Print count deltas every N milliseconds (minimum: 100ms)
example: perf stat -I 1000 -e cycles -a sleep 5
Aggregate counts per processor socket for system-wide mode measurements. This
is a useful mode to detect imbalance between sockets. To enable this mode,
-use --aggr-socket in addition to -a. (system-wide). The output includes the
+use --per-socket in addition to -a. (system-wide). The output includes the
socket number and the number of online processors on that socket. This is
useful to gauge the amount of aggregation.
"command to run after to the measured command"),
OPT_UINTEGER('I', "interval-print", &interval,
"print counts at regular interval in ms (>= 100)"),
- OPT_SET_UINT(0, "aggr-socket", &aggr_mode,
+ OPT_SET_UINT(0, "per-socket", &aggr_mode,
"aggregate counts per processor socket", AGGR_SOCKET),