-c, --cpu=<unsigned int> CPU Number to use, starting at 0
-p, --prio=<priority> scheduler priority, HIGH, LOW or DEFAULT
-g, --governor=<governor> cpufreq governor to test
--n, --cycles=<int> load/sleep cycles to get an avarage value to compare
+-n, --cycles=<int> load/sleep cycles to get an average value to compare
-r, --rounds<int> load/sleep rounds
-f, --file=<configfile> config file to use
-o, --output=<dir> output dir, must exist
_round, load_time, sleep_time);
if (config->verbose)
- printf("avarage: %lius, rps:%li\n",
+ printf("average: %lius, rps:%li\n",
load_time / calculations,
1000000 * calculations / load_time);
progress_time += sleep_time + load_time;
- /* compare the avarage sleep/load cycles */
+ /* compare the average sleep/load cycles */
fprintf(config->output, "%li ",
powersave_time / config->cycles);
fprintf(config->output, "%.3f\n",