import { ClassicEditor, CodeBlockConfig, EditorConfig, Element as CkeElement } from "./Ckeditor/Types";
import { setupSubmitShortcut } from "./Ckeditor/Keyboard";
import { setup as setupLayer } from "./Ckeditor/Layer";
+import { browser, touch } from "../Environment";
const instances = new WeakMap<HTMLElement, CKEditor>();
ckeditor: this,
+ if (browser() === "safari" && !touch()) {
+ // Safari sometimes suffers from a “reverse typing” effect caused by the
+ // improper shift of the focus out of the editing area.
+ //
+ const editor = this.#editor.ui.element!;
+ editor.focus();
+ window.setTimeout(() => {
+ editor.blur();
+ }, 0);
+ }
get element(): HTMLElement {
* @since 6.0
* @woltlabExcludeBundle tiny
-define(["require", "exports", "tslib", "./Ckeditor/Attachment", "./Ckeditor/Media", "./Ckeditor/Mention", "./Ckeditor/Quote", "./Ckeditor/Autosave", "./Ckeditor/Configuration", "./Ckeditor/Event", "./Ckeditor/SubmitOnEnter", "./Ckeditor/Normalizer", "../Ui/Scroll", "../Devtools", "./Ckeditor/Keyboard", "./Ckeditor/Layer"], function (require, exports, tslib_1, Attachment_1, Media_1, Mention_1, Quote_1, Autosave_1, Configuration_1, Event_1, SubmitOnEnter_1, Normalizer_1, Scroll_1, Devtools_1, Keyboard_1, Layer_1) {
+define(["require", "exports", "tslib", "./Ckeditor/Attachment", "./Ckeditor/Media", "./Ckeditor/Mention", "./Ckeditor/Quote", "./Ckeditor/Autosave", "./Ckeditor/Configuration", "./Ckeditor/Event", "./Ckeditor/SubmitOnEnter", "./Ckeditor/Normalizer", "../Ui/Scroll", "../Devtools", "./Ckeditor/Keyboard", "./Ckeditor/Layer", "../Environment"], function (require, exports, tslib_1, Attachment_1, Media_1, Mention_1, Quote_1, Autosave_1, Configuration_1, Event_1, SubmitOnEnter_1, Normalizer_1, Scroll_1, Devtools_1, Keyboard_1, Layer_1, Environment_1) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.getCkeditorById = exports.getCkeditor = exports.setupCkeditor = void 0;
(0, Event_1.dispatchToCkeditor)(this.sourceElement).reset({
ckeditor: this,
+ if ((0, Environment_1.browser)() === "safari" && !(0, Environment_1.touch)()) {
+ const editor = this.#editor.ui.element;
+ editor.focus();
+ editor.blur();
+ }
get element() {
return this.#editor.ui.element;