that requires the respective functionality should implement them using
these definitions.
+Interpreted by the OF core:
+- reg: Registers location and length.
+- interrupts: Interrupts used by the MMC controller.
Required properties:
- bus-width: Number of data lines, can be <1>, <4>, or <8>
Optional properties:
-- cd-gpios : Specify GPIOs for card detection, see gpio binding
-- wp-gpios : Specify GPIOs for write protection, see gpio binding
-- cd-inverted: when present, polarity on the wp gpio line is inverted
+- cd-gpios: Specify GPIOs for card detection, see gpio binding
+- wp-gpios: Specify GPIOs for write protection, see gpio binding
+- cd-inverted: when present, polarity on the cd gpio line is inverted
- wp-inverted: when present, polarity on the wp gpio line is inverted
- non-removable: non-removable slot (like eMMC)
- max-frequency: maximum operating clock frequency