<item name="wcf.global.configureDB.database"><![CDATA[Database name]]></item>
<item name="wcf.global.configureDB.database.description"><![CDATA[The database must already exist.]]></item>
<item name="wcf.global.configureDB.number"><![CDATA[Installation-number]]></item>
- <item name="wcf.global.configureDB.number.description"><![CDATA[The installation-number allows you to install multiple installations of this software into the same database. If this is your first installation in this database, you should enter <em>1</em>.]]></item>
+ <item name="wcf.global.configureDB.number.description"><![CDATA[The installation-number allows you to install multiple installations of this software into the same database. If this is your first installation in this database, you should enter <em>1</em>.]]></item>
<item name="wcf.global.configureDB.error"><![CDATA[An error has accured while trying to connect to your database:
<br /><strong>{$exception->getMessage()}{if $exception|get_class == 'DatabaseException'}<br />{$exception->getErrorDesc()}{/if}</strong>]]></item>
- <item name="wcf.global.configureDB.conflictedTables"><![CDATA[The following table{if $conflictedTables|count > 1}s{/if} already exist{if $conflictedTables|count == 1}s{/if} within your "{$dbName}" Database:<br />{implode from=$conflictedTables item="table"}{$table}{/implode}.<br /><br />To solve this problem, please do one of the following:<br />1. Enable the "Overwrite" option below to overwrite {if $conflictedTables|count > 1}these tables{else}this table{/if} and continue the installation with the "Next" button or<br />2. You re-enter the database access information, but to a different database and continue the installation with the "Next" button or<br />3. Enter a new installation number, not forgetting to continue the installation with the "Next" Button.]]></item>
+ <item name="wcf.global.configureDB.conflictedTables"><![CDATA[The following table{if $conflictedTables|count > 1}s{/if} already exist{if $conflictedTables|count == 1}s{/if} within your “{$dbName}” Database:<br />{implode from=$conflictedTables item="table"}{$table}{/implode}.<br /><br />To solve this problem, please do one of the following:<br />1. Enable the “Overwrite” option below to overwrite {if $conflictedTables|count > 1}these tables{else}this table{/if} and continue the installation with the “Next” button or<br />2. You re-enter the database access information, but to a different database and continue the installation with the “Next” button or<br />3. Enter a new installation number, not forgetting to continue the installation with the “Next” Button.]]></item>
<item name="wcf.global.configureDB.conflictedTables.overwrite"><![CDATA[Overwrite the above listed table{if $conflictedTables|count > 1}s{/if}?]]></item>
<item name="wcf.global.configureDB.class"><![CDATA[Database type]]></item>
<item name="wcf.global.configureDB.class.MSSQLDatabase"><![CDATA[Microsoft SQL Server 2008+]]></item>