- * @file host_interface.h
- * @brief File containg host interface APIs
- * @author zsalah
- * @sa host_interface.c
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
#ifndef HOST_INT_H
#define HOST_INT_H
-/*Scan callBack function definition*/
typedef void (*wilc_scan_result)(enum scan_event, tstrNetworkInfo *,
void *, void *);
-/*Connect callBack function definition*/
typedef void (*wilc_connect_result)(enum conn_event,
tstrConnectInfo *,
tstrDisconnectNotifInfo *,
void *);
-typedef void (*wilc_remain_on_chan_expired)(void *, u32); /*Remain on channel expiration callback function*/
-typedef void (*wilc_remain_on_chan_ready)(void *); /*Remain on channel callback function*/
+typedef void (*wilc_remain_on_chan_expired)(void *, u32);
+typedef void (*wilc_remain_on_chan_ready)(void *);
- * @struct rcvd_net_info
- * @brief Structure to hold Received Asynchronous Network info
- * @details
- * @todo
- * @sa
- * @author Mostafa Abu Bakr
- * @date 25 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
struct rcvd_net_info {
u8 *buffer;
u32 len;
struct user_scan_req {
- /* Scan user call back function */
wilc_scan_result pfUserScanResult;
- /* User specific parameter to be delivered through the Scan User Callback function */
void *u32UserScanPvoid;
u32 u32RcvdChCount;
size_t ssidLen;
u8 *pu8ConnReqIEs;
size_t ConnReqIEsLen;
- /* Connect user call back function */
wilc_connect_result pfUserConnectResult;
bool IsHTCapable;
- /* User specific parameter to be delivered through the Connect User Callback function */
void *u32UserConnectPvoid;
u16 u16HTExtParams;
u32 u32TxBeamformingCap;
u8 u8ASELCap;
- u16 u16FlagsMask; /*<! Determines which of u16FlagsSet were changed>*/
- u16 u16FlagsSet; /*<! Decoded according to tenuWILC_StaFlag */
+ u16 u16FlagsMask;
+ u16 u16FlagsSet;
-/* */
-/* Host Interface API */
-/* */
- * @brief removes wpa/wpa2 keys
- * @details only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
- * removes all WPA/WPA2 station key entries from MAC hardware.
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] 6 bytes of Station Adress in the station entry table
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_remove_key(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, const u8 *pu8StaAddress);
- * @brief removes WEP key
- * @details valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
- * remove a WEP key entry from MAC HW.
- * The BSS Station automatically finds the index of the entry using its
- * BSS ID and removes that entry from the MAC hardware.
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] 6 bytes of Station Adress in the station entry table
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note NO need for the STA add since it is not used for processing
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
int host_int_remove_wep_key(struct host_if_drv *wfi_drv, u8 index);
- * @brief sets WEP deafault key
- * @details Sets the index of the WEP encryption key in use,
- * in the key table
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] key index ( 0, 1, 2, 3)
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
int host_int_set_wep_default_key(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv, u8 index);
- * @brief sets WEP deafault key
- * @details valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
- * sets WEP key entry into MAC hardware when it receives the
- * corresponding request from NDIS.
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] message containing WEP Key in the following format
- *|---------------------------------------|
- *|Key ID Value | Key Length | Key |
- *|-------------|------------|------------|
- | 1byte | 1byte | Key Length |
- ||---------------------------------------|
- |
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
int host_int_add_wep_key_bss_sta(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv,
const u8 *key, u8 len, u8 index);
- * @brief host_int_add_wep_key_bss_ap
- * @details valid only in AP mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
- * sets WEP key entry into MAC hardware when it receives the
- * corresponding request from NDIS.
