Author Commit
2021-08-20 Tim DüsterhusEnsure that the OAuth 2 state parameter is cleared...
2021-08-20 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4467 from WoltLab/coverPhoto-worker
2021-08-20 Peter LohseAdd AbstractFormFieldDecorator (#4469)
2021-08-20 Tim DüsterhusRemove records of unreadable cover photos in UserRebuil...
2021-08-20 Tim DüsterhusCheck `coverPhotoHasWebP` in UserRebuildDataWorker
2021-08-20 Tim DüsterhusUpdate `coverPhotoHasWebP` in UserRebuilDataWorker
2021-08-20 Tim DüsterhusUse ->getLocation() in UserCoverPhoto::createWebpVariant()
2021-08-20 Tim DüsterhusRevert "Skip cover photos that cannot be read"
2021-08-19 Tim DüsterhusFix check whether a non-owned index is being dropped...
2021-08-18 Alexander EbertSkip cover photos that cannot be read
2021-08-18 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4464 from WoltLab/session-id-unpack
2021-08-18 Tim DüsterhusAdd safety check for unpacked session cookie data
2021-08-18 Tim DüsterhusFix unpacking of the sessionId
2021-08-18 Tim DüsterhusFix informal phrase in de.xml
2021-08-16 Marcel WerkMark as read doesn't removed the badge from submenu...
2021-08-16 Marcel WerkMissing informal variant
2021-08-16 Marcel WerkTypo
2021-08-16 Tim DüsterhusWhitelist `abs` in enterprise mode
2021-08-16 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4463 from WoltLab/smiley-unicode...
2021-08-16 Tim DüsterhusFix Unicode in smiley titles
2021-08-15 Tim DüsterhusFix localization of PAGE_TITLE in __multifactorTotpSecr...
2021-08-13 Tim DüsterhusAdd `required` attributes to acptemplates/login
2021-08-13 Marcel WerkShow article labels in recent activities
2021-08-13 Tim DüsterhusFix PHP 8.1 compatibility in DatabaseObject::getDatabas...
2021-08-13 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2021-08-13 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.2' into 5.3
2021-08-13 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4459 from SoftCreatR/bugfix/custom...
2021-08-12 Sascha GreuelUnified error handling in several templates
2021-08-12 Tim DüsterhusSlightly improve phrasing in de.xml
2021-08-12 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2021-08-12 Tim DüsterhusAdd missing call to ->loadVariables() before downloadin...
2021-08-12 Joshua RüswegRename `Ui/Object/Action/Toogle` to `Toggle` (#4450)
2021-08-11 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4456 from WoltLab/style-edit-descri...
2021-08-11 Tim DüsterhusDelete the empty phrase when updating to 5.4.5
2021-08-11 Tim DüsterhusValidate the languageVariable in I18nHandler::save()
2021-08-11 Tim DüsterhusAdd LanguageEditor::validateItemName()
2021-08-11 Tim DüsterhusStore deterministic language variable for style descrip...
2021-08-11 Marcel WerkMissing information who reported a content, if report...
2021-08-11 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2021-08-11 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.2' into 5.3
2021-08-11 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4453 from WoltLab/iformbutton-is...
2021-08-11 Tim DüsterhusCheck whether an IFormButton is available before rendering
2021-08-10 WoltLabUpdating minified JavaScript files 5.4.4
2021-08-10 Alexander EbertRelease 5.4.4
2021-08-10 Tim DüsterhusRebuild JavaScript
2021-08-10 Tim DüsterhusFix typo in Ui/Reaction/Handler.ts
2021-08-10 mutecuse the sessions language id instead of the user's...
2021-08-10 Alexander EbertRelease 5.4.3 5.4.3
2021-08-09 WoltLabUpdating minified JavaScript files
2021-08-09 Alexander EbertWorkaround for unfreezing the screen in iOS Safari
2021-08-09 joshuarueswegFix sorting status column in emailLogList.tpl
2021-08-09 Alexander EbertSkip XML that have been unchanged for 5.3 -> 5.4
2021-08-09 Alexander EbertMerge pull request #4445 from WoltLab/template-sandbox...
2021-08-09 Marcel WerkMerge pull request #4446 from WoltLab/mfa-setup-allocat...
2021-08-09 Tim DüsterhusShow nicer error message if allocating the MFA setup...
2021-08-09 Tim DüsterhusAdd RejectEverythingFormField if email MFA is already...
2021-08-09 Tim DüsterhusFix assertion in EmailMultifactorMethod::processManagem...
2021-08-08 Alexander EbertSandbox `foreachVars` in templates
2021-08-07 Marcel WerkSearch for not filled user option fields was not possible
2021-08-07 Alexander EbertMerge pull request #4442 from SoftCreatR/css-optimizations
2021-08-06 Sascha GreuelPrefixed CSS First
2021-08-06 Alexander EbertRemoving inline formatting yielded empty elements and...
2021-08-06 WoltLabUpdating minified JavaScript files
2021-08-06 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4440 from WoltLab/sourcemap-proxy
2021-08-06 Alexander EbertMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2021-08-06 Alexander EbertPrevent submitting an empty message to the preview
2021-08-06 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4441 from WoltLab/acp-logout-to...
2021-08-06 Tim DüsterhusAdd proxy_sourcemap.php
2021-08-06 Tim DüsterhusRedirect the user to ACP reauthentication instead of...
2021-08-06 Tim DüsterhusRevert "Update Open Sans"
2021-08-06 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2021-08-06 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.2' into 5.3
2021-08-06 Joshua RüswegMerge pull request #4439 from xopez/5.2
2021-08-05 Marcel WerkReactions were not displayed in article list when sorte...
2021-08-05 Marcel WerkMark as read doesn't removed the badge in the mobile...
2021-08-05 xopezFixes Bings Sitemap Howto
2021-08-05 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4438 from WoltLab/5.4-fix-missing...
2021-08-05 joshuarueswegFix having an incorrect parameter if a hash does not...
2021-08-05 Alexander EbertReset the avatar cache to force the use of the WebP...
2021-08-05 joshuarueswegDelete reaction type icon on delete action
2021-08-05 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.2' into 5.3
2021-08-05 Tim DüsterhusRun SCSS prettier
2021-08-05 Tim DüsterhusFix typo in watchedArticleList.tpl
2021-08-04 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2021-08-04 Marcel WerkSome external links in the admin panel did not open...
2021-08-04 Alexander EbertTrim the preview height using traditional overflow
2021-08-04 Alexander EbertSkip the user menu initialization if there are no items
2021-08-04 Alexander EbertDetect `<center>` as a block element
2021-08-04 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.2' into 5.3
2021-08-04 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4435 from WoltLab/php-ddl-diff
2021-08-04 Tim DüsterhusTake the array key into account when checking whether...
2021-08-04 Tim DüsterhusTake the array key into account when checking whether...
2021-08-03 Alexander EbertIncorrect handling of `null` values for metacode attributes
2021-08-03 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.2' into 5.3
2021-08-03 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4433 from WoltLab/php-ddl-diff
2021-08-03 Tim DüsterhusTake the array key into account when checking whether...
2021-08-03 Tim DüsterhusTake the array key into account when matching up FOREIG...
2021-08-03 Alexander EbertMerge pull request #4430 from WoltLab/js-legacy-inheritance
2021-08-03 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #4429 from WoltLab/form-field-data...
2021-08-03 Tim DüsterhusSupport ES 6 default exports for form builder field...