lacpdu_header = (struct lacpdu_header *)skb_put(skb, length);
- memcpy(lacpdu_header->ad_header.destination_address.mac_addr_value,
- lacpdu_mcast_addr, ETH_ALEN);
+ memcpy(lacpdu_header->hdr.h_dest, lacpdu_mcast_addr, ETH_ALEN);
/* Note: source addres is set to be the member's PERMANENT address,
because we use it to identify loopback lacpdus in receive. */
- memcpy(lacpdu_header->ad_header.source_address.mac_addr_value,
- slave->perm_hwaddr, ETH_ALEN);
- lacpdu_header->ad_header.length_type = PKT_TYPE_LACPDU;
+ memcpy(lacpdu_header->hdr.h_source, slave->perm_hwaddr, ETH_ALEN);
+ lacpdu_header->hdr.h_proto = PKT_TYPE_LACPDU;
lacpdu_header->lacpdu = port->lacpdu; // struct copy
marker_header = (struct bond_marker_header *)skb_put(skb, length);
- memcpy(marker_header->ad_header.destination_address.mac_addr_value,
- lacpdu_mcast_addr, ETH_ALEN);
+ memcpy(marker_header->hdr.h_dest, lacpdu_mcast_addr, ETH_ALEN);
/* Note: source addres is set to be the member's PERMANENT address,
because we use it to identify loopback MARKERs in receive. */
- memcpy(marker_header->ad_header.source_address.mac_addr_value,
- slave->perm_hwaddr, ETH_ALEN);
- marker_header->ad_header.length_type = PKT_TYPE_LACPDU;
+ memcpy(marker_header->hdr.h_source, slave->perm_hwaddr, ETH_ALEN);
+ marker_header->hdr.h_proto = PKT_TYPE_LACPDU;
marker_header->marker = *marker; // struct copy
#pragma pack(1)
-typedef struct ad_header {
- struct mac_addr destination_address;
- struct mac_addr source_address;
- __be16 length_type;
-} ad_header_t;
// Link Aggregation Control Protocol(LACP) data unit structure( in the 802.3ad standard)
typedef struct lacpdu {
u8 subtype; // = LACP(= 0x01)
} lacpdu_t;
typedef struct lacpdu_header {
- struct ad_header ad_header;
+ struct ethhdr hdr;
struct lacpdu lacpdu;
} lacpdu_header_t;
} bond_marker_t;
typedef struct bond_marker_header {
- struct ad_header ad_header;
+ struct ethhdr hdr;
struct bond_marker marker;
} bond_marker_header_t;