// check if ip is a masked IPv4 address
if (substr($ip, 0, 7) == '::ffff:') {
- $ip = explode(':', substr($ip, 7));
- $ip[0] = base_convert($ip[0], 16, 10);
- $ip[1] = base_convert($ip[1], 16, 10);
- $ipParts = array();
- $tmp = $ip[0] % 256;
- $ipParts[] = ($ip[0] - $tmp) / 256;
- $ipParts[] = $tmp;
- $tmp = $ip[1] % 256;
- $ipParts[] = ($ip[1] - $tmp) / 256;
- $ipParts[] = $tmp;
- return implode('.', $ipParts);
+ $ip = substr($ip, 7);
+ if (preg_match('~^([a-f0-9]{4}):([a-f0-9]{4})$~', $ip, $matches)) {
+ $ip = array(
+ base_convert($matches[1], 16, 10),
+ base_convert($matches[2], 16, 10)
+ );
+ $ipParts = array();
+ $tmp = $ip[0] % 256;
+ $ipParts[] = ($ip[0] - $tmp) / 256;
+ $ipParts[] = $tmp;
+ $tmp = $ip[1] % 256;
+ $ipParts[] = ($ip[1] - $tmp) / 256;
+ $ipParts[] = $tmp;
+ return implode('.', $ipParts);
+ }
+ else {
+ return $ip;
+ }
else {
// given ip is an IPv6 address and cannot be converted