The return value of `getSaveValue()` is the integer representation of the boolean value, i.e. `0` or `1`.
-### <span class="label label-info">5.3.2+</span> `CheckboxFormField`
+### `CheckboxFormField`
+!!! info "Only available since version 5.3.2."
`CheckboxFormField` extends `BooleanFormField` and offers a simple HTML checkbox.
### `UserPasswordField`
+!!! info "Only available since version 5.4."
`UserPasswordField` is a form field for users' to enter their current password.
The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IAutoCompleteFormField`, `IAutoFocusFormField`, and `IPlaceholderFormField`
If the form contains a `IFileFormField`, `multipart/form-data` is returned, otherwise `null` is returned.
- `loadValues(array $data, IStorableObject $object)` is used when editing an existing object to set the form field values by calling `IFormField::loadValue()` for all form fields.
Additionally, the form mode is set to `IFormDocument::FORM_MODE_UPDATE`.
-- `markRequiredFields(bool $markRequiredFields = true): self` and `marksRequiredFields(): bool` can be used to set and check whether fields that are required are marked (with an asterisk in the label) in the output.
+- <span class="label label-info">5.4+</span> `markRequiredFields(bool $markRequiredFields = true): self` and `marksRequiredFields(): bool` can be used to set and check whether fields that are required are marked (with an asterisk in the label) in the output.
- `method($method)` and `getMethod()` can be used to set and get the `method` attribute of the `<form>` HTML element.
By default, the method is `post`.
- `prefix($prefix)` and `getPrefix()` can be used to set and get a global form prefix that is prepended to form elements’ names and ids to avoid conflicts with other forms.
#### `IAutoCompleteFormField`
+!!! info "Only available since version 5.4."
`IAutoCompleteFormField` has to be implemented by form fields that support the [`autocomplete` attribute](
The implementing class has to implement the methods `autoComplete(?string $autoComplete): self` and `getAutoComplete(): ?string`, which are used to set and get the autocomplete value, respectively.
`TAutoCompleteFormField` provides a default implementation of these two methods and `TTextAutoCompleteFormField` specializes the trait for text form fields.
#### `IInputModeFormField`
+!!! info "Only available since version 5.4."
`IInputModeFormField` has to be implemented by form fields that support the [`inputmode` attribute](
The implementing class has to implement the methods `inputMode(?string $inputMode): self` and `getInputMode(): ?string`, which are used to set and get the input mode, respectively.
`TInputModeFormField` provides a default implementation of these two methods.
#### `IPatternFormField`
+!!! info "Only available since version 5.4."
`IPatternFormField` has to be implemented by form fields that support the [`pattern` attribute](
The implementing class has to implement the methods `pattern(?string $pattern): self` and `getPattern(): ?string`, which are used to set and get the pattern, respectively.
`TPatternFormField` provides a default implementation of these two methods.