--- /dev/null
+use wcf\data\style\StyleEditor;
+use wcf\data\style\StyleList;
+use wcf\util\FileUtil;
+ * @author Tim Duesterhus
+ * @copyright 2001-2020 WoltLab GmbH
+ * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
+ * @package WoltLabSuite\Core
+ */
+$styleList = new StyleList();
+foreach ($styleList as $style) {
+ $style->loadVariables();
+ $variables = $style->getVariables();
+ $styleEditor = new StyleEditor($style);
+ // 1) Move existing asset path folder out of the way.
+ // It's unlikely that one exists, but having an existing folder will create a small mess.
+ if (file_exists($style->getAssetPath())) {
+ rename($style->getAssetPath(), FileUtil::removeTrailingSlash($style->getAssetPath()) . '.old53/');
+ }
+ // 2) Create asset folder.
+ FileUtil::makePath($style->getAssetPath());
+ // 3) If the file had a custom image folder we need to copy all files into the asset folder.
+ // Moving the files is unsafe, because multiple styles can share a single image folder.
+ if ($style->imagePath != 'images/') {
+ $srcPath = FileUtil::addTrailingSlash(WCF_DIR.$style->imagePath);
+ if ($srcPath == $style->getAssetPath()) {
+ $srcPath = FileUtil::removeTrailingSlash($style->getAssetPath()) . '.old53/';
+ }
+ $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(
+ new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(
+ $srcPath,
+ \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS
+ ),
+ \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST
+ );
+ foreach ($iterator as $file) {
+ /** @var \SplFileInfo $file */
+ if (!$file->isFile()) continue;
+ $relative = FileUtil::getRelativePath($srcPath, $file->getPath());
+ FileUtil::makePath($style->getAssetPath() . $relative);
+ copy($file->getPathname(), $style->getAssetPath() . $relative . $file->getBasename());
+ }
+ }
+ $styleEditor->update([
+ 'imagePath' => 'images/style-' . $style->styleID . '/',
+ ]);
+ // 4) Copy style previews into the asset folder.
+ // Moving *should* be safe here, unless the admin manually edited the style, but better play safe.
+ if ($style->image && file_exists(WCF_DIR . 'images/' . $style->image)) {
+ $extension = pathinfo($style->image, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
+ copy(
+ WCF_DIR . 'images/' . $style->image,
+ $style->getAssetPath() . 'stylePreview.' . $extension
+ );
+ $styleEditor->update([
+ 'image' => 'stylePreview.' . $extension,
+ ]);
+ }
+ if ($style->image2x && file_exists(WCF_DIR . 'images/' . $style->image2x)) {
+ $extension = pathinfo($style->image2x, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
+ copy(
+ WCF_DIR . 'images/' . $style->image2x,
+ $style->getAssetPath() . 'stylePreview@2x.' . $extension
+ );
+ $styleEditor->update([
+ 'image2x' => 'stylePreview@2x.' . $extension,
+ ]);
+ }
+ // 5) Copy coverPhotos into the asset folder.
+ // Moving is safe here, but for consistency we are copying.
+ if (file_exists(WCF_DIR . 'images/coverPhotos/' . $style->styleID . '.' . $style->coverPhotoExtension)) {
+ copy(
+ WCF_DIR . 'images/coverPhotos/' . $style->styleID . '.' . $style->coverPhotoExtension,
+ $style->getAssetPath() . 'coverPhoto.' . $style->coverPhotoExtension
+ );
+ }
+ // 6) Copy favicon related files into the asset folder.
+ // Moving is safe here, but for consistency we are copying.
+ foreach ([
+ 'android-chrome-192x192.png',
+ 'android-chrome-256x256.png',
+ 'apple-touch-icon.png',
+ 'browserconfig.xml',
+ 'favicon.ico',
+ 'favicon-template.png',
+ 'manifest.json',
+ 'mstile-150x150.png',
+ ] as $filename) {
+ if (file_exists(WCF_DIR . 'images/favicon/' . $style->styleID . '.' . $filename)) {
+ copy(
+ WCF_DIR . 'images/favicon/' . $style->styleID . '.' . $filename,
+ $style->getAssetPath() . $filename
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // 7) Copy styleLogo.
+ // Moving is unsafe, we cannot even guarantee that the logo is a file on the local filesystem.
+ foreach (['pageLogo', 'pageLogoMobile'] as $type) {
+ if (empty($variables[$type])) continue;
+ $srcPath = WCF_DIR . 'images/' . $variables[$type];
+ if (!file_exists($srcPath)) {
+ $srcPath = WCF_DIR . $style->imagePath . '/' . $style->getVariable($type);
+ if (!file_exists($srcPath)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ copy(
+ $srcPath,
+ $style->getAssetPath() . basename($srcPath)
+ );
+ $variables[$type] = basename($srcPath);
+ }
+ $styleEditor->setVariables($variables);