* which will be filled with the currently selected tab.
WCF.TabMenu = {
+ /**
+ * initialization state
+ * @var boolean
+ */
+ didInit: false,
* Initializes all TabMenus
init: function() {
- $('.tabMenuContainer').each(function(index, tabMenu) {
- if (!$(tabMenu).attr('id')) {
- var $randomID = WCF.getRandomID();
- $(tabMenu).attr('id', $randomID);
+ var $containers = $('.tabMenuContainer');
+ $containers.each(function(index, tabMenu) {
+ var $tabMenu = $(tabMenu);
+ if (!$tabMenu.attr('id')) {
+ $tabMenu.wcfIdentify();
// init jQuery UI TabMenu
- $(tabMenu).wcfTabs({
+ $tabMenu.wcfTabs({
select: function(event, ui) {
var $panel = $(ui.panel);
var $container = $panel.closest('.tabMenuContainer');
$('#' + $container.data('store')).attr('value', $panel.attr('id'));
+ // set panel id as location hash
+ if (WCF.TabMenu.didInit) {
+ location.hash = '#' + $panel.attr('id');
+ }
// display active item on init
- if ($(tabMenu).data('active')) {
- $(tabMenu).find('.tabMenuContent').each(function(index, tabMenuItem) {
- if ($(tabMenuItem).attr('id') == $(tabMenu).data('active')) {
- $(tabMenu).wcfTabs('select', index);
+ if ($tabMenu.data('active')) {
+ $tabMenu.find('.tabMenuContent').each(function(innerIndex, tabMenuItem) {
+ var $tabMenuItem = $(tabMenuItem);
+ if ($tabMenuItem.attr('id') == $tabMenu.data('active')) {
+ $tabMenu.wcfTabs('select', innerIndex);
+ // try to resolve location hash
+ if (!this.didInit && location.hash && /-/.test(location.hash)) {
+ var $hash = location.hash.substr(1).split('-');
+ if ($hash.length === 2) {
+ // find a container which matches the first part
+ $containers.each(function(index, tabMenu) {
+ var $tabMenu = $(tabMenu);
+ if ($tabMenu.wcfTabs('hasAnchor', $hash[0], false)) {
+ // try to find child tabMenu
+ var $childTabMenu = $tabMenu.find('#' + $hash[0] + '.tabMenuContainer');
+ if ($childTabMenu.length === 1) {
+ // validate match for second part
+ if ($childTabMenu.wcfTabs('hasAnchor', $hash[1], true)) {
+ $tabMenu.wcfTabs('select', $hash[0]);
+ $childTabMenu.wcfTabs('select', $hash[0] + '-' + $hash[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ // break loop
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ this.didInit = true;
_show: function(event) {
var $elementID = $(event.currentTarget).data('elementID');
- console.debug(this);
// build drop down
if (!this._dropdowns[$elementID]) {
var $trigger = this._getTriggerElement(this._elements[$elementID]).wrap('<span />');
_sanitizeSelector: function(hash) {
return hash.replace(/([:\.])/g, '\\$1');
* @see $.ui.tabs.prototype.select()
getCurrentIndex: function() {
return this.lis.index(this.lis.filter('.ui-tabs-selected'));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns true, if identifier is used by an anchor.
+ *
+ * @param string identifier
+ * @param boolean isChildren
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ hasAnchor: function(identifier, isChildren) {
+ var $matches = false;
+ this.anchors.each(function(index, anchor) {
+ var $href = $(anchor).attr('href');
+ if (/#.+/.test($href)) {
+ // split by anchor
+ var $parts = $href.split('#', 2);
+ if (isChildren) {
+ $parts = $parts[1].split('-', 2);
+ }
+ if ($parts[1] === identifier) {
+ $matches = true;
+ // terminate loop
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return $matches;