Author Commit
2023-07-14 Tim DüsterhusFix truncation of Unicode string query parameters in...
2023-07-10 Alexander EbertMerge branch '5.4' into 5.5
2023-07-10 Alexander EbertMigrate the ACP news from Twitter to
2023-07-04 Tim DüsterhusUpdate tslib
2023-07-04 Tim DüsterhusUpdate npm dependencies
2023-06-23 Marcel WerkFix typo
2023-06-21 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.4' into 5.5
2023-06-21 Alexander EbertRelease 5.4.29 5.4.29
2023-06-20 Alexander EbertRelease 5.5.13 5.5.13
2023-06-20 Alexander EbertMerge branch '5.4' into 5.5
2023-06-20 Alexander EbertRelease 5.4.28 5.4.28
2023-06-19 Marcel WerkFixed bug when blocking an avatar, signature or cover...
2023-06-16 Alexander EbertRelease 5.5.13 dev 1 5.5.13_dev_1
2023-06-16 WoltLabUpdating minified JavaScript files
2023-06-15 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.4' into 5.5
2023-06-15 Tim DüsterhusDrop the SameSite attribute from the XSRF-Token cookie...
2023-06-15 Tim DüsterhusFix in...
2023-06-14 Tim DüsterhusFix typo in de.xml
2023-06-13 Tim DüsterhusRemove duplicated spaces in phrases
2023-06-12 Alexander EbertAdd the missing plural s
2023-06-12 Alexander EbertUpdate the embed code for Instagram
2023-06-06 Tim DüsterhusUnify password to “Kennwort” in de.xml
2023-06-06 Tim DüsterhusFix `<label>` targets in userAdd.tpl
2023-06-05 Tim DüsterhusFix HTML syntax in pageHeaderUser.tpl
2023-06-05 Tim DüsterhusFix incorrect quotation mark in en.xml
2023-05-29 Marcel WerkFix multiple consistency issues in language phrases
2023-05-22 Tim DüsterhusUpdate tslib
2023-05-19 Tim DüsterhusAllow `style-src 'unsafe-inline'` in AttachmentPage
2023-05-17 Marcel WerkFix multiple consistency issues in language phrases
2023-05-16 Alexander EbertRelease 5.5.12 5.5.12
2023-05-16 LukeFix missing informal variant in de.xml
2023-05-16 Alexander EbertAdd a button to discard a selected icon
2023-05-12 Alexander EbertRelease 5.5.12 dev 2 5.5.12_dev_2
2023-05-12 WoltLabUpdating minified JavaScript files
2023-05-12 Alexander EbertRelease 5.5.12 dev 1 5.5.12_dev_1
2023-05-12 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #5504 from WoltLab/mailbox-name
2023-05-12 Tim DüsterhusDo not emit empty names in Mailbox::__toString()
2023-05-12 Tim DüsterhusTrim the human readable name of a Mailbox
2023-05-10 Tim DüsterhusDrop the SameSite attribute from the XSRF-Token cookie...
2023-05-10 Tim DüsterhusUpdate @types/google.maps
2023-05-10 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #5501 from WoltLab/contentInteractio...
2023-05-10 Tim DüsterhusHide `.contentInteraction` in print CSS
2023-05-09 Marcel WerkMerge pull request #5496 from WoltLab/avatar-validation
2023-05-08 Marcel WerkFix validation of the image file type
2023-05-08 Marcel WerkProper handling of the case that no image was uploaded
2023-05-08 Tim DüsterhusFix titlecasing of “with” in page.xml
2023-05-08 Tim DüsterhusFix*
2023-05-08 Tim DüsterhusAdd space in “Buffer Pool” in wcf.acp.systemCheck.mysql...
2023-05-05 Tim DüsterhusFix typo in de.xml
2023-05-05 Marcel WerkMerge pull request #5479 from WoltLab/line-break-separa...
2023-05-05 Marcel WerkUpdate outdated terms in trademark notice
2023-05-05 Marcel WerkFix issues when pasting in `LineBreakSeparatedText...
2023-05-05 Tim DüsterhusAdd missing space before ellipsis in wcf.acp.package...
2023-05-05 Tim DüsterhusFix titlecasification in
2023-05-05 Tim DüsterhusFix typos in* in en.xml
2023-05-04 Tim DüsterhusFix
2023-05-02 Tim DüsterhusAdd missing “Address” for “Email Address” in wcf.user...
2023-04-28 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.4' into 5.5
2023-04-28 Tim DüsterhusUpdate to `actions/upload-artifact@v3` in wcfsetup.yml
2023-04-25 Tim DüsterhusImprove phrasing for `user_authentication_failure_...
2023-04-24 Tim DüsterhusFix creating menuItem PIP entries without parent using...
2023-04-19 Alexander EbertRelease 5.5.11 5.5.11
2023-04-19 Alexander EbertMerge branch '5.4' into 5.5
2023-04-19 Alexander EbertRelease 5.4.27 5.4.27
2023-04-19 Alexander EbertMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2023-04-19 Alexander EbertRelease 5.3.28 5.3.28
2023-04-19 WoltLabUpdating minified JavaScript files
2023-04-19 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.4' into 5.5
2023-04-19 WoltLabUpdating minified JavaScript files
2023-04-19 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2023-04-19 WoltLabUpdating minified JavaScript files
2023-04-19 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.4' into 5.5
2023-04-19 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2023-04-19 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch 'article-clipboard' into 5.3
2023-04-19 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch 'js-unescape-html' into 5.3
2023-04-18 Tim DüsterhusFix `StringUtil.unescapeHTML()`
2023-04-18 Tim DüsterhusDo not allow setting an inaccessible category in Articl...
2023-04-18 Tim DüsterhusValidate if an article may be edited in `setCategory...
2023-04-17 Tim DüsterhusUpdate laminas/laminas-diactoros
2023-04-17 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.4' into 5.5
2023-04-17 Tim DüsterhusMerge branch '5.3' into 5.4
2023-04-17 Tim DüsterhusUpdate guzzlehttp/psr7
2023-04-14 Alexander EbertFix the update instructions
2023-04-14 Alexander EbertRelease 5.5.11 dev 1 5.5.11_dev_1
2023-04-13 Alexander EbertMerge pull request #5420 from darkwood-studios/5.5
2023-04-13 danieladded new articleLikeButtons template event to article...
2023-04-13 WoltLabUpdating minified JavaScript files
2023-04-11 Marcel WerkFix reading boolean field values in form builder dialogs
2023-04-08 Alexander EbertMerge pull request #5374 from SoftCreatR/bugfix/userBBC...
2023-04-06 Tim DüsterhusFix redirect after submitting ContactForm
2023-04-04 Olaf BraunUpdate TS StringUtil's HTML escaper to be consistent...
2023-04-04 Tim DüsterhusAdd `is_string` as template modifier
2023-04-04 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #5384 from WoltLab/trim-utf-8
2023-04-03 Tim DüsterhusGracefully handle non-UTF-8 inputs in StringUtil::trim()
2023-03-31 Tim DüsterhusMerge pull request #5380 from WoltLab/style-setvariable...
2023-03-31 Tim DüsterhusDo not write an updated style file in StyleEditor:...
2023-03-31 Alexander EbertMerge pull request #5375 from WoltLab/search-index...
2023-03-30 Alexander EbertUse a regex to insert a whitespace instead of stripping...
2023-03-29 Alexander EbertForce replace some HTML tags before sending messages...
2023-03-28 Sascha GreuelAdd `userBBCodeTag` to the shared templates