This was required in <= 5.4 to fix an issue caused by the `transform: translateX(-50%)` offset used in these versions. 5.5 uses a pixel-perfect positioning that no longer relies on this hack.
const maximumHeight = window.innerHeight * (_dialogFullHeight ? 1 : 0.8) - unavailableHeight;"max-height", `${~~maximumHeight}px`, "");
- // Chrome and Safari use heavy anti-aliasing when the dialog's width
- // cannot be evenly divided, causing the whole text to become blurry
- if (Environment.browser() === "chrome" || Environment.browser() === "safari") {
- // The new Microsoft Edge is detected as "chrome", because effectively we're detecting
- // Chromium rather than Chrome specifically. The workaround for fractional pixels does
- // not work well in Edge, there seems to be a different logic for fractional positions,
- // causing the text to be blurry.
- //
- // We can use `backface-visibility: hidden` to prevent the anti aliasing artifacts in
- // WebKit/Blink, which will also prevent some weird font rendering issues when resizing.
- contentContainer.classList.add("jsWebKitFractionalPixelFix");
- }
const callbackObject = _dialogToObject.get(id);
//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (callbackObject !== undefined && typeof callbackObject._dialogSubmit === "function") {
unavailableHeight += Util_1.default.outerHeight(data.header);
const maximumHeight = window.innerHeight * (_dialogFullHeight ? 1 : 0.8) - unavailableHeight;"max-height", `${~~maximumHeight}px`, "");
- // Chrome and Safari use heavy anti-aliasing when the dialog's width
- // cannot be evenly divided, causing the whole text to become blurry
- if (Environment.browser() === "chrome" || Environment.browser() === "safari") {
- // The new Microsoft Edge is detected as "chrome", because effectively we're detecting
- // Chromium rather than Chrome specifically. The workaround for fractional pixels does
- // not work well in Edge, there seems to be a different logic for fractional positions,
- // causing the text to be blurry.
- //
- // We can use `backface-visibility: hidden` to prevent the anti aliasing artifacts in
- // WebKit/Blink, which will also prevent some weird font rendering issues when resizing.
- contentContainer.classList.add("jsWebKitFractionalPixelFix");
- }
const callbackObject = _dialogToObject.get(id);
//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (callbackObject !== undefined && typeof callbackObject._dialogSubmit === "function") {
- /* Chrome and Safari use heavy anti-aliasing when the dialog's width
- cannot be evenly divided, causing the whole text to become blurry */
- &.jsWebKitFractionalPixelFix {
- backface-visibility: hidden;
- }