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
- *
- *
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author mdaftedar
- * @date 28 Feb 2013
- * @version 1.0
- */
int host_int_add_wep_key_bss_ap(struct host_if_drv *hif_drv,
const u8 *key, u8 len, u8 index, u8 mode,
enum AUTHTYPE auth_type);
- * @brief adds ptk Key
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] message containing PTK Key in the following format
- *|-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- *|Sta Adress | Key Length | Temporal Key | Rx Michael Key |Tx Michael Key |
- *|-----------|------------|---------------|----------------|---------------|
- | 6 bytes | 1byte | 16 bytes | 8 bytes | 8 bytes |
- ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_add_ptk(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, const u8 *pu8Ptk, u8 u8PtkKeylen,
const u8 *mac_addr, const u8 *pu8RxMic, const u8 *pu8TxMic, u8 mode, u8 u8Ciphermode, u8 u8Idx);
- * @brief host_int_get_inactive_time
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] message containing inactive time
- *
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author mdaftedar
- * @date 15 April 2013
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_get_inactive_time(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, const u8 *mac, u32 *pu32InactiveTime);
- * @brief adds Rx GTk Key
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] message containing Rx GTK Key in the following format
- *|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- *|Sta Address | Key RSC | KeyID | Key Length | Temporal Key | Rx Michael Key |
- *|------------|---------|-------|------------|---------------|----------------|
- | 6 bytes | 8 byte |1 byte | 1 byte | 16 bytes | 8 bytes |
- ||----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_add_rx_gtk(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, const u8 *pu8RxGtk, u8 u8GtkKeylen,
u8 u8KeyIdx, u32 u32KeyRSClen, const u8 *KeyRSC,
const u8 *pu8RxMic, const u8 *pu8TxMic, u8 mode, u8 u8Ciphermode);
- * @brief adds Tx GTk Key
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] message containing Tx GTK Key in the following format
- *|----------------------------------------------------|
- | KeyID | Key Length | Temporal Key | Tx Michael Key |
- ||-------|------------|--------------|----------------|
- ||1 byte | 1 byte | 16 bytes | 8 bytes |
- ||----------------------------------------------------|
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_add_tx_gtk(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 u8KeyLen, u8 *pu8TxGtk, u8 u8KeyIdx);
- * @brief caches the pmkid
- * @details valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant
- * support is enabled. This Function sets the PMKID in firmware
- * when host drivr receives the corresponding request from NDIS.
- * The firmware then includes theset PMKID in the appropriate
- * management frames
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] message containing PMKID Info in the following format
- *|-----------------------------------------------------------------|
- *|NumEntries | BSSID[1] | PMKID[1] | ... | BSSID[K] | PMKID[K] |
- *|-----------|------------|----------|-------|----------|----------|
- | 1 | 6 | 16 | ... | 6 | 16 |
- ||-----------------------------------------------------------------|
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_set_pmkid_info(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, struct host_if_pmkid_attr *pu8PmkidInfoArray);
- * @brief gets the cached the pmkid info
- * @details valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant
- * support is enabled. This Function sets the PMKID in firmware
- * when host drivr receives the corresponding request from NDIS.
- * The firmware then includes theset PMKID in the appropriate
- * management frames
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- *
- * message containing PMKID Info in the following format
- *|-----------------------------------------------------------------|
- *|NumEntries | BSSID[1] | PMKID[1] | ... | BSSID[K] | PMKID[K] |
- *|-----------|------------|----------|-------|----------|----------|
- | 1 | 6 | 16 | ... | 6 | 16 |
- ||-----------------------------------------------------------------|
- * @param[in]
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_get_pmkid_info(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8PmkidInfoArray,
u32 u32PmkidInfoLen);
- * @brief sets the pass phrase
- * @details AP/STA mode. This function gives the pass phrase used to
- * generate the Pre-Shared Key when WPA/WPA2 is enabled
- * The length of the field can vary from 8 to 64 bytes,
- * the lower layer should get the
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * @param[in] String containing PSK
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_set_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8PassPhrase,
u8 u8Psklength);
- * @brief gets the pass phrase
- * @details AP/STA mode. This function gets the pass phrase used to
- * generate the Pre-Shared Key when WPA/WPA2 is enabled
- * The length of the field can vary from 8 to 64 bytes,
- * the lower layer should get the
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * String containing PSK
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_get_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv,
u8 *pu8PassPhrase, u8 u8Psklength);
- * @brief gets mac address
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- *
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author mdaftedar
