAGE_KMAPPING option
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: Added buffer_finish for buffer conta...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: BUG_ON to FIMC_BUG patch of video...
2018-06-19 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: modified to get tdnr_enable by setfile
2018-06-19 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: fix wrong TDNR WDMA stride equation
2018-06-19 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: fix a TDNR wrong SFR update area...
2018-06-19 Wooyeon Kim[COMMON] fimc-is2: fix a TDNR wrong caculation bug
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: Added metadata sync for Dual 3A
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] arm64: dtsi: add pafstat rdma reg
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: add child group lock
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] fimc-is2: Enabled option USE_3AA_CROP_AFTER_BDS
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] fimc-is2: enable SOC_PAF0, SOC_PAF1
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] fimc-is2: modified 3ap per-frame size for dzoom
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] fimc-is2: added IRQF_SHARED flag for sharing...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] fimc-is2: added IRQF_SHARED flag for sharing...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] fimc-is2: changed PAFSTAT DMA mux value for...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: added video_node, GROUP_PAF for...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] fimc-is2: added subdev, DEV_HW_PAF config for...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] fimc-is2: added pafstat_rdma sfr settings
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: fixed compile error for PDP_STAT_DMA.
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] arm64: defconfig: Added FIMC-IS config
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610][ERD] arm64: dts: added fimc_is configuration
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] arm64: dsti: added fimc_is configuration
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: Enabled option ENABLE_DVFS
2018-06-19 Sunmi Lee[HACK] fimc-is2: Modified DPHY setting - according...
2018-06-19 Sanghoon Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: Flush the old H/W frames for shot...
2018-06-19 Sanghoon Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: Check too fast H/W frame handling...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: Added fimc-is-v6_10_0 to makefile
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] fimc-is2: add bts update for 480fps scenario
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] fimc-is2: add 'get_dma' for ver 6.10.0
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] fimc-is2: Added taa_param for metadata sync
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] fimc-is2: Added new enum for Bayer+, Bayer_compr...
2018-06-19 Cho KyongHofimc-is-2: move to the new dma-buf-container
2018-06-19 Cho KyongHomedia: fimc-is2: fix vfree() in atomic context
2018-06-19 Cho KyongHomedia: fimc-is2: fix use of ION API for 4.14 kernel
2018-06-19 Jeongtae Park[COMMON] fimc-is2: fix a typo (SYNNY -> SUNNY)
2018-06-19 Sanghoon Lee[9810] fimc-is2: Set default value into the input DMA...
2018-06-19 Jeongtae Park[COMMON] fimc-is2: use same 'frame state' enum. in...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: added sensor setting for 2T7SX
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: added sensor setting for 2P7SQ
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: added compile option for unused...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] fimc-is2: modified SYSREG_CAM settings for mux_3...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[COMMON] fimc-is2: added a mutex sysreg_lock for sysreg...
2018-06-19 Eunyoung Lee[9610] camerapp: gdc: modify gdc out_scale factor value