!!! warning "This class should generally not be relied on. Instead, `TemplateFormNode` should be used."
+ ->content('html code')
### `TemplateFormNode`
If no template has been set and the node is rendered, an exception will be thrown.
- `variables(array $variables)` and `getVariables()` can be used to set and get additional variables passed to the template.
+ ->templateName('example_template_name')
## Form Document
- `appendChild(IFormChildNode $child)`, `appendChildren(array $children)`, and `insertBefore(IFormChildNode $child, $referenceNodeId)` are used to insert new children into the form container.
- `description($languageItem = null, array $variables = [])` and `label($languageItem = null, array $variables = [])` are used to set the description and the label or title of the form container.
+ FormContainer::create('example')
+ ->appendChildren([ ... ])
+ );
## Form Field