1. Register an object type for the definition `com.woltlab.wcf.floodControl`: `com.example.foo.myContent`.
2. Whenever the active user creates content of this type, call
- ```php
- FloodControl::getInstance()->registerContent('com.example.foo.myContent');
- ```
- You should only call this method if the user creates the content themselves.
- If the content is automatically created by the system, for example when copying / duplicating existing content, no activity should be registered.
+ ```php
+ FloodControl::getInstance()->registerContent('com.example.foo.myContent');
+ ```
+ You should only call this method if the user creates the content themselves.
+ If the content is automatically created by the system, for example when copying / duplicating existing content, no activity should be registered.
3. To check the last time when the active user created content of the relevant type, use
- ```php
- FloodControl::getInstance()->getLastTime('com.example.foo.myContent');
- ```
- If you want to limit the number of content items created within a certain period of time, for example within one day, use
- ```php
- $data = FloodControl::getInstance()->countContent('com.example.foo.myContent', new \DateInterval('P1D'));
- // number of content items created within the last day
- $count = $data['count'];
- // timestamp when the earliest content item was created within the last day
- $earliestTime = $data['earliestTime'];
- ```
- The method also returns `earliestTime` so that you can tell the user in the error message when they are able again to create new content of the relevant type.
- !!! info "Flood control entries are only stored for 31 days and older entries are cleaned up daily."
+ ```php
+ FloodControl::getInstance()->getLastTime('com.example.foo.myContent');
+ ```
+ If you want to limit the number of content items created within a certain period of time, for example within one day, use
+ ```php
+ $data = FloodControl::getInstance()->countContent('com.example.foo.myContent', new \DateInterval('P1D'));
+ // number of content items created within the last day
+ $count = $data['count'];
+ // timestamp when the earliest content item was created within the last day
+ $earliestTime = $data['earliestTime'];
+ ```
+ The method also returns `earliestTime` so that you can tell the user in the error message when they are able again to create new content of the relevant type.
+ !!! info "Flood control entries are only stored for 31 days and older entries are cleaned up daily."
The previously mentioned methods of `FloodControl` use the active user and the current timestamp as reference point.
`FloodControl` also provides methods to register content or check flood control for other registered users or for guests via their IP address.