- * @date 19 April 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_get_MacAddress(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8MacAddress);
- * @brief sets mac address
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- *
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author mabubakr
- * @date 16 July 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_set_MacAddress(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8MacAddress);
- * @brief wait until msg q is empty
- * @details
- * @param[in,out]
- *
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author asobhy
- * @date 19 march 2014
- * @version 1.0
- */
int host_int_wait_msg_queue_idle(void);
- * @brief sets a start scan request
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * @param[in] Scan Source one of the following values
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_set_start_scan_req(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 scanSource);
- * @brief gets scan source of the last scan
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * Scan Source one of the following values
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_get_start_scan_req(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8ScanSource);
- * @brief sets a join request
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * @param[in] Index of the bss descriptor
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_set_join_req(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8bssid,
const u8 *pu8ssid, size_t ssidLen,
const u8 *pu8IEs, size_t IEsLen,
u8 u8security, enum AUTHTYPE tenuAuth_type,
u8 u8channel,
void *pJoinParams);
- * @brief Flush a join request parameters to FW, but actual connection
- * @details The function is called in situation where WILC is connected to AP and
- * required to switch to hybrid FW for P2P connection
- * @param[in] handle to the wifi driver,
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author Amr Abdel-Moghny
- * @date 19 DEC 2013
- * @version 8.0
- */
s32 host_int_flush_join_req(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv);
- * @brief disconnects from the currently associated network
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * @param[in] Reason Code of the Disconnection
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_disconnect(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u16 u16ReasonCode);
- * @brief disconnects a sta
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * @param[in] Association Id of the station to be disconnected
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_disconnect_station(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 assoc_id);
- * @brief gets a Association request info
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * Message containg assoc. req info in the following format
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | Management Frame Format |
- ||-------------------------------------------------------------------|
- ||Frame Control|Duration|DA|SA|BSSID|Sequence Control|Frame Body|FCS |
- ||-------------|--------|--|--|-----|----------------|----------|----|
- | 2 |2 |6 |6 |6 | 2 |0 - 2312 | 4 |
- ||-------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | |
- | Association Request Frame - Frame Body |
- ||-------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | Capability Information | Listen Interval | SSID | Supported Rates |
- ||------------------------|-----------------|------|-----------------|
- | 2 | 2 | 2-34 | 3-10 |
- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_get_assoc_req_info(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8AssocReqInfo,
u32 u32AssocReqInfoLen);
- * @brief gets a Association Response info
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * Message containg assoc. resp info
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_get_assoc_res_info(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8AssocRespInfo,
u32 u32MaxAssocRespInfoLen, u32 *pu32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen);
- * @brief gets a Association Response info
- * @details Valid only in STA mode. This function gives the RSSI
- * values observed in all the channels at the time of scanning.
- * The length of the field is 1 greater that the total number of
- * channels supported. Byte 0 contains the number of channels while
- * each of Byte N contains the observed RSSI value for the channel index N.
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * array of scanned channels' RSSI
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_get_rx_power_level(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8RxPowerLevel,
u32 u32RxPowerLevelLen);
- * @brief sets a channel
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * @param[in] Index of the channel to be set
- *|-------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | Input: 1 2 14 |
- ||-------------------------------------------------------------------|
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
int host_int_set_mac_chnl_num(struct host_if_drv *wfi_drv, u8 channel);
- * @brief gets the current channel index
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * current channel index
- *|-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | Input: 1 2 14 |
- ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_get_host_chnl_num(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8ChNo);
- * @brief gets the sta rssi
- * @details gets the currently maintained RSSI value for the station.
- * The received signal strength value in dB.
- * The range of valid values is -128 to 0.
