!!! warning "Do not interact directly with the flood control database table but only via the `FloodControl` class!"
+## DatabasePackageInstallationPlugin
+`DatabasePackageInstallationPlugin` is a new idempotent package installation plugin (thus it is available in the sync function in the devtools) to update the database schema using the PHP-based database API.
+`DatabasePackageInstallationPlugin` is similar to `ScriptPackageInstallationPlugin` by requiring a PHP script that is included during the execution of the script.
+The script is expected to return an array of `DatabaseTable` objects representing the schema changes so that in contrast to using `ScriptPackageInstallationPlugin`, no `DatabaseTableChangeProcessor` object has to be created.
+The PHP file must be located in the `acp/database/` directory for the devtools sync function to recognize the file.
## PHP Database API
The PHP API to add and change database tables during package installations and updates in the `wcf\system\database\table` namespace now also supports renaming existing table columns with the new `IDatabaseTableColumn::renameTo()` method:
| [clipboardAction](pip/clipboard-action.md) | Perform bulk operations on marked objects |
| [coreObject](pip/core-object.md) | Access Singletons from within the template |
| [cronjob](pip/cronjob.md) | Periodically execute code with customizable intervals |
+| [database](pip/database.md) | Updates the database layout using [the PHP API](database-php-api.md) |
| [eventListener](pip/event-listener.md) | Register listeners for the event system |
| [file](pip/file.md) | Deploy any type of files with the exception of templates |
| [language](pip/language.md) | Language items |
--- /dev/null
+# Database Package Installation Plugin
+!!! info "Available since WoltLab Suite 5.4."
+Update the database layout using [the PHP API](../database-php-api.md).
+!!! warning "You must install the PHP script through the [file package installation plugin](file.md)."
+!!! warning "The installation will attempt to delete the script after successful execution."
+## Attributes
+### `application`
+The `application` attribute must have the same value as the `application` attribute of the `file` package installation plugin instruction so that the correct file in the intended application directory is executed.
+For further information about the `application` attribute, refer to its documentation on the [acpTemplate package installation plugin page](acp-template.md#application).
+## Expected value
+The `database`-PIP expects a relative path to a `.php` file that returns an array of `DatabaseTable` objects.
+### Naming convention
+The PHP script is deployed by using the [file package installation plugin](file.md).
+To prevent it from colliding with other install script (remember: You cannot overwrite files created by another plugin), we highly recommend to make use of these naming conventions:
+- Installation: `acp/database/install_<package>_<version>.php` (example: `acp/database/install_com.woltlab.wbb_5.4.0.php`)
+- Update: `acp/database/update_<package>_<targetVersion>.php` (example: `acp/database/update_com.woltlab.wbb_5.4.1.php`)
+`<targetVersion>` equals the version number of the current package being installed.
+If you're updating from `1.0.0` to `1.0.1`, `<targetVersion>` should read `1.0.1`.
+If you run multiple update scripts, you can append additional information in the filename.
+## Execution environment
+The script is included using `include()` within [DatabasePackageInstallationPlugin::updateDatabase()](https://github.com/WoltLab/WCF/blob/148da7ceaf3a80bfc91447635b0299089ddf7015/wcfsetup/install/files/lib/system/package/plugin/DatabasePackageInstallationPlugin.class.php#L69).