else {
// removing existing format causes the selection to vanish,
// these markers are used to restore it afterwards
- markerStart = elCreate('woltlab-tmp-marker');
- markerEnd = elCreate('woltlab-tmp-marker');
+ markerStart = elCreate('mark');
+ markerEnd = elCreate('mark');
var tmpRange = range.cloneRange();
// search for tags that are still floating around, but are completely empty
elBySelAll('span', editorElement, function (element) {
if (element.parentNode && !element.textContent.length && element.style.getPropertyValue(property) !== '') {
- if (element.childElementCount === 1 && element.children[0].nodeName === 'WOLTLAB-TMP-MARKER') {
+ if (element.childElementCount === 1 && element.children[0].nodeName === 'MARK') {
element.parentNode.insertBefore(element.children[0], element);