var $quote = null;
if (this.wutil.inWysiwygMode()) {
- var $id = WCF.getUUID();
+ var $id = 'quote' + WCF.getUUID();
var $html = '';
if (plainText) {
$html = this.wbbcode.convertToHtml($openTag + plainText + $closingTag);
$current = $parent;
- if ($current && $current.parentNode === this.$editor[0]) {
- if ($current.innerHTML.length) {
- if ($current.innerHTML === '\u200b') {
- this.caret.setEnd($current);
- }
- else {
- this.wutil.setCaretAfter($current);
+ var childNodeIndex = -1, editor = this.$editor[0];
+ if ($current && $current.parentNode === editor && $current.innerHTML.length > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < editor.childNodes.length; i++) {
+ if (editor.childNodes[i] === $current) {
+ childNodeIndex = i + 1;
+ break;
- this.insert.html($html, false);
+ if (childNodeIndex === -1) {
+ childNodeIndex = editor.childNodes.length;
+ }
+ var range = document.createRange();
+ range.setStart(editor, childNodeIndex);
+ range.setEnd(editor, childNodeIndex);
+ var selection = window.getSelection();
+ selection.removeAllRanges();
+ selection.addRange(range);
+ var markerElement = document.createElement('span');
+ range.insertNode(markerElement);
+ // jQuery handles malformed HTML gracefully, yielding perfectly valid HTML in the end
+ // which can then be injected using outerHTML
+ $html = $('<div />').html($html)[0].innerHTML;
+ // remove previous element if it was an empty paragraph
+ var previousElement = markerElement.previousElementSibling;
+ if (previousElement && previousElement.nodeName === 'P' && previousElement.innerHTML === '\u200B') {
+ editor.removeChild(previousElement);
+ }
+ markerElement.outerHTML = $html;
$quote = this.$editor.find('#' + $id);
if ($quote.length) {
// quote may be empty if $innerHTML was empty, fix it
var $inner = $quote.find('> div');
- if ($inner.length == 1) {
+ if ($inner.length === 1) {
if ($inner[0].innerHTML === '') {
$inner[0].innerHTML = this.opts.invisibleSpace;