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * rssi value in dB
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_get_rssi(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, s8 *ps8Rssi);
s32 host_int_get_link_speed(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, s8 *ps8lnkspd);
- * @brief scans a set of channels
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * @param[in] Scan source
- * Scan Type PASSIVE_SCAN = 0,
- * Channels Array
- * Channels Array length
- * Scan Callback function
- * User Argument to be delivered back through the Scan Cllback function
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_scan(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 u8ScanSource,
u8 u8ScanType, u8 *pu8ChnlFreqList,
u8 u8ChnlListLen, const u8 *pu8IEs,
size_t IEsLen, wilc_scan_result ScanResult,
void *pvUserArg,
struct hidden_network *pstrHiddenNetwork);
- * @brief sets configuration wids values
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * @param[in] WID, WID value
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 hif_set_cfg(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, struct cfg_param_val *pstrCfgParamVal);
- * @brief gets configuration wids values
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * WID value
- * @param[in] WID,
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 hif_get_cfg(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u16 u16WID, u16 *pu16WID_Value);
-/* Notification Functions */
- * @brief host interface initialization function
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_init(struct net_device *dev, struct host_if_drv **phWFIDrv);
- * @brief host interface initialization function
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
- * @note
- * @author zsalah
- * @date 8 March 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_deinit(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv);
- * @fn s32 host_int_add_beacon(WILC_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,u8 u8Index)
- * @brief Sends a beacon to the firmware to be transmitted over the air
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] hWFIDrv handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] u32Interval Beacon Interval. Period between two successive beacons on air
- * @param[in] u32DTIMPeriod DTIM Period. Indicates how many Beacon frames
- * (including the current frame) appear before the next DTIM
- * @param[in] u32Headlen Length of the head buffer in bytes
- * @param[in] pu8Head Pointer to the beacon's head buffer. Beacon's head
- * is the part from the beacon's start till the TIM element, NOT including the TIM
- * @param[in] u32Taillen Length of the tail buffer in bytes
- * @param[in] pu8Tail Pointer to the beacon's tail buffer. Beacon's tail
- * starts just after the TIM inormation element
- * @return 0 for Success, error otherwise
- * @todo
- * @sa
- * @author Adham Abozaeid
- * @date 10 Julys 2012
- * @version 1.0 Description
- *
- */
s32 host_int_add_beacon(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u32 u32Interval,
u32 u32DTIMPeriod,
u32 u32HeadLen, u8 *pu8Head,
u32 u32TailLen, u8 *pu8tail);
- * @fn s32 host_int_del_beacon(WILC_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv)
- * @brief Removes the beacon and stops trawilctting it over the air
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] hWFIDrv handle to the wifi driver
- * @return 0 for Success, error otherwise
- * @todo
- * @sa
- * @author Adham Abozaeid
- * @date 10 Julys 2012
- * @version 1.0 Description
- */
s32 host_int_del_beacon(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv);
- * @fn s32 host_int_add_station(WILC_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,
- * struct add_sta_param *pstrStaParams)
- * @brief Notifies the firmware with a new associated stations
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] hWFIDrv handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] pstrStaParams Station's parameters
- * @return 0 for Success, error otherwise
- * @todo
- * @sa
- * @author Adham Abozaeid
- * @date 12 July 2012
- * @version 1.0 Description
- */
s32 host_int_add_station(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv,
struct add_sta_param *pstrStaParams);
- * @fn s32 host_int_del_allstation(WILC_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, const u8* pu8MacAddr)
- * @brief Deauthenticates clients when group is terminating
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] hWFIDrv handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] pu8MacAddr Station's mac address
- * @return 0 for Success, error otherwise
- * @todo
- * @sa
- * @author Mai Daftedar
- * @date 09 April 2014
- * @version 1.0 Description
- */
s32 host_int_del_allstation(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 pu8MacAddr[][ETH_ALEN]);
