PORT_CS_DEV_RST = (1 << 1), /* device reset */
PORT_CS_INIT = (1 << 2), /* port initialize */
PORT_CS_IRQ_WOC = (1 << 3), /* interrupt write one to clear */
- PORT_CS_RESUME = (1 << 4), /* port resume */
- PORT_CS_32BIT_ACTV = (1 << 5), /* 32-bit activation */
- PORT_CS_PM_EN = (1 << 6), /* port multiplier enable */
- PORT_CS_RDY = (1 << 7), /* port ready to accept commands */
+ PORT_CS_RESUME = (1 << 6), /* port resume */
+ PORT_CS_32BIT_ACTV = (1 << 10), /* 32-bit activation */
+ PORT_CS_PM_EN = (1 << 13), /* port multiplier enable */
+ PORT_CS_RDY = (1 << 31), /* port ready to accept commands */
/* bits[11:0] are masked */