_handleEditorClick: function (event) {
- if (event.target !== this.$editor[0]) {
- return;
- }
if (!this.selection.get().isCollapsed) {
+ // get block element that received the click
+ var targetBlock = event.target;
+ while (targetBlock && !this.utils.isBlockTag(targetBlock.nodeName)) {
+ targetBlock = targetBlock.parentNode;
+ }
+ if (!targetBlock || targetBlock === block) {
+ return;
+ }
if (block.nodeName === 'P') {
block = block.parentNode;
if (block === this.$editor[0] || !this.utils.isBlockTag(block.nodeName)) {
- // click occurred onto the empty editor space, but before or after a block element
- var insertBefore = (event.clientY < block.getBoundingClientRect().top);
+ // handle nested blocks
+ var insertBefore, rect;
+ var parent = block;
+ while (parent) {
+ rect = parent.getBoundingClientRect();
+ if (event.clientY < rect.top) {
+ insertBefore = true;
+ block = parent;
+ }
+ else if (event.clientY > rect.bottom) {
+ insertBefore = false;
+ block = parent;
+ }
+ else {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (parent.parentNode && parent.parentNode !== this.$editor[0]) {
+ parent = parent.parentNode;
+ }
+ else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
// check if there is already a paragraph in place
var sibling = block[(insertBefore ? 'previous' : 'next') + 'ElementSibling'];
if (sibling && sibling.nodeName === 'P') {
+ this.caret.end(sibling);