* @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
* @module WoltLabSuite/Core/FileUtil
-define(['StringUtil'], function(StringUtil) {
+define(['Dictionary', 'StringUtil'], function(Dictionary, StringUtil) {
"use strict";
+ var _fileExtensionIconMapping = Dictionary.fromObject({
+ // archive
+ zip: 'archive',
+ rar: 'archive',
+ tar: 'archive',
+ gz: 'archive',
+ // audio
+ mp3: 'audio',
+ ogg: 'audio',
+ wav: 'audio',
+ // code
+ php: 'code',
+ html: 'code',
+ htm: 'code',
+ tpl: 'code',
+ js: 'code',
+ // excel
+ xls: 'excel',
+ ods: 'excel',
+ xlsx: 'excel',
+ // image
+ gif: 'image',
+ jpg: 'image',
+ jpeg: 'image',
+ png: 'image',
+ bmp: 'image',
+ // video
+ avi: 'video',
+ wmv: 'video',
+ mov: 'video',
+ mp4: 'video',
+ mpg: 'video',
+ mpeg: 'video',
+ flv: 'video',
+ // pdf
+ pdf: 'pdf',
+ // powerpoint
+ ppt: 'powerpoint',
+ pptx: 'powerpoint',
+ // text
+ txt: 'text',
+ // word
+ doc: 'word',
+ docx: 'word',
+ odt: 'word'
+ });
return {
* Formats the given filesize.
return StringUtil.formatNumeric(byte, -precision) + ' ' + symbol;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the icon name for given filename.
+ *
+ * Note: For any file icon name like `fa-file-word`, only `word`
+ * will be returned by this method.
+ *
+ * @parsm {string} filename name of file for which icon name will be returned
+ * @return {string} FontAwesome icon name
+ */
+ getIconNameByFilename: function(filename) {
+ var lastDotPosition = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
+ if (lastDotPosition !== false) {
+ var extension = filename.substr(lastDotPosition + 1);
+ if (_fileExtensionIconMapping.has(extension)) {
+ return _fileExtensionIconMapping.get(extension);
+ }
+ }
+ return '';