Do not send more than 15 patches at once to the vger mailing lists!!!
Linus Torvalds is the final arbiter of all changes accepted into the
-Linux kernel. His e-mail address is <>.
+Linux kernel. His e-mail address is <>.
- He gets a lot of e-mail, so typically you should do your best to -avoid-
+ He gets a lot of e-mail, and, at this point, very few patches go through
+ Linus directly, so typically you should do your best to -avoid-
sending him e-mail.
- Patches which are bug fixes, are "obvious" changes, or similarly
- require little discussion should be sent or CC'd to Linus. Patches
- which require discussion or do not have a clear advantage should
- usually be sent first to linux-kernel. Only after the patch is
- discussed should the patch then be submitted to Linus.
+ If you have a patch that fixes an exploitable security bug, send that patch
+ to For severe bugs, a short embargo may be considered
+ to allow distrbutors to get the patch out to users; in such cases,
+ obviously, the patch should not be sent to any public lists.
- 6) Select your CC (e-mail carbon copy) list.
+ Patches that fix a severe bug in a released kernel should be directed
+ toward the stable maintainers by putting a line like this:
- Unless you have a reason NOT to do so, CC
+ Cc:
- Other kernel developers besides Linus need to be aware of your change,
- so that they may comment on it and offer code review and suggestions.
- linux-kernel is the primary Linux kernel developer mailing list.
- Other mailing lists are available for specific subsystems, such as
- USB, framebuffer devices, the VFS, the SCSI subsystem, etc. See the
- MAINTAINERS file for a mailing list that relates specifically to
- your change.
+ into your patch.
- Majordomo lists of VGER.KERNEL.ORG at:
- <>
+ Note, however, that some subsystem maintainers want to come to their own
+ conclusions on which patches should go to the stable trees. The networking
+ maintainer, in particular, would rather not see individual developers
+ adding lines like the above to their patches.
- If changes affect userland-kernel interfaces, please send
- the MAN-PAGES maintainer (as listed in the MAINTAINERS file)
- a man-pages patch, or at least a notification of the change,
- so that some information makes its way into the manual pages.
- Even if the maintainer did not respond in step #5, make sure to ALWAYS
- copy the maintainer when you change their code.
+ If changes affect userland-kernel interfaces, please send the MAN-PAGES
+ maintainer (as listed in the MAINTAINERS file) a man-pages patch, or at
+ least a notification of the change, so that some information makes its way
+ into the manual pages. User-space API changes should also be copied to
For small patches you may want to CC the Trivial Patch Monkey which collects "trivial" patches. Have a look