use wcf\system\SingletonFactory;
use wcf\system\WCF;
use wcf\util\FileUtil;
+use wcf\util\JSON;
use wcf\util\StringUtil;
use wcf\util\StyleUtil;
+use wcf\util\Url;
* Provides access to the SCSS PHP compiler.
- $this->writeCss($this->getFilenameForStyle($style), $css);
+ $preloadManifest = $this->buildPreloadManifest(
+ $this->extractPreloadRequests($css)
+ );
+ $this->writeCss($this->getFilenameForStyle($style), $css, $preloadManifest);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Builds the preload manifest from the given iterable containing
+ * preload requests.
+ *
+ * @see StyleCompiler::extractPreloadRequests()
+ * @since 5.4
+ */
+ private function buildPreloadManifest(iterable $requests): array
+ {
+ $preloadManifest = ['http' => [], 'html' => []];
+ foreach ($requests as $request) {
+ if (Url::is($request['filename'])) {
+ $filename = $request['filename'];
+ } else {
+ $filename = WCF::getPath() . FileUtil::getRealPath('style/' . $request['filename']);
+ }
+ $http = "<{$filename}>; rel=preload; as={$request['as']}";
+ $html = \sprintf(
+ '<link rel="preload" href="%s" as="%s"',
+ StringUtil::encodeHTML($filename),
+ StringUtil::encodeHTML($request['as'])
+ );
+ if ($request['crossorigin']) {
+ $http .= "; crossorigin";
+ $html .= " crossorigin";
+ }
+ if ($request['type']) {
+ $http .= \sprintf('; type="%s"', \addslashes($request['type']));
+ $html .= \sprintf(' type="%s"', StringUtil::encodeHTML($request['type']));
+ }
+ $html .= '>';
+ $preloadManifest['http'][] = $http;
+ $preloadManifest['html'][] = $html;
+ }
+ return $preloadManifest;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extracts preload requests from the given CSS string.
+ *
+ * @since 5.4
+ */
+ private function extractPreloadRequests(string $css): iterable
+ {
+ $regex = '/--woltlab-suite-preload:\\s*preload_dummy\\(((?:"(?:\\\\.|[^\\\\"])*"|[^")])+)\\);/';
+ if (!\preg_match_all($regex, $css, $requests)) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ foreach ($requests[1] as $request) {
+ $regex = '/\s*("(?:\\\\.|[^\\\\"])*"|[^",]+)\s*(?:,|$)\s*/';
+ if (!\preg_match_all($regex, $request, $parameters)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $parameters = $parameters[1];
+ if (\count($parameters) < 4) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $parameters = \array_map(static function (string $parameter) {
+ if ($parameter[0] === '"') {
+ return \stripslashes(\substr($parameter, 1, -1));
+ }
+ return $parameter;
+ }, $parameters);
+ [$filename, $as, $crossorigin, $type] = $parameters;
+ yield [
+ 'filename' => $filename,
+ 'as' => $as,
+ 'crossorigin' => !!$crossorigin,
+ 'type' => $type ?: null,
+ ];
+ }
$content .= $this->prepareFile($mixin);
+ $content .= <<<'EOT'
+ @function preload($filename, $as, $crossorigin: false, $type: "") {
+ @if $crossorigin {
+ @return preload_dummy($filename, $as, 1, $type);
+ } @else {
+ @return preload_dummy($filename, $as, 0, $type);
+ }
+ }
if (ApplicationHandler::getInstance()->isMultiDomainSetup()) {
$content .= <<<'EOT'
@function getFont($filename, $family: "/", $version: "") {
* Writes the given css into the file with the given prefix.
- private function writeCss(string $filePrefix, string $css): void
+ private function writeCss(string $filePrefix, string $css, ?array $preloadManifest = null): void
\file_put_contents($filePrefix . '.css', $css);
FileUtil::makeWritable($filePrefix . '.css');
\file_put_contents($filePrefix . '-rtl.css', $this->convertToRtl($css));
FileUtil::makeWritable($filePrefix . '-rtl.css');
+ \file_put_contents($filePrefix . '-preload.json', JSON::encode($preloadManifest));
+ FileUtil::makeWritable($filePrefix . '-preload.json');