- * @fn s32 host_int_del_station(WILC_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, u8* pu8MacAddr)
- * @brief Notifies the firmware with a new deleted station
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] hWFIDrv handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] pu8MacAddr Station's mac address
- * @return 0 for Success, error otherwise
- * @todo
- * @sa
- * @author Adham Abozaeid
- * @date 15 July 2012
- * @version 1.0 Description
- */
s32 host_int_del_station(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, const u8 *pu8MacAddr);
- * @fn s32 host_int_edit_station(WILC_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,
- * struct add_sta_param *pstrStaParams)
- * @brief Notifies the firmware with new parameters of an already associated station
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] hWFIDrv handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] pstrStaParams Station's parameters
- * @return 0 for Success, error otherwise
- * @todo
- * @sa
- * @author Adham Abozaeid
- * @date 15 July 2012
- * @version 1.0 Description
- */
s32 host_int_edit_station(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv,
struct add_sta_param *pstrStaParams);
- * @fn s32 host_int_set_power_mgmt(WILC_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, bool bIsEnabled, u32 u32Timeout)
- * @brief Set the power management mode to enabled or disabled
- * @details
- * @param[in,out] hWFIDrv handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] bIsEnabled TRUE if enabled, FALSE otherwise
- * @param[in] u32Timeout A timeout value of -1 allows the driver to adjust
- * the dynamic ps timeout value
- * @return 0 for Success, error otherwise
- * @todo
- * @sa
- * @author Adham Abozaeid
- * @date 24 November 2012
- * @version 1.0 Description
- */
s32 host_int_set_power_mgmt(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, bool bIsEnabled, u32 u32Timeout);
-/* @param[in,out] hWFIDrv handle to the wifi driver
- * @param[in] bIsEnabled TRUE if enabled, FALSE otherwise
- * @param[in] u8count count of mac address entries in the filter table
- *
- * @return 0 for Success, error otherwise
- * @todo
- * @sa
- * @author Adham Abozaeid
- * @date 24 November 2012
- * @version 1.0 Description
- */
s32 host_int_setup_multicast_filter(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, bool bIsEnabled, u32 u32count);
- * @brief host_int_setup_ipaddress
- * @details set IP address on firmware
- * @param[in]
- * @return Error code.
- * @author Abdelrahman Sobhy
- * @date
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_setup_ipaddress(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8IPAddr, u8 idx);
- * @brief host_int_delBASession
- * @details Delete single Rx BA session
- * @param[in]
- * @return Error code.
- * @author Abdelrahman Sobhy
- * @date
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_delBASession(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, char *pBSSID, char TID);
- * @brief host_int_delBASession
- * @details Delete all Rx BA session
- * @param[in]
- * @return Error code.
- * @author Abdelrahman Sobhy
- * @date
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_del_All_Rx_BASession(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, char *pBSSID, char TID);
- * @brief host_int_get_ipaddress
- * @details get IP address on firmware
- * @param[in]
- * @return Error code.
- * @author Abdelrahman Sobhy
- * @date
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_get_ipaddress(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8IPAddr, u8 idx);
- * @brief host_int_remain_on_channel
- * @details
- * @param[in]
- * @return Error code.
- * @author
- * @date
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_remain_on_channel(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u32 u32SessionID, u32 u32duration, u16 chan, wilc_remain_on_chan_expired RemainOnChanExpired, wilc_remain_on_chan_ready RemainOnChanReady, void *pvUserArg);
- * @brief host_int_ListenStateExpired
- * @details
- * @param[in] Handle to wifi driver
- * Duration to remain on channel
- * Channel to remain on
- * Pointer to fn to be called on receive frames in listen state
- * Pointer to remain-on-channel expired fn
- * Priv
- * @return Error code.
- * @author
- * @date
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_ListenStateExpired(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u32 u32SessionID);
- * @brief host_int_frame_register
- * @details
- * @param[in]
- * @return Error code.
- * @author
- * @date
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 host_int_frame_register(struct host_if_drv *hWFIDrv, u16 u16FrameType, bool bReg);
- * @brief host_int_set_wfi_drv_handler
- * @details
- * @param[in]
- * @return Error code.
- * @author
- * @date
- * @version 1.0
- */
int host_int_set_wfi_drv_handler(struct host_if_drv *address);
int host_int_set_operation_mode(struct host_if_drv *wfi_drv, u32 mode);