var _dropdownMenu = null;
var _dropdownMenuMessage = null;
var _enabled = false;
+ var _enabledLGTouchNavigation = false;
var _knownMessages = new List();
var _main = null;
var _messages = elByClass('message');
unmatch: this._disableSidebarXS.bind(this),
setup: this._setupSidebarXS.bind(this)
+ // On the iPad Pro the navigation is not usable, because there is not the mobile layout displayed,
+ // but the normal one for the desktop. The navigation reacts to a hover status if a menu item has
+ // several submenu items. Logically, this cannot be created with the iPad, so that we display the
+ // submenu here after a single click and only follow the link after another click.
+ if (Environment.touch() && Environment.platform() === 'ios' && Environment.browser() === 'safari') {
+ UiScreen.on('screen-lg', {
+ match: this._enableLGTouchNavigation.bind(this),
+ unmatch: this._disableLGTouchNavigation.bind(this),
+ setup: this._setupLGTouchNavigation.bind(this)
+ });
+ }
_dropdownMenuMessage = message;
+ _setupLGTouchNavigation: function () {
+ _enabledLGTouchNavigation = true;
+ elBySelAll('.boxMenuHasChildren > a', null, function (element) {
+ element.addEventListener('touchstart', function (event) {
+ if (_enabledLGTouchNavigation && !~~elData(, 'dropdown-open')) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ elData(, 'dropdown-open', 1);
+ // Register an new event listener after the touch ended, which is triggered once when an
+ // element on the page is pressed. This allows us to reset the touch status of the navigation
+ // entry when the entry is no longer open, so that it does not redirect to the page when you
+ // click it again.
+ element.addEventListener('touchend', function () {
+ document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', function () {
+ elData(, 'dropdown-open', 0);
+ }, {
+ once: true
+ });
+ }, {
+ once: true
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ },
+ _enableLGTouchNavigation: function () {
+ _enabledLGTouchNavigation = true;
+ },
+ _disableLGTouchNavigation: function () {
+ _enabledLGTouchNavigation = false;
+ },
_rebuildMobileNavigation: function (navigation) {
elBySelAll('.button:not(.ignoreMobileNavigation)', navigation, function (button) {
var item = elCreate('li');