-usb8023.sys, usb8023w.sys, , 0
-rndismp.sys, rndismpw.sys, , 0
+usb8023.sys, usb8023w.sys, , 0
+rndismp.sys, rndismpw.sys, , 0
; Windows Millennium Edition specific sections --------------------
-usb8023.sys, usb8023m.sys, , 0
-rndismp.sys, rndismpm.sys, , 0
+usb8023.sys, usb8023m.sys, , 0
+rndismp.sys, rndismpm.sys, , 0
; Windows 2000 specific sections ---------------------------------
; no rename of files on Windows 2000, use the 'k' names as is
-usb8023k.sys, , , 0
-rndismpk.sys, , , 0
+usb8023k.sys, , , 0
+rndismpk.sys, , , 0
DisplayName = %ServiceDisplayName%
-ServiceType = 1
-StartType = 3
-ErrorControl = 1
-ServiceBinary = %12%\usb8023k.sys
+ServiceType = 1
+StartType = 3
+ErrorControl = 1
+ServiceBinary = %12%\usb8023k.sys
LoadOrderGroup = NDIS
AddReg = RNDIS_WMI_AddReg_NT
DisplayName = %ServiceDisplayName%
-ServiceType = 1
-StartType = 3
-ErrorControl = 1
-ServiceBinary = %12%\usb8023.sys
+ServiceType = 1
+StartType = 3
+ErrorControl = 1
+ServiceBinary = %12%\usb8023.sys
LoadOrderGroup = NDIS
AddReg = RNDIS_WMI_AddReg_51
HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "USB_RNDIS"
-HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndis5"
+HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndis5"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "ethernet"