- `wcf\system\search\elasticsearch\ElasticsearchHandler::PUT`
- `SECURITY_TOKEN` ([WoltLab/WCF#4934](https://github.com/WoltLab/WCF/pull/4934))
- `SECURITY_TOKEN_INPUT_TAG` ([WoltLab/WCF#4934](https://github.com/WoltLab/WCF/pull/4934))
+- `WSC_API_VERSION` ([WoltLab/WCF#4943](https://github.com/WoltLab/WCF/pull/4943))
#### Options
- `WCF.Conversation.MarkAsRead`
- `WCF.Conversation.MarkAllAsRead`
- `WCF.ModeratedUserGroup.AddMembers`
+- `WSC_API_VERSION` ([WoltLab/WCF#4943](https://github.com/WoltLab/WCF/pull/4943))
### Database
It is recommended to make use of the newly introduced features whereever possible.
Please refer to the PHP documentation for details.
+## Package System
+### Removal of API compatibility
+WoltLab Suite 6.0 removes support for the deprecated API compatibility functionality.
+Any packages with a `<compatibility>` tag in their package.xml are assumed to not have been updated for WoltLab Suite 6.0 and will be rejected during installation.
+Furthermore any packages without an explicit requirement for `com.woltlab.wcf` in at least version `5.4.22` are also assumed to not have been updated for WoltLab Suite 6.0 and will also be rejected.
+The latter check is intended to reject old and most likely incompatible packages where the author forgot to add either an `<excludedpackage>` or a `<compatibility>` tag before releasing it.
## Indicating parameters that hold sensitive information
PHP 8.2 adds native support for redacting parameters holding sensitive information in stack traces.