Author Commit
2013-06-14 Daniel Hillenbrandexynos4412: update fimg4x
2013-05-20 Javier FerrerFix macloader buffer overflow
2013-05-10 ghepeuexynos4: hal: include: Exif.h: always keep two decimal...
2013-05-05 Daniel Hillenbrandmacloader: add 5C:F8:A1 to murata cm-10.1.0 cm-10.1.0-RC1 cm-10.1.0-RC2 cm-10.1.0-RC3 cm-10.1.0-RC4 cm-10.1.0-RC5
2013-03-02 codeworkxexynos4210: lights: add missing brightness check cm-10.1-M2 cm-10.1-M3
2013-02-24 angelslexynos4: Add open source libsecion.
2013-02-19 Steve Kondikexynos3: power: Tuning and cleanups
2013-02-17 codeworkxexynos4: update media headers
2013-01-16 Andrew Doddgralloc: Remove hacks cm-10.1-M1
2012-12-18 Andrew Doddgralloc: Add missing GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_FIMC1 logic
2012-12-17 R. Andrew Ohanainclude ril for exynos4210
2012-12-13 codeworkxmacloader: add new murata value
2012-12-11 Daniel HillenbrandMerge "hwc: Pull in updates from exynos3 hwc" into... mr1-staging
2012-12-11 Andrew Doddhwc: Pull in updates from exynos3 hwc
2012-12-11 Daniel HillenbrandMerge "gralloc: Back out hacks now that Mali-derping...
2012-12-09 codeworkxexynos4: libhwcomposer: disable debugging
2012-12-08 Andrew Doddgralloc: Back out hacks now that Mali-derping is fixed
2012-12-07 codeworkxexynos4: gralloc: fix fimc1/ion logic
2012-12-07 Andrew Doddexynos4: gralloc: Do FIMC1 memory allocations from...
2012-12-06 Andrew Doddgralloc_priv: Remove unused yaddr member
2012-12-05 Andrew Doddgralloc: Let } rejoin its people
2012-12-03 codeworkxgralloc: add HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_SP_TILED for...
2012-12-03 codeworkxgralloc: avoid using framebuffer
2012-12-03 codeworkxgralloc: do it the android way
2012-12-03 codeworkxgralloc: hello }, welcome back at your new home
2012-12-03 codeworkxgralloc: hello }, what are you doing there?
2012-12-03 Espen Fjellvær... gralloc: Send first 2 FB buffers to carveout and next...
2012-12-03 codeworkxRevert "exynos4: gralloc: higher number of buffers...
2012-12-02 codeworkxlibhwcomposer: keep window 2 open
2012-12-01 codeworkxexynos4: gralloc: higher number of buffers for page...
2012-12-01 codeworkxexynos4: hwcomposer: add uevent vsync handling
2012-12-01 espenfjoexynos4: libhwcomposer: update for new api version
2012-12-01 codeworkxexynos4: update gralloc from insignal, modify it to...
2012-11-27 codeworkxexynos4: add missing pixel format definitions
2012-11-23 Daniel HillenbrandMerge "s5pc110: hwcomposer: update to hwcomposer HAL...
2012-11-23 Chirayu Desaiexynos5: remove sources
2012-11-23 Pawit Pornkitprasans5pc110: hwcomposer: update to hwcomposer HAL v1 api
2012-11-16 Petr Havlenaexynos3: libhdmi: initial commit
2012-11-16 Petr Havlenaexynos3: hwc: add hdmi support
2012-11-16 Petr Havlenaexynos3: fimc: fix
2012-11-11 codeworkxexynos4x12: add nfc package
2012-10-27 Chirayu Desaiexynos3: omx: moar love for p1 jellybean-stable
2012-10-20 jt1134exynos3: power HAL: add support for interactive governor
2012-10-04 R. Andrew OhanaMove macloader to hardware/samsung
2012-09-30 Pawit PornkitprasanPower HAL: Remove sampling rate change
2012-09-25 Pawit Pornkitprasans5pc110: Add Power HAL (userspace CPU boosting)
2012-09-16 Michael Brehmexynos3: Implement custom VSYNC IOCTL
2012-08-18 Pawit Pornkitprasanexynos3: Add V4L2_CID_CAMERA_GPS_PROCESSINGMETHOD to...
2012-08-18 Chirayu Desaiexynos3: initial commit
2012-08-03 codeworkxexynos4: added secril-client and secril-client-sap...
2012-08-02 Daniel Hillenbrandlights: use a hardcoded value for led brightness
2012-07-22 Daniel Hillenbrandfix libcamera and fimc conflict
2012-07-22 Daniel Hillenbrandunderp logging
2012-07-22 Daniel Hillenbrandexynos hal: jellybean compat
2012-07-22 Daniel Hillenbrandexynos4210 lights: jellybean compat
2012-07-22 Daniel Hillenbrandexynos4x12 lights: jellybean compat
2012-07-11 codeworkxexynos4x12: calibrate led colors, lights cleanup, disab... cm-9.1.0 ics ics-release
2012-07-11 codeworkxexynos4210: moved libsensors to galaxys2 device tree
2012-07-11 Andrew Doddsensors: Fix conversion values
2012-07-09 Sam Mortimerexynos4212 liblights: remove unused BUTTON_POWER define
2012-07-09 Daniel HillenbrandMerge "exynos4212 liblights: fix keypad lighting up...
2012-07-07 XpLoDWilDliblights: Fix reading of previous brightness value
2012-07-03 codeworkxexynos4: added missing gralloc defines for hdmi
2012-07-02 Sam Mortimerexynos4212 liblights: fix keypad lighting up when scree...
2012-07-01 codeworkxfix for fix keypad lighting up when screen backlight...
2012-06-28 Gary Dfix keypad lighting up when screen backlight auto-adjusts
2012-06-26 XpLoDWilDliblights: Store LED battery status and restore it...
2012-06-24 codeworkxlights: lower battery led brightness
2012-06-22 codeworkxexynos4x12: lower brightness on battery light
2012-06-21 codeworkxsmdk4x12: lights: battery led support
2012-06-16 codeworkxMerge "omx: build shared instead of static libs for...
2012-06-14 XpLoDWilDFix blue light sticking and fixed delays
2012-06-12 codeworkxexynos4x12: add lights module
2012-06-10 codeworkxomx: build shared instead of static libs for exynos4x12
2012-06-08 codeworkxexynos4: hdmi: fix invalid conversion from void* to...
2012-06-05 codeworkxcodecs: build shared mfcapi lib on exynos4x12
2012-06-04 codeworkxcodecs: mfcapi compatibility patch for exynos4x12
2012-05-25 sbrissenAdd Red/Blue LED notification support
2012-05-23 codeworkxliblights: adjust file location for smdk4210 kernel
2012-05-21 athurhexynos: Improve H264 encode quality
2012-05-21 R. Andrew only include directory for exynos devices
2012-05-20 codeworkxexynos: reorganized and updated from insignal
2012-05-19 Phil Tunstallliblights: Fix touch key lights coming on when screen...
2012-05-06 athurhOMX: Improve H264 encode quality
2012-04-19 Espen Fjellvær... Update AkmSensor to manually set poll interval
2012-04-01 R. Andrew Ohanaadded tablet support to liblights
2012-03-29 Espen Fjellvær... Remove in_output_mode missing from the kernel part...
2012-03-24 codeworkxlibump: include fixes
2012-03-24 codeworkxremoved unneeded filters on makefiles
2012-03-24 codeworkxinitial commit, taken and modified from linaro